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Game of June 27, 2011 at 08:03, 7 players
1. 491 pts kellybelly
2. 471 pts naomiari
3. 361 pts dragons11

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adforst   H4    26    26   fados
 2. ?enoruu   8A    74   100   coenurus
 3. abegmnt   C7    34   134   bemeant
 4. ?adftvw  D11    32   166   waift
 5. aeinntv   G8    63   229   unnative
 6. egglnor  15G    33   262   engorge
 7. aelopty   A8    89   351   calotype
 8. adeghio  14J    54   405   hoaed
 9. aejkstu  13M    51   456   jak
10. egilssx  E10    46   502   ilex
11. eiilprt   5E    90   592   liparite
12. bcdersu   L4    78   670   becursed
13. ademswz   8J    48   718   zerdas
14. aghiouy   9I    30   748   yahs
15. eiinrst   N2    70   818   inertias
16. iilmoqr   M2    37   855   qi
17. eglmoou  10I    29   884   ug
18. ceiilov   4A    30   914   voice
19. ilmoorw   A1    27   941   mirv

Remaining tiles: loow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7169 Filekellybelly  2 14:06  -450  491     1.7169 kellybelly  2 14:06  -450  491 
  2.5193 Filenaomiari    4 20:51  -470  471            Group: novice
  3.4650 Filedragons11   0 25:08  -580  361     1.5193 naomiari    4 20:51  -470  471 
  4.4161 Filemarylou     0 18:19  -660  281     2.5476 MaraMay     0  1:55  -933    8 
  5.  -  Filedanmarcy    1  8:38  -716  225            Group: not rated
  6.  -  Filebodybounce  0  6:05  -906   35     1.4650 dragons11   0 25:08  -580  361 
  7.5476 FileMaraMay     0  1:55  -933    8     2.4161 marylou     0 18:19  -660  281 
                                             3.  -  danmarcy    1  8:38  -716  225 
                                             4.  -  bodybounce  0  6:05  -906   35 

On 1st draw, FADOS H4 26 --- FADO a Portuguese folk song [n]
Other tops: FARDS H4 26, FORDS H4 26
Other moves: DRAFTS H4 24, FAROS H4 24, F*RTS H4 24, F*TS* H4 24, FORTS H4 24
FORDS H4 26 naomiari
DRAFTS H5 20 dragons11
FROST H7 16 marylou

On 2nd draw, (C)OENURUS 8A 74 --- COENURUS a tapeworm larva [n]
Other tops: NU(M)EROUS 8A 74, (C)ERNUOUS 8A 74
Other moves: UN(S)OURED 6A 62, (R)OUNDURE 6D 62, ROUNDU(R)E 6D 60, UNROU(G)ED 6A 60, UNROU(S)ED 6A 60
FRO(W)N 4H 14 naomiari
UNFUR(L) 4F 8 dragons11
(S)NORES 8C 6 marylou

On 3rd draw, BEMEANT C7 34 --- BEMEAN to debase [v]
Other moves: GATEMEN C3 28, BEGUM G5 27, MANET 9C 27, BEGAN I3 26, BEMA 7C 26
AUGMENT E7 20 marylou
BUM G7 20 naomiari
BOATMEN B7 13 dragons11

On 4th draw, WA(I)FT D11 32 --- WAIFT cast up goods [n]
Other moves: OAF B8 31, AD(A)W I4 30, (A)DAW I4 30, FA(A) B10 29, FA(E) B10 29
WANT(E)D 12A 26 marylou
WAND 12A 24 naomiari
WEAV(E)D 10B 20 dragons11

On 5th draw, UNNATIVE G8 63 --- UNNATIVE not native [adj]
Other moves: VANE E10 31, VANT E10 31, VENT E10 31, ANTE E11 30, ETNA E11 30
VENT E10 31 kellybelly
VENT 15A 21 naomiari
INFANTE 4F 20 marylou
DIVE 6H 16 dragons11

On 6th draw, ENGORGE 15G 33 --- ENGORGE to fill with blood [v]
Other moves: GURGLE E7 31, GLEG E10 30, EGG E11 29, GLURGE E6 28, GRUNGE E6 28
EGG E11 29 kellybelly
TONER 15D 15 dragons11
GENT 15A 15 naomiari

On 7th draw, (C)ALOTYPE A8 89 --- CALOTYPE an early type of photography [n]
Other moves: PEATY 14J 49, PATLY E10 45, PTOOEY B5 42, LOOEY B6 39, LYTE E11 39
PEATY 14J 49 kellybelly
YAP 14M 21 naomiari
TODAY 6F 19 marylou
PYE M13 16 dragons11

On 8th draw, HOAED 14J 54 --- HOA to stop [v]
Other moves: HEAD 14J 37, HAED E10 34, DAH E10 32, HOA 14J 32, GAED E10 30
HEAD 14J 37 kellybelly
HO 14J 28 naomiari
FADGE 4H 20 marylou
HOO J13 8 dragons11

On 9th draw, JAK 13M 51 --- JAK a type of fruit [n]
Other moves: JET 13M 43, JEU 13M 43, JA 13M 41, JEST E10 39, JETS E10 39
JAK 13M 51 naomiari, kellybelly
JADES 6F 31 dragons11
TUSKED N9 13 marylou

On 10th draw, ILEX E10 46 --- ILEX a shrub of the holly family [n]
Other moves: LEX E11 44, LEX I5 40, SEX I5 40, SIX I5 40, EX I6 37
SIX I5 40 kellybelly
EX B14 35 naomiari
DEX 6H 27 dragons11
LIAS 5F 4 bodybounce

On 11th draw, LIPARITE 5E 90 --- LIPARITE an acid igneous rock [n]
Other moves: REPTILIA 5A 70, FIRELIT 4H 20, FITLIER 4H 20, LEP I5 20, LEPTIN D3 20
PILE G3 19 kellybelly
FILTER 4H 18 dragons11
PLEAT 5E 14 naomiari
PAD N12 6 bodybounce

On 12th draw, BECURSED L4 78 --- BECURSE to curse severely [v]
Other moves: OBSCURED 7H 67, BEDUCK O8 54, CURBED 4A 33, CURSED M2 33, BUSED M3 31
BUSED M3 31 dragons11
CUBES M1 29 kellybelly
CURBS M1 29 danmarcy
SCRUB M5 24 marylou
BECK O10 15 naomiari

On 13th draw, ZERDAS 8J 48 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: MAZES M1 47, ADZES M1 45, DAZES M1 45, ZEAS M2 41, MAZED 4B 39
MAZES M1 47 kellybelly, danmarcy
RAZE 8L 39 marylou, dragons11
WIZES J4 37 naomiari
SEE 10K 3 bodybounce

On 14th draw, YAHS 9I 30 --- YAH an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: HAY K10 29, HOY K10 29, HUGY M1 29, YAH K10 29, HOAGY N6 28
HAY K10 29 kellybelly
OHS 9J 22 danmarcy
ZIG J8 17 naomiari
HOP G3 17 marylou
COY 6L 16 dragons11
BAY 4L 8 bodybounce

On 15th draw, INERTIAS N2 70 --- INERTIA the tendency of a body to resist acceleration [n]
Other moves: INSISTER O4 59, SINISTER O4 59, INTIS M1 25, NIES 10G 25, NITES M1 25
TIRES M1 25 kellybelly, naomiari, danmarcy
TRIES M1 25 dragons11
STERNS O3 7 marylou
YES I9 6 bodybounce

On 16th draw, QI M2 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MOOI B6 21, MOOR B6 21, OM B14 20, RIM I5 18, ROM I5 18
QI M2 37 kellybelly, danmarcy, naomiari
MO O1 14 dragons11
MILL E2 6 marylou
NO 3N 2 bodybounce

On 17th draw, UG 10I 29 --- UG to arouse loathing in [v]
Other moves: GLUME 4A 22, GOLEM 4B 22, EM B14 20, MOOED 6D 20, OM B14 20
UG 10I 29 naomiari
OM B14 20 kellybelly
EM B14 20 danmarcy
GEM 4D 18 dragons11
MOGUL E1 8 marylou
ON D7 6 bodybounce

On 18th draw, VOICE 4A 30 --- VOICE to express or utter [v]
Other moves: CIVIE 4A 28, CLOVE 4A 28, VOILE 4A 26, LOOIE B6 23, CIVE 4B 20
CLOVE 4A 28 kellybelly, danmarcy, marylou, naomiari
VIE F4 8 dragons11

On 19th draw, MIRV A1 27 --- MIRV to provide with war-heads [v]
Other tops: OMOV A1 27
Other moves: MIRI F2 23, MOOD 6E 22, RIM F4 22, ROW I5 22, MOOI B6 21
OM B14 20 kellybelly
WOO B6 18 dragons11
W*P G3 17 danmarcy
WOOL B2 14 naomiari
ROOM B3 12 marylou
MOW B3 8 MaraMay

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