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Game of June 27, 2011 at 11:11, 7 players
1. 635 pts PIThompson
2. 573 pts mylover81
3. 544 pts margalang

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. elmoruv   H4    30    30   volume
 2. ?aeioor   4G    70   100   ovariole
 3. aeknrst   O4    98   198   starken
 4. aeilnsw  11I    82   280   lawines
 5. adeeosz  10H    77   357   saz
 6. ?acgiru   M6    72   429   churinga
 7. defiltu   3B    29   458   lifted
 8. adiinos  13G    62   520   dianoias
 9. adeeghn   3I    51   571   hagden
10. ehorttv   5G    46   617   hooter
11. acegipt   A1    40   657   pice
12. adiortw   2E    28   685   aw
13. afimotu   1E    41   726   motif
14. beeenor  14B    31   757   enrobe
15. adeenpy   8B    67   824   ependyma
16. bgotvxy  15E    67   891   boxy
17. gijrtuv   D3    28   919   fuji
18. glrttuv   5C    22   941   gju

Remaining tiles: lqrttv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7378 FilePIThompson  5 18:30  -306  635     1.7378 PIThompson  5 18:30  -306  635 
  2.6812 Filemylover81   3 13:48  -368  573     2.7175 kellybelly  1 12:13  -438  503 
  3.6149 Filemargalang   1 16:34  -397  544            Group: intermediate
  4.7175 Filekellybelly  1 12:13  -438  503     1.6812 mylover81   3 13:48  -368  573 
  5.5308 Fileslebbarc    0 13:19  -589  352     2.6149 margalang   1 16:34  -397  544 
  6.6023 Fileksong       0  4:51  -841  100     3.6023 ksong       0  4:51  -841  100 
  7.3073 Filecennet77    0  1:53  -927   14            Group: novice
                                             1.5308 slebbarc    0 13:19  -589  352 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3073 cennet77    0  1:53  -927   14 

On 1st draw, VOLUME H4 30 --- VOLUME to send or give out in large quantities [v]
Other moves: MEVROU H4 28, VELUM H4 28, VOLUME H8 28, VOMER H4 28, MOVER H4 26
VELUM H4 28 PIThompson
MOVER H4 26 margalang, mylover81

On 2nd draw, OVARIO(L)E 4G 70 --- OVARIOLE one of the tubes of which the ovaries of most insects are composed [n]
Other moves: AERO(F)OIL 6A 61, O(V)ARIOLE 6B 61, OARIE(R) I5 21, OORIA(L) I5 21, OORIE I5 21
(S)IRE 10H 16 margalang
VAI(N)ER 4H 16 PIThompson
(S)EAR 10H 16 mylover81

On 3rd draw, STARKEN O4 98 --- STARKEN to become stark [v]
Other moves: RANKEST 10C 83, RANKEST 3A 77, STARKEN 10H 77, STARKEN 3A 77, TANKERS 10B 77
STARKEN O4 48 PIThompson
SAKER O4 42 mylover81
KATS O1 39 margalang

On 4th draw, LAWINES 11I 82 --- LAWINE an avalanche [n]
Other moves: LAWINES 10B 76, LAWINES 3A 75, LAUWINES 7F 67, LAWINES I9 65, SINEW 3C 33
WALIES N9 31 kellybelly
ANEW G6 30 PIThompson
WINES 11K 28 margalang
AWES G8 24 mylover81
WEA(L)S M1 14 slebbarc

On 5th draw, SAZ 10H 77 --- SAZ a stringed instrument of the Middle East [n]
Other tops: SEZ 10H 77
Other moves: AZO 10I 70, ZAS 10J 70, ZOA 10J 70, ZOS 10J 70, SEAZE N3 69
SAZ 10H 77 PIThompson
ZAS 10J 70 kellybelly
ZOS 10J 70 margalang
SEAZE N3 69 mylover81
ZA 10J 67 ksong
ZEROED J2 38 slebbarc

On 6th draw, C(H)URINGA M6 72 --- CHURINGA a type of amulet [n]
Other moves: (S)URGICAL 6A 68, CI(N)GULAR 6C 66, CAG(E) 12H 29, ARCING(S) M7 26, RACING(S) M7 26
CAG(E) 12H 29 kellybelly
CARI(N)G 3B 25 PIThompson
CRAIG L8 22 slebbarc
R(E)G 12H 19 mylover81
CAGE N1 14 ksong
C(L)AG M3 12 margalang

On 7th draw, LIFTED 3B 29 --- LIFT to move to a higher position [v]
Other tops: FLITED 3B 29, FLUTED 3B 29
Other moves: FELID 3C 27, FETID 3C 27, FIELD 3C 27, FILED 3C 27, FLIED 3C 27
FLITED 3B 29 mylover81
FLUTED 3B 29 PIThompson
FLUID 3C 27 margalang
FED 3I 25 kellybelly
FUR J2 14 slebbarc

On 8th draw, DIANOIAS 13G 62 --- DIANOIA (philosophy) a lower mode of knowledge from perception and experience [n]
Other moves: SONG 12J 31, DISA 4A 28, DONA 4A 28, SIDA 4A 27, SODA 4A 27
SONG 12J 31 PIThompson, mylover81
DAIS 14J 20 slebbarc
DANS 2F 20 margalang
SOD 14M 19 kellybelly
DAN 2F 19 ksong

On 9th draw, HAGDEN 3I 51 --- HAGDEN a sea bird, the greater shearwater [n]
Other moves: HEDGE 3I 47, HADE 4A 39, HAGDEN 2F 38, HANGED 2F 38, HANGED 14F 36
HANGED 2F 38 PIThompson
HIDE H12 36 mylover81, kellybelly, margalang, slebbarc

On 10th draw, HOOTER 5G 46 --- HOOTER one that hoots [n]
Other tops: HOTTER 5G 46
Other moves: THROVE 14B 43, HIVE H12 42, OVERHOT 5C 39, TOOTER 5G 37, HOTE 4A 36
HIVE H12 42 margalang, slebbarc, mylover81, kellybelly, PIThompson

On 11th draw, PICE A1 40 --- PICE a former coin of India and Pakistan [n]
Other tops: PACE A1 40, PACT A1 40, PICA A1 40
Other moves: GELCAP B1 34, PAC A1 34, PEC A1 34, PIC A1 34, TACE A1 34
PICA H12 33 slebbarc, kellybelly, PIThompson
PICE H12 33 mylover81, margalang
NAP J13 7 cennet77

On 12th draw, AW 2E 28 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other tops: WAFT D1 28
Other moves: ADROIT 14G 25, TOAD 2C 25, AROID 12D 24, DAWT 14I 24, DOWT 14I 24
AW 2E 28 mylover81, margalang
WAFT D1 28 PIThompson
DAW 2M 23 kellybelly
WART J2 15 slebbarc

On 13th draw, MOTIF 1E 41 --- MOTIF a recurring thematic element in an artistic work [n]
Other moves: FOAM 1E 39, FOUAT 1E 36, FAUT 1E 33, FIAT H12 33, FAT 4C 30
FOAM 1E 39 PIThompson, mylover81, kellybelly
FIAT H12 33 margalang, slebbarc

On 14th draw, ENROBE 14B 31 --- ENROBE to dress [v]
Other moves: BIEN H12 27, BIER H12 27, BINE H12 27, BIRO H12 27, OBE 2L 25
BINE H12 27 kellybelly, margalang
BIER H12 27 mylover81, PIThompson
BIRO H12 27 slebbarc
NEB J13 7 cennet77

On 15th draw, EPENDYMA 8B 67 --- EPENDYMA a membrane lining certain body cavities [n]
Other moves: PAYED 15A 49, PAYED 15E 48, PYNED 15E 48, PANDY 15E 45, PAYEE 15A 45
PAYEE 15E 45 mylover81
EYED 15F 35 margalang
DENY 15E 35 PIThompson
YAP 15G 31 kellybelly
YEA 15A 22 slebbarc

On 16th draw, BOXY 15E 67 --- BOXY resembling a box [adj]
Other moves: BOXY 15G 54, OXY 15F 54, OXY 15A 53, VOX 15G 46, BOYG 15E 45
BOXY 15E 67 kellybelly, PIThompson, mylover81
BOXY 15G 54 margalang
OX 15A 36 slebbarc

On 17th draw, FUJI D3 28 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: JUD F6 27, FIGURE D3 20, JIN C12 20, JUN C12 20, GJU 8K 19
JIN C12 20 kellybelly, PIThompson
JOB E13 12 margalang

On 18th draw, GJU 5C 22 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: EPENDYMAL 8B 17, GUR 14I 15, VRIL 6B 15, GIRN 10L 14, VULN C11 14
GJU 5C 22 PIThompson
UG 13D 11 kellybelly
SUR N13 6 margalang

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