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Game of June 27, 2011 at 14:14, 14 players
1. 619 pts PIThompson
2. 540 pts mylover81
3. 510 pts narisa

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ailosvw   H4    26    26   violas
 2. ceeknsx   5E    30    56   excise
 3. ?iinrrw   E4    70   126   rewiring
 4. elnoprt   J4    64   190   petronel
 5. eijrtuy   D1    42   232   jute
 6. adeirty  11G    74   306   dielytra
 7. aabenot   1D    42   348   jabot
 8. eginoqs   K3    60   408   qis
 9. ?deeguu  O11    33   441   sedge
10. egklsuu  10L    37   478   euk
11. afhinnr   L1    43   521   hain
12. aeginpt   1K    33   554   phage
13. bdinnou  14H    86   640   unboding
14. eflostz   M3    54   694   sez
15. dehinot  15H    63   757   hoiden
16. afiortt   2B    32   789   fautor
17. aegillm   8A    33   822   malgre
18. acforty  13K    38   860   coy
19. aflortu   A4    67   927   foulmart

Remaining tiles: aimvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7384 FilePIThompson  8 20:58  -308  619     1.7384 PIThompson  8 20:58  -308  619 
  2.6819 Filemylover81   5 13:01  -387  540            Group: intermediate
  3.5193 Filenarisa      2 20:34  -417  510     1.6819 mylover81   5 13:01  -387  540 
  4.6392 FileStranger    1 19:48  -452  475     2.6392 Stranger    1 19:48  -452  475 
  5.4217 Filetonikay     0 22:11  -561  366     3.6023 ksong       2  6:33  -773  154 
  6.4061 FileJudyS       0 20:13  -594  333            Group: novice
  7.3946 Filepickrose    0 23:00  -595  332     1.5193 narisa      2 20:34  -417  510 
  8.4439 FileHasni       0 14:03  -646  281     2.5640 scrablehed  0  5:22  -876   51 
  9.  -  Filedanmarcy    0 10:03  -708  219            Group: not rated
 10.2932 Filestrykyster  0 19:04  -749  178     1.4217 tonikay     0 22:11  -561  366 
 11.6023 Fileksong       2  6:33  -773  154     2.4061 JudyS       0 20:13  -594  333 
 12.3074 Filecennet77    0  4:43  -864   63     3.3946 pickrose    0 23:00  -595  332 
 13.5640 Filescrablehed  0  5:22  -876   51     4.4439 Hasni       0 14:03  -646  281 
 14.4547 Filepreperato   0  5:40  -890   37     5.  -  danmarcy    0 10:03  -708  219 
                                             6.2932 strykyster  0 19:04  -749  178 
                                             7.3074 cennet77    0  4:43  -864   63 
                                             8.4547 preperato   0  5:40  -890   37 

On 1st draw, VIOLAS H4 26 --- VIOLA a stringed instrument [n]
Other moves: AVOWS H4 24, AVOWS H8 24, VAILS H4 24, VALIS H4 24, VIALS H4 24
VIOLAS H4 26 PIThompson
WAILS H4 24 ksong, Hasni, narisa
AVOWS H8 24 JudyS
AVOWS H6 22 Stranger
WAILS H6 16 strykyster
SLAW H5 14 pickrose

On 2nd draw, EXCISE 5E 30 --- EXCISE to remove by cutting out [v]
Other tops: VEXES 4H 30
Other moves: XENIC 5E 28, SKENE G5 27, EXINES 5F 26, KEXES G8 26, KEX G8 24
EXCISE 5E 30 PIThompson
VEXES 4H 30 ksong
SKEIN 5E 18 pickrose
KINES 5G 18 Hasni
EXCELS 7D 17 JudyS
LEXES 7H 13 strykyster
AXES 8H 11 tonikay
SIX 5G 10 preperato
SINK 5G 8 narisa

On 3rd draw, REWIRIN(G) E4 70 --- REWIRE to install new wiring [v]
Other tops: REWIRIN(G) J4 70
Other moves: IWI(S) K2 42, WIN(D) K2 42, WIN(S) K2 42, WI(S) K3 40, IN(D)RI K3 38
WIN(S) K2 42 narisa, Stranger, ksong
WIN(D) K2 42 PIThompson, mylover81
WIN 4J 17 preperato
(S)WINE J1 15 pickrose
(A)W 4D 13 tonikay
WRI(T)ER J1 12 JudyS

On 4th draw, PETRONEL J4 64 --- PETRONEL a portable firearm [n]
Other moves: LOPER 3C 29, REPOT 3C 29, TOPER 3C 29, NETOP 3A 27, REPORT 8A 27
REPORT 8A 27 JudyS, pickrose
LOPER 8A 24 mylover81
EXON F4 24 Hasni
PORE D1 22 narisa
RETRO 4B 19 Stranger
PRONE 4J 18 PIThompson
PLOT 4J 16 ksong
POET G8 14 tonikay
SPORT 9H 10 strykyster, preperato

On 5th draw, JUTE D1 42 --- JUTE a strong, coarse fiber [n]
Other tops: JURE D1 42
Other moves: JITNEY 10B 34, JIRRE 4B 33, JURE 4C 31, PURITY 4J 30, YITE F10 29
JURE D1 42 PIThompson
JUTE D1 42 ksong
JURE 4C 31 Stranger, narisa
YU F10 27 mylover81
JET G8 23 tonikay
PURTY 4J 20 JudyS
JURY 8C 15 pickrose

On 6th draw, DIELYTRA 11G 74 --- DIELYTRA a plant with two broadly pouched outer petals [n]
Other moves: DIETARY G8 69, RAYED K1 56, TYRED K1 56, TIRADE K1 54, TYED K2 54
YITE F10 29 PIThompson
TAXED F3 28 tonikay
PARTY 4J 20 narisa
TRIER 8A 18 JudyS
JADE 1D 12 pickrose
LADER 11J 12 strykyster
JAR 1D 10 Stranger

On 7th draw, JABOT 1D 42 --- JABOT a decoration on a shirt [n]
Other tops: BANJO 1A 42
Other moves: BENJ 1A 39, JETON 1D 36, ONBEAT 8J 33, AXONE F4 28, OBENTO 8J 27
BANJO 1A 42 PIThompson
JABOT 1D 42 mylover81
BATON N10 26 Hasni
AXE F4 22 tonikay
BRENT M10 14 pickrose
PANT 4J 12 narisa
JOB 1D 12 Stranger
ADOBE G10 11 strykyster

On 8th draw, QIS K3 60 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: NOISE K2 48, EGIS K2 46, EGOS K2 46, GEOS K2 46, GIES K2 46
QIS K3 60 mylover81
GOES K2 46 narisa
SINGE O11 34 tonikay
NOGS O8 28 Stranger
QIS O9 25 PIThompson
STING L10 12 pickrose

On 9th draw, (S)EDGE O11 33 --- SEDGE a marsh plant [n]
Other moves: D(I)G L2 30, EDGE(S) O7 30, GUDE(S) O7 30, (S)EGUE O11 30, (S)UEDE O11 30
(S)EDGE O11 33 PIThompson
D(I)G L2 30 mylover81
QU(I)D 3K 26 narisa
QUEE(N) 3K 26 Hasni, Stranger
QU(A)D 3K 26 pickrose
EDGER 8A 24 JudyS
PIG 4J 12 tonikay
TEED L11 10 strykyster
DAG N10 9 cennet77

On 10th draw, EUK 10L 37 --- EUK to itch [v]
Other tops: KLUGES 2B 37, SUK 10L 37
Other moves: KLUGE 2B 33, KELTS L8 28, KURUS M9 28, SUK I1 27, PIKULS 4J 26
SUK 10L 37 mylover81
EUK 10L 37 PIThompson
SUK I1 27 narisa
SUE 12J 26 Stranger
KEG D7 21 tonikay
GLUTES L8 18 strykyster
SKA N9 17 scrablehed
RUSK M11 16 pickrose
BUG F1 8 cennet77
SLUR M8 5 JudyS

On 11th draw, HAIN L1 43 --- HAIN to save [v]
Other tops: FAIN L1 43, FAIR L1 43, HAIR L1 43
Other moves: FARING 14J 36, HARING 14J 36, FIN L2 33, FIR L2 33, HIN L2 33
FAIN L1 43 PIThompson, mylover81, narisa
FIN L2 33 Stranger
KAF N10 15 Hasni
FETA L9 14 JudyS
HINT 3A 14 pickrose
HAT 3B 12 tonikay
FUR M9 10 cennet77
AHIN(G) 11A 7 scrablehed
FAR 8C 7 strykyster

On 12th draw, PHAGE 1K 33 --- PHAGE an organism that destroys bacteria [n]
Other tops: PHANG 1K 33
Other moves: PAGING 14J 32, OPTING 8J 30, APING C3 29, APTING C3 29, GAPING 14J 28
PHANG 1K 33 mylover81
HEAP 1L 27 narisa, JudyS, Hasni
THING 1K 27 danmarcy, pickrose
AHING 1K 27 PIThompson, scrablehed
PAT 9M 23 Stranger
PURGE M9 22 cennet77
HAIN 1L 21 tonikay
PINT 3A 12 strykyster

On 13th draw, UNBODING 14H 86 --- UNBODING not expecting [adj]
Other moves: BOUNDING 14H 78, BOUDIN 2B 33, BODING 14J 32, BONING 14J 30, ABID 2L 27
UNBODING 14H 36 PIThompson
INBORN 8A 27 Stranger
BOND G8 15 tonikay
BONG 14L 14 danmarcy
OBIT 3A 12 narisa
GOB N1 12 pickrose
BURN M9 9 Hasni, JudyS

On 14th draw, SEZ M3 54 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other moves: TOZES 15D 51, ZLOTE 15E 50, ZELS 15E 45, ZEST 15E 45, ZOLS 15E 45
SEZ M3 54 narisa
TOZES 15D 51 PIThompson, tonikay
ZOS 15F 42 mylover81
STOLE M3 42 danmarcy
LUZ H13 36 JudyS
FIZ M13 30 pickrose
ZIT M13 24 Stranger
GET N1 8 strykyster

On 15th draw, HOIDEN 15H 63 --- HOIDEN to act like a tomboy [v]
Other moves: DOETH 15D 48, HEID 15H 48, HOED 15H 48, THEIN 15G 47, HOTEN 15D 42
HOED 15H 48 mylover81
DOTH 15E 39 JudyS, PIThompson
THE 15G 35 danmarcy
DOH N4 34 Stranger
DOE N4 25 Hasni
DINE 15F 23 narisa
HUE H13 18 tonikay
HUT H13 18 pickrose
DENT 10C 7 strykyster

On 16th draw, FAUTOR 2B 32 --- FAUTOR a favourer [n]
Other tops: RIF 13K 32
Other moves: AFRIT C3 28, FAD 13M 28, FID 13M 28, IFTAR C3 28, FAR 9M 27
RIF 13K 32 PIThompson
FAD 13M 28 narisa
FRIAR 8A 27 JudyS
OF 13L 26 Stranger
AFT N5 25 mylover81
OF N5 24 Hasni, danmarcy
FROW 6B 18 pickrose
F*RT C4 14 tonikay
AFTER 4A 9 strykyster

On 17th draw, MALGRE 8A 33 --- MALGRE in spite of [prep] --- MALGRE to spite [v]
Other tops: MAIGRE 8A 33
Other moves: MIG 13K 30, GAMER 8A 27, IGAD 13L 26, MIL 13K 26, AIMER 8A 24
MIG 13K 30 mylover81, Stranger
GAMER 8A 27 danmarcy, PIThompson
AXE F4 22 narisa
MALT 3A 21 tonikay
ILLER 8A 18 strykyster
ME 1A 17 Hasni
MAIN 10B 12 pickrose

On 18th draw, COY 13K 38 --- COY bashful [adj] --- COY to caress [v]
Other moves: YARCO N4 33, TOY 13K 32, YARTO N4 31, FAY 9M 30, FOY 9M 30
COY 13K 38 Stranger
FAY 9M 30 mylover81
FAD 13M 28 narisa
OFT N5 25 danmarcy
CRAFTY B6 22 Hasni, JudyS
FACTORY B7 17 pickrose
YO 9L 16 tonikay
ARTY D11 15 PIThompson
LOFTY C8 12 strykyster

On 19th draw, FOULMART A4 67 --- FOULMART a polecat [n]
Other moves: FLORULA C7 30, FAR 9M 27, FAT 9M 27, FOR 9M 27, FOU 9M 27
FAR 9M 27 mylover81
OFT N5 25 PIThompson, danmarcy
OF N5 24 Stranger, Hasni
FETA F7 20 tonikay
FLAN 10B 15 pickrose
FLAT B6 15 narisa
ALT 3B 15 strykyster
ALF B8 14 cennet77
FLAT C7 12 JudyS

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