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Game of June 28, 2011 at 04:38, 5 players
1. 294 pts Hasni
2. 233 pts Faeythe
3. 159 pts siuyee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?fnooru   H7    76    76   unroofs
 2. adghnot  I10    30   106   odah
 3. ?aeegin  13C    74   180   garnishee
 4. ceiotwy  14D    36   216   wey
 5. ccenoru  15A    44   260   rounce
 6. eijostt   8A    98   358   jettison
 7. aainstu  12H    28   386   fantasia
 8. abdnors   O6    83   469   bandoras
 9. aaeekrs  14J    58   527   kesar
10. aceeltv  15A    42   569   rounceval
11. eeilrtv  15K    29   598   liter
12. dinooty   F4    68   666   nodosity
13. deeertu   4F    70   736   neutered
14. aghimpv  12B    37   773   hap
15. eilmmpz   3L    40   813   pize
16. cfgilux   O1    66   879   flex
17. aegiimv   E5    28   907   magi
18. celmuvw   J6    35   942   velum
19. bcgiiqw  A11    26   968   iwi

Remaining tiles: bcgiq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5457 FileHasni       1 17:06  -674  294     1.6048 ksong       0  4:55  -901   67 
  2.5734 FileFaeythe     0 11:15  -735  233            Group: novice
  3.5018 Filesiuyee      1  5:36  -809  159     1.5457 Hasni       1 17:06  -674  294 
  4.  -  Filesimonsays   0 11:03  -861  107     2.5734 Faeythe     0 11:15  -735  233 
  5.6048 Fileksong       0  4:55  -901   67     3.5018 siuyee      1  5:36  -809  159 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  simonsays   0 11:03  -861  107 

On 1st draw, UNROOF(S) H7 76 --- UNROOF to strip off the roof of [v]
Other tops: FOUR(G)ON H4 76, (S)UNROOF H6 76
Other moves: FOUR(G)ON H2 70, FOUR(G)ON H3 70, FOUR(G)ON H6 70, FOUR(G)ON H7 70, UNROOF(S) H2 70

On 2nd draw, ODAH I10 30 --- ODAH a room in a harem [n]
Other moves: NOAH I10 28, DAH I11 27, DONAH(S) 13C 26, NAH I11 25, DONAH I3 24
HANG(S) 13D 10 Hasni

On 3rd draw, GA(R)NI(S)HEE 13C 74 --- GARNISHEE [v]
Other tops: (R)EGINAE J6 74
Other moves: E(P)IGEAN G4 73, AGENI(S)E 6C 68, E(U)GENIA G3 68, AGENI(S)E J5 67, (L)INEAGE G2 67
(S)ING 14I 14 Faeythe
(I)ODINE 11G 12 simonsays

On 4th draw, WEY 14D 36 --- WEY a measure or weight for dry goods [n]
Other moves: YOWE 14B 29, YOWIE 12K 29, YO 14F 28, WEY J12 26, YEW J12 26
YE 12D 21 Faeythe
NYE F13 14 simonsays
YO(R)E E11 12 Hasni

On 5th draw, ROUNCE 15A 44 --- ROUNCE part of a hand printing press [n]
Other moves: COURE 12A 37, COUR 12A 33, CRONE 15A 33, ECCO 15F 30, CURE 12B 29
CURE 15A 28 Faeythe
CRAW D11 18 Hasni
RAW D12 12 simonsays

On 6th draw, JETTISON 8A 98 --- JETTISON to throw overboard [v]
Other moves: JEST 6F 37, SIJO 6H 37, JOIST L10 36, JOIST J6 35, JEST L11 34
JEES K11 22 Faeythe
JOE K11 20 Hasni

On 7th draw, FANTASIA 12H 28 --- FANTASIA a free-form musical composition [n]
Other moves: AIAS 12A 27, ANAS 12A 27, ANUS 12A 27, ITAS 12A 27, TAUS 12A 27
TAINS I4 25 Hasni
TUNAS L9 22 Faeythe
STEIN B6 9 simonsays

On 8th draw, BANDORAS O6 83 --- BANDORA ancient musical instrument [n]
Other moves: BANDORES B2 76, BANDORAS L6 74, ROBANDS 6B 74, ROBANDS J4 73, ROBANDS I1 67
BRANDS O10 27 Hasni
DONATES K8 16 simonsays

On 9th draw, KESAR 14J 58 --- KESAR an emperor [n]
Other tops: KAIES N10 58, KARAS 14J 58
Other moves: SKEAR 14I 48, SKEER 14I 48, SKEE 14I 47, SKER 14I 47, SKA 14I 46
KAI N10 35 Hasni
JERKS A8 17 simonsays

On 10th draw, ROUNCEVAL 15A 42 --- ROUNCEVAL
Other moves: VEAL 12A 39, VELETA N1 28, TEAL 12A 27, CLEAVES F2 26, CLEAVE B6 25
LAWN D12 14 Faeythe
VALETS F3 11 simonsays

On 11th draw, LITER 15K 29 --- LITER a unit of capacity [n]
Other moves: EVILER J5 24, RELIEVE B2 24, VILER J6 23, LEV 15M 22, REV 15M 22
TEL 15M 13 Faeythe
REI 15M 13 Hasni

On 12th draw, NODOSITY F4 68 --- NODOSITY the state of being nodose [n]
Other moves: OY N9 29, OY 14A 22, TONDO N2 22, TOYO N5 22, DOY N5 20
OY N9 29 Faeythe, Hasni
DUTY 7G 16 simonsays

On 13th draw, NEUTERED 4F 70 --- NEUTER to castrate [v]
Other moves: RUD 12B 27, ETUDE E2 23, REEDE E2 23, REEDIER 9B 23, TEED N7 23
RUD 12B 27 Faeythe
TURNED 4C 18 Hasni

On 14th draw, HAP 12B 37 --- HAP to happen [v]
Other tops: HAM 12B 37
Other moves: MAP 12B 35, PAM 12B 35, MIHI E5 34, GAM 12B 33, GAP 12B 33
HAP 12B 37 siuyee
AH N9 29 Faeythe

On 15th draw, PIZE 3L 40 --- PIZE a pest\v (Yorkshire) to strike somebody [n]
Other moves: MIZ 3L 38, PEIZE J3 36, PIEZO 10K 36, POMMEL 5E 36, P*MM** 5E 36
PIZE 3L 40 Hasni
OOZE 10H 33 siuyee

On 16th draw, FLEX O1 66 --- FLEX to bend [v]
Other moves: ILEX O1 57, ULEX O1 57, CLEF O1 39, FOX 5E 35, COX 5E 33
FOX 5E 35 siuyee
FIZ N1 30 Hasni

On 17th draw, MAGI E5 28 --- MAGUS a magician [n]
Other tops: VOEMA 5E 28
Other moves: GAME 5H 27, VAGUE H1 27, AIM N8 26, MEG 5J 26, AMIE 9A 25
AM E10 24 ksong
IMAGED 6A 16 siuyee

On 18th draw, VELUM J6 35 --- VELUM a thin membranous covering or partition [n]
Other moves: MEW 5J 32, MVULE D1 31, CLEW D3 30, CWM A11 30, VELUM H1 30
UM E10 24 ksong
WEM G3 19 siuyee
WEEM J2 17 Hasni

On 19th draw, IWI A11 26 --- IWI a large Maori tribe (sometimes the whole Maori nation) [n]
Other moves: WEB G3 19, GIB 3H 17, WHAP 12A 16, BEG G3 15, BY 11E 14
WEB G3 19 siuyee, ksong
SWAT M12 14 Faeythe

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