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Game of June 28, 2011 at 05:24, 7 players
1. 444 pts johnny55
2. 425 pts ksong
3. 387 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abelltt   H4    22    22   battle
 2. acdehnr   4H    86   108   branched
 3. eilostx   O1    45   153   exodist
 4. ?aaeiot   8K    60   213   iotas
 5. efgiory   2J    36   249   orifex
 6. eenooru   6B    62   311   euronote
 7. ?aadlrt   E5    82   393   loadstar
 8. einnpsw   1H    42   435   wipes
 9. dhinosy   8A    48   483   shoddy
10. deknrsu  10H    76   559   dunkers
11. aeegruw  11I    33   592   geare
12. aeinouv  12K    37   629   envoi
13. ilmopuv  D12    28   657   ovum
14. aillmnn  15A    27   684   limma
15. aaeilnw   D1    28   712   wanier
16. bfgituy   I9    30   742   fuggy
17. acgilnq   1A    27   769   claw
18. biijnqt   7K    24   793   qi
19. ginptuz   3C    38   831   unzip

Remaining tiles: bgjnt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4679 Filejohnny55    2 22:14  -387  444     1.6048 ksong       1 25:15  -406  425 
  2.6048 Fileksong       1 25:15  -406  425            Group: novice
  3.5417 FileHasni       0 16:22  -444  387     1.5417 Hasni       0 16:22  -444  387 
  4.5422 FileELCEE       0 14:09  -566  265     2.5422 ELCEE       0 14:09  -566  265 
  5.  -  Filekyawlinnn   2 20:44  -641  190     3.5054 siuyee      1  0:45  -809   22 
  6.5054 Filesiuyee      1  0:45  -809   22            Group: not rated
  7.  -  Filebodybounce  0  2:21  -817   14     1.4679 johnny55    2 22:14  -387  444 
                                             2.  -  kyawlinnn   2 20:44  -641  190 
                                             3.  -  bodybounce  0  2:21  -817   14 

On 1st draw, BATTLE H4 22 --- BATTLE to fight [v]
Other tops: BALLET H4 22, BATLET H4 22, BATTEL H4 22
Other moves: BETTA H4 20, BLATE H4 20, BLATT H4 20, BLEAT H4 20, BALLET H3 18
BALLET H4 22 johnny55, siuyee, kyawlinnn
BATTLE H4 22 ksong
BLEAT H4 20 Hasni

On 2nd draw, BRANCHED 4H 86 --- BRANCH to form branches (offshoots) [v]
Other moves: ENDARCH 10D 84, RANCHED 10B 83, RANCHED 10H 78, ENDARCH 10F 77, ENDARCH G8 72
BRANCHED 4H 36 johnny55
DRENCH 10H 24 ksong
HANDER 10C 23 Hasni
RACE I1 13 kyawlinnn

On 3rd draw, EXODIST O1 45 --- EXODIST an emigrant [n]
Other moves: DOXIES O4 42, OXIDES O1 42, IXTLES I8 41, DETOX O4 39, DOXIE O4 39
OXIDES O1 42 Hasni
DETOX O4 39 johnny55, ELCEE
EXIST 10E 37 ksong
SOLD O1 15 kyawlinnn

On 4th draw, IOTA(S) 8K 60 --- IOTA a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: TOEA(S) 8K 60
Other moves: AIA(S) 8L 57, AIT(S) 8L 57, ATE(S) 8L 57, EAT(S) 8L 57, ETA(S) 8L 57
TEA(S) 8L 57 johnny55
TAE(S) 8L 57 Hasni
EXODIST(S) O1 45 ksong

On 5th draw, ORIFEX 2J 36 --- ORIFEX a mouth-like opening [n]
Other tops: FAERY 5G 36
Other moves: EYE N2 35, OYE N2 35, FE N1 33, YE N1 33, YO N1 33
EYE N2 35 Hasni
FRAY J2 18 johnny55, kyawlinnn, ksong

On 6th draw, EURONOTE 6B 62 --- EURONOTE negotiable bearer notes used in the European Union [n]
Other moves: EURONOTE 7B 61, ONO 3M 27, RONEO 1H 25, FOHN M2 20, FEH M2 18
RONE 10H 15 Hasni
OUR 10F 14 johnny55
ORE 9F 4 kyawlinnn

On 7th draw, LOAD(S)TAR E5 82 --- LOADSTAR a star used as a point of reference [n]
Other moves: LAT(E)RAD 1D 77, TA(I)LARD 1D 77, LAT(E)RAD 10D 72, LAT(E)RAD 10B 71, TA(I)LARD 10B 71
FAH M2 18 ksong
LAT(E)R 10D 15 johnny55
LEAD 9G 7 kyawlinnn

On 8th draw, WIPES 1H 42 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other moves: SWIPE 1G 36, WIPED 8A 36, WINES 1H 34, WIPE 1H 33, SPEW 1G 32
WIPED 8A 36 johnny55, ksong
SWIPE 1G 36 Hasni
WINES G9 22 kyawlinnn

On 9th draw, SHODDY 8A 48 --- SHODDY a low-quality wool [n] --- SHODDY of inferior quality [adj]
Other moves: HYOIDS 8A 42, SHINDY 8A 42, DISHY 13C 41, HYOID 8A 39, YODHS D11 35
DISH 13C 25 ksong
DISHY 10H 24 johnny55
SHINY 10H 22 Hasni

On 10th draw, DUNKERS 10H 76 --- DUNKER one that dunks [n]
Other moves: DUNKERS J8 72, DUNKERS G9 70, DUNKERS I9 70, DUSKED D8 37, DUSKEN D8 35
DUNKS 13A 29 ksong
SUNK 10H 19 johnny55
DESK 9G 12 kyawlinnn

On 11th draw, GEARE 11I 33 --- GEARE to jeer, to scoff [v]
Other moves: WAGERER 12A 30, GEAR 11I 29, GUAR 11I 29, WAGERED D2 28, WEARER D1 28
WAGERER 12A 30 johnny55
REWEAR M10 18 Hasni
AGREE 12C 12 kyawlinnn
AGREE B2 12 ksong

On 12th draw, ENVOI 12K 37 --- ENVOI the concluding part of a poem or book [n]
Other moves: AVO 3M 36, EVO 3M 36, VAINER D1 28, ONO 3M 27, NEVE 9G 26
NO 5J 10 ksong
RAVE 12E 8 johnny55
SAVE A8 7 kyawlinnn

On 13th draw, OVUM D12 28 --- OVUM the female reproductive cell of animals [n]
Other tops: PULMO D11 28
Other moves: PILUM O11 27, IMP 9A 26, IMPROV 12B 26, LEVO 9G 26, EVO 9H 24
MOPS 6L 14 johnny55
PILOT 10A 9 kyawlinnn
MOVE B3 9 ELCEE, ksong

On 14th draw, LIMMA 15A 27 --- LIMMA a pause of one mora [n]
Other moves: IMAM 15A 24, MAIM 15A 24, MALM 15A 24, AMI(S) 9B 23, NEMA 9G 22
MAIM 15A 24 Hasni, ksong
MAN C10 8 kyawlinnn
SMALL A8 8 johnny55

On 15th draw, WANIER D1 28 --- WANY waning in some parts [adj]
Other tops: WAILER D1 28, WALIER D1 28
Other moves: AWE(S) 9B 27, WA(S)E 9C 27, WI(S)E 9C 27, LAUAN 14B 24, REVIEW M10 24
WE 5J 19 ksong
WINE 2E 14 kyawlinnn
SWINE A8 9 johnny55

On 16th draw, FUGGY I9 30 --- FUGGY stuffy and odorous [adj]
Other tops: UNIFY 3C 30
Other moves: FIB C2 29, FUB C2 29, BY 5J 28, FEY 9G 28, BEY 9G 26
FIB C2 29 Hasni, ksong
FUNGI 3B 18 johnny55
TAG 2C 4 bodybounce

On 17th draw, CLAW 1A 27 --- CLAW to scratch with claws (sharp, curved toenails) [v]
Other moves: ANIL H12 24, CLANG 2B 24, GNAW 1A 24, QI 7K 24, CAAING 2B 22
CLAW 1A 27 johnny55, kyawlinnn
QI B14 22 Hasni
QI K7 11 ksong
CAN 3B 10 bodybounce

On 18th draw, QI 7K 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: JINNI 3A 24, JINNI 3B 24
Other moves: IBI(S) 9B 23, BIN H13 22, BIT H13 22, JINN 3A 22, JINN 3B 22
QI B14 22 Hasni, ksong, johnny55

On 19th draw, UNZIP 3C 38 --- UNZIP to open the zipper of [v]
Other tops: UNZIP 14D 38
Other moves: PUTZ 10C 35, ZING 3B 28, LUTZ B1 26, SPITZ A8 26, ZITI B12 26
PUTZ 10C 35 ksong
ZING 3B 28 johnny55
ZO G5 22 Hasni

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