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Game sheet of Hasni (file), Game of June 28, 2011 at 06:59

Word find
Word played
1 DEHMSTY HETS H5 14 -22 14 3/3 THYMES H3 36 36 3/3
2 ADEGLNT GLANDS 8C 9 -59 23 3/3 TANGLED G7 68 104 3/3
3 ?AEEIJO JAILE(D) 11D 24 -10 47 3/3 (R)OJI H12 34 138 3/3
4 ?DGIUWZ DOZ(E)D 13G 25 -14 72 2/4 JIZ 14H 39 177 3/4
5 ABELRSV             BESLAVE(R) 12A 30 207 3/4
6 ?AASUUU (T)AS I10 15 -9 87 3/5 AU(C)UBAS A8 24 231 3/5
7 AINOPUY OP 15J 15 -13 102 7/7 YAPON I6 28 259 3/7
8 ADIMORW OW 15J 16 -14 118 4/7 MIDWAY 5C 30 289 3/7
9 DEHIORT HIT 6B 20 -17 138 5/7 DERTH B6 37 326 3/7
10 AEEIKTW KIWI D4 22 -24 160 4/7 WEEK 4A 46 372 3/7
11 EEFLORU FLEW A1 30 -5 190 2/5 ORF 3A 35 407 3/7
12 BEGIPRT BROW A1 27 -1 217 4/6 SITREP 14A 28 435 3/7
13 ADEGINO             ADOWN A1 27 462 3/7
14 EFGIINQ SITE C12 8 -22 225 3/3 DEFI 6B 30 492 3/7
15 GILNORT OR 15J 13 -26 238 3/5 ASPORTING 8G 39 531 3/7
16 CINORSV GROINS O8 8 -36 246 5/5 ORCINS 15J 44 575 3/7
17 BEGLNOR BEGOT L4 16 -7 262 1/6 BREDING E2 23 598 3/7
18 AILOQTV QI 14M 37 -7 299 4/6   7M 44 642 3/7
19 AAEELOV VINE N6 15 -13 314 5/5 AVALE 13J 28 670 3/7
20 EILOOTU LINE N6 6 -14 320 6/6 THOLOI 4G 20 690 3/7
21 CEEOUUX XU 3L 27 -11 347 3/6 OX 5J 38 728 3/7

Total: 347/728 or -381 for 47.66%
Rank: 5402

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