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Game of June 28, 2011 at 10:07, 10 players
1. 568 pts sunshine12
2. 469 pts woofy1
3. 456 pts yab

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeekort   H8    30    30   retake
 2. ?eenqsw  14H    42    72   suq
 3. adeiswz  K10    46   118   wizes
 4. efioruu  L11    41   159   for
 5. bdeijlt   G7    31   190   jedi
 6. ?dmstvy   I7    34   224   mayst
 7. adegglu  M12    32   256   aged
 8. aeenovw  F10    36   292   weave
 9. abdiilo  15B    25   317   libido
10. imnoort   J1    67   384   tromino
11. einotvy   E6    42   426   novity
12. acnopst   5F    74   500   pactions
13. aeeghlu   4L    30   530   eugh
14. adeilnu   1H   140   670   untailed
15. aacilnr   D1    78   748   clarain
16. aeelnru   O4    27   775   hauler
17. aghnoru  B10    36   811   hangul
18. eooprtx   A5    50   861   peroxo

Remaining tiles: befit

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6509 Filesunshine12  3 16:31  -293  568     1.6509 sunshine12  3 16:31  -293  568 
  2.6564 Filewoofy1      3 18:17  -392  469     2.6564 woofy1      3 18:17  -392  469 
  3.6702 Fileyab         5 20:52  -405  456     3.6702 yab         5 20:52  -405  456 
  4.5516 FileHasni       4 19:57  -410  451     4.6170 margalang   0 16:59  -524  337 
  5.4202 Filefatcat      0 20:20  -503  358            Group: novice
  6.6170 Filemargalang   0 16:59  -524  337     1.5516 Hasni       4 19:57  -410  451 
  7.5054 Filesiuyee      1 14:37  -567  294     2.5054 siuyee      1 14:37  -567  294 
  8.4106 Filemanfred     1  8:17  -699  162     3.5122 annelhynz   0  4:13  -802   59 
  9.5122 Fileannelhynz   0  4:13  -802   59            Group: not rated
 10.3953 Filemarion1971  0  0:57  -849   12     1.4202 fatcat      0 20:20  -503  358 
                                             2.4106 manfred     1  8:17  -699  162 
                                             3.3953 marion1971  0  0:57  -849   12 

On 1st draw, RETAKE H8 30 --- RETAKE to take back [v]
Other tops: KOTARE H4 30
Other moves: KORAT H4 28, TAROK H8 28, TEREK H8 28, TROAK H8 28, KOTARE H3 22
RETAKE H8 30 yab
RETAKE H4 22 Hasni
TROKE H8 20 sunshine12
TAKER H8 20 margalang
TREK H8 16 fatcat

On 2nd draw, S(U)Q 14H 42 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other tops: Q(I)S 14F 42
Other moves: RETAKE(R)S H8 33, Q(A)TS 10F 32, Q(U)EEN G7 32, SQu*W 11E 32, WAQ(F)S 11G 32
Q(I)S 14F 42 Hasni
Q(A)TS 10F 32 sunshine12
Q(U)EENS 14C 27 fatcat, margalang
WEN I7 16 annelhynz

On 3rd draw, WIZES K10 46 --- WIZ a very clever or skillful person [n]
Other moves: AZIDES K9 44, ADZES K10 42, DAZES K10 42, WIZ G9 41, ZEDS K11 40
AZIDES K9 44 yab
WIZ G9 41 sunshine12
ZITE 10F 33 Hasni
WIZARDS 8D 24 fatcat
SIZE 13E 23 margalang

On 4th draw, FOR L11 41 --- FOR directed or sent to [prep]
Other tops: FOE L11 41
Other moves: OF L12 37, ZURF 12K 32, OE L12 28, OR L12 28, ZERO 12K 26
FOR L11 41 Hasni, sunshine12, yab
FOE L11 41 woofy1
OF L12 37 margalang
ZERO 12K 26 fatcat
FORE G7 19 annelhynz

On 5th draw, JEDI G7 31 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other tops: JEDI I7 31
Other moves: JELAB 11E 28, JIBED G5 27, JIBED I5 27, DEBIT G7 26, JET 10F 26
JET 10F 26 sunshine12, fatcat, woofy1
LED M12 26 yab
JET G7 24 margalang, annelhynz
JET 9G 19 siuyee, Hasni

On 6th draw, M(A)YST I7 34 --- MAY to gather flowers in the spring [v]
Other moves: M(A)YS I7 31, D(A)YS I7 29, D(E)VS I7 29, D(E)YS I7 29, D(R)YS I7 29
D(U)STY F10 28 woofy1
SAY 11G 19 sunshine12
(O)S M12 19 yab
SEY 13G 19 Hasni
D(A)YS F10 19 margalang
M(U)SKY 12E 13 fatcat

On 7th draw, AGED M12 32 --- AGE to grow old [v]
Other moves: AGLU M12 30, AGUE M12 30, AGE M12 28, LADE M12 28, LAUD M12 28
AGED M12 32 Hasni
LAG M12 26 yab
GAGED F10 25 sunshine12
GLADE F10 22 fatcat, woofy1
GAUGE J3 15 margalang
GAGE J4 14 siuyee

On 8th draw, WEAVE F10 36 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other tops: WOVEN F10 36
Other moves: WAVE F10 33, WOVE F10 33, VENEWE 13C 32, WANE F10 30, WEAN F10 30
WOVEN F10 36 woofy1, sunshine12
WEAVE F10 36 siuyee, yab
DEW 15M 21 margalang
DOW 15M 21 fatcat
DEV 15M 21 Hasni

On 9th draw, LIBIDO 15B 25 --- LIBIDO the energy derived from instinctual biological drives [n]
Other moves: ABID 15C 23, BIDI 15D 23, BAD 15D 22, BID 15D 22, BOD 15D 22
ABID 15C 23 Hasni
BAD 15D 22 siuyee, woofy1
DIB 15M 18 sunshine12, yab
BLADE 11B 16 margalang
BLADE 14B 16 fatcat

On 10th draw, TROMINO J1 67 --- TROMINO a flat, three-sided shape [n]
Other moves: T*M E10 26, ROTON E8 24, OM N13 21, INTO E8 20, INTOMB D10 20
MI N14 19 margalang
MO N14 19 siuyee, woofy1
DOM 15M 18 manfred, sunshine12, Hasni
ODOR 15L 18 yab
MITRE 11B 14 fatcat

On 11th draw, NOVITY E6 42 --- NOVITY innovation [n]
Other moves: NETTY 1H 36, NITTY 1H 36, NOVITY 1F 36, VENTIL B10 34, OMNEITY 4I 32
ENTITY 1F 27 yab
YET I3 25 margalang
MOTIVE 4J 24 fatcat
YETI 1H 21 sunshine12
VETO 1H 21 manfred
VOTE 1H 21 siuyee, woofy1
VINT 1G 21 Hasni

On 12th draw, PACTIONS 5F 74 --- PACTION a pact [n] --- PACTION to agree [v]
Other tops: CAPTIONS 5F 74
Other moves: CAPOTE 14A 34, COMPAST 4H 32, ATOCS K4 31, CAMPOS 4H 30, CAPOTS 1F 30
OCTANTS 1H 30 yab
PACTS 1G 27 margalang
PAT K3 22 woofy1
COAST 1F 21 fatcat
CANTS 1G 21 Hasni
POST 1G 18 sunshine12
COTS 1H 18 siuyee
AS 14B 10 manfred

On 13th draw, EUGH 4L 30 --- EUGH a yew [n]
Other tops: GALUTH 1F 30, HAGLET 1E 30, LATHEE 1H 30
Other moves: AUGHT 1F 27, AUGHT I1 27, EATHE 1H 27, GHAUT 1F 27, LATHE 1H 27
GHAUT 1F 27 yab
LATHE 1H 27 sunshine12
GATH 1H 24 woofy1
HA N14 23 margalang
HATE 1H 21 siuyee
DAH 15M 21 Hasni
HELP F2 17 fatcat
GLUES M1 12 marion1971
AGES M2 10 manfred

On 14th draw, UNTAILED 1H 140 --- UNTAILED not tailed [adj]
Other moves: UNHAILED O2 86, UNIDEAL D1 72, HIELAND O4 33, INHALED O2 33, DILUENT 1D 30
UNTAILED 1H 90 woofy1, sunshine12
UNHAILED O2 36 yab
HAILED O4 30 Hasni
HANDLE O4 30 margalang, fatcat
UNITED 1G 27 siuyee
HEALD O4 27 manfred

On 15th draw, CLARAIN D1 78 --- CLARAIN lustrous bands in coal [n]
Other tops: CARINAL D1 78, CRANIAL D1 78
Other moves: CLARAIN 2B 74, CHALAN O3 33, CHINAR O3 33, CHIRAL O3 33, CARNAL B10 28
CHINAR O3 33 sunshine12
CLAP F2 14 fatcat
CAN 2F 13 woofy1
QI J14 11 margalang
DICH O1 10 manfred
CHAIN O3 10 yab
CHAIR O3 10 siuyee

On 16th draw, HAULER O4 27 --- HAULER one that hauls [n]
Other tops: HALERU O4 27, HEALER O4 27
Other moves: HALER O4 24, HEARE O4 24, LANCER 1A 24, RANCEL 1A 24, RAUCLE 1A 24
HEALER O4 27 woofy1, Hasni, sunshine12, yab, manfred
UNREAL B10 16 siuyee
HEEL O4 7 fatcat

On 17th draw, HANGUL B10 36 --- HANGUL the Korean alphabetic script [n]
Other tops: GAUCHO 1A 36
Other moves: HANG C3 34, HONG C3 34, HUNG C3 34, GANCH 1A 33, RANCHO 1A 33
GAUCHO 1A 36 yab
HANG C3 34 woofy1
GANCH 1A 33 sunshine12
RANCH 1A 30 fatcat, siuyee
HA N14 23 Hasni
GAL 7M 6 manfred

On 18th draw, PEROXO A5 50 --- PEROXO containing the bivalent group of two oxygens [adj]
Other moves: OXO N13 46, EXPO A7 44, OXO 2M 43, OX N13 41, OX 2M 38
EXPO A7 44 woofy1
OXO 2M 43 sunshine12
OX N13 41 siuyee
OX 2M 38 Hasni
DEX 15M 33 manfred
AXE 3D 10 fatcat
EH 10A 5 yab

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