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Game sheet of narisa (file), Game of June 28, 2011 at 20:57

Word find
Word played
1 ?HIISSU             SHI(A)IS H3 24 24  
2 AEHOTUY HE(A)T 6F 14 -18 14 3/4 YOUTHS 3C 32 56 4/4
3 AEGKOQT             QAT G7 46 102 6/6
4 DDEEILN             DEED 4A 27 129 6/6
5 ?AAIRRT             RADIAT(O)R A2 74 203 6/6
6 EEIORTW             ETWEE B4 34 237 6/6
7 ADFIORS             FORSAID 10D 80 317 6/6
8 AGLMPSU             MAGILPS 5E 48 365 6/6
9 AACEFNO             CAFE 11C 35 400 6/6
10 CNOTUWX             WOX 6D 58 458 6/6
11 ADENOOP             NAPOOED 12F 79 537 6/7
12 AEILOOV             PAVE H12 27 564 7/7
13 EGINRRY YEN K11 12 -57 26 4/6 GRINDERY L8 69 633 7/7
14 BEILLOT GLOB 8L 21 -7 47 5/5 BEFALL D8 28 661 7/7
15 EIJMNOR GRIM 8L 21 -35 68 3/4 JIRRE 14J 56 717 7/7
16 CILNOOU             LOGION 8J 21 738 7/8
17 ACEMNNU             ACME 2C 30 768 7/8
18 BEGIKNT             EKING 1E 42 810 7/9
19 BINTTUV             UNBITT 2I 23 833 7/9

Total: 68/833 or -765 for 8.163%
Rank: -

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