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Game of June 29, 2011 at 00:43, 5 players
1. 352 pts johnny55
2. 311 pts pickrose
3. 291 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegloty   H7    28    28   otalgy
 2. aegnoot  12C    20    48   oogeny
 3. aegnoru   8F    61   109   outrange
 4. aehlmnu   G7    34   143   huma
 5. aeeirwz  B10    70   213   wazir
 6. ?iinoop   K5    86   299   opinions
 7. ?elrrtx   M3    44   343   relaxer
 8. abiorss  15A   104   447   isobars
 9. diknopw   I3    46   493   pinwork
10. aeilnsv  14G    70   563   alevins
11. deeintv   N6    36   599   eident
12. acdeetu   C4    69   668   educate
13. abehtvy   8A    42   710   yeah
14. bdefimu   B2    48   758   bedim
15. adesttt   D1    31   789   attest
16. adeiruv   L1    32   821   vied
17. acfjlru  J10    52   873   ja
18. cflqruu   1C    33   906   carful

Remaining tiles: fqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4710 Filejohnny55    0 19:14  -554  352     1.5530 Hasni       2 14:47  -615  291 
  2.4007 Filepickrose    0 15:59  -595  311            Group: not rated
  3.5530 FileHasni       2 14:47  -615  291     1.4710 johnny55    0 19:14  -554  352 
  4.  -  Filesassysal12  0 12:56  -765  141     2.4007 pickrose    0 15:59  -595  311 
  5.4272 Filetonikay     0  3:29  -827   79     3.  -  sassysal12  0 12:56  -765  141 
                                             4.4272 tonikay     0  3:29  -827   79 

On 1st draw, OTALGY H7 28 --- OTALGY pain in the ear [n]
Other moves: AGLEY H8 26, ELOGY H8 26, GOATY H8 26, GOETY H8 26, OTALGY H8 24
GLOAT H4 16 johnny55

On 2nd draw, OOGENY 12C 20 --- OOGENY the development of ova [n]
Other tops: GANE G7 20, GATE G7 20, GENA G7 20, GETA G7 20, GOONEY 12C 20
Other moves: TOGAE G5 19, AGEN G6 18, AGONY 12D 18, GENTY 12D 18, GOATY 12D 18
GATE G7 20 Hasni
GOONY 12D 18 johnny55
GONG 11H 12 pickrose

On 3rd draw, OUTRANGE 8F 61 --- OUTRANGE to surpass in range [v]
Other moves: ROGUE 11B 25, GENOA 13B 23, GENUA 13B 23, GNAR 11C 23, REGNA 11A 23
NAGGER E10 16 johnny55
GOUGER E9 16 pickrose

On 4th draw, HUMA G7 34 --- HUMA a fabulous bird [n]
Other moves: HAM 11D 31, HUM 11D 31, HUM G7 31, UHLAN 11B 31, HAEM 9G 30
HUMAN K4 20 pickrose
HOME C11 18 johnny55
HA 7J 12 Hasni

On 5th draw, WAZIR B10 70 --- WAZIR a high official in some Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: RAZEE B10 52, IZAR 11C 47, IZAR B11 46, RIZA 11B 45, ZEA B12 44
ZIG E10 26 johnny55
ZAG E10 26 pickrose

On 6th draw, OPINION(S) K5 86 --- OPINION a conclusion or judgment one holds to be true [n]
Other moves: OPI(N)ION A5 81, OPINIO(N) A5 80, OPINION(S) K2 68, P(S)ION 15A 38, OPINION K5 36
(S)POON 15B 24 johnny55
I(S) 15A 20 Hasni
PIG E10 12 pickrose

On 7th draw, REL(A)XER M3 44 --- RELAXER one that relaxes [n]
Other moves: EX(A)LTER M8 42, EXERT(S) M8 40, EXTER(N) M8 40, EX(I)LER M8 40, EX(P)ERT M8 40
(S)EX 15B 34 johnny55
(S)EXT 12K 20 pickrose
(S)(A)XE 12K 18 Hasni

On 8th draw, ISOBARS 15A 104 --- ISOBAR a type of atom [n]
Other moves: ISOBAR 15A 51, RABIS N4 45, ISBAS 15A 42, OBIS N5 42, BIS N6 39
SOBS 15B 27 johnny55
IS 15A 24 Hasni
BRAGS E9 16 pickrose

On 9th draw, PINWORK I3 46 --- PINWORK a type of embroidery [n]
Other moves: KNOW L1 44, INWORK I4 40, KNOP L1 40, KNOP A8 39, PINKO A6 38
(S)WINK 12K 32 pickrose
KID 13A 22 Hasni
PI L4 19 sassysal12
KING E9 18 johnny55

On 10th draw, ALEVINS 14G 70 --- ALEVIN a young fish [n]
Other moves: SILVAE A6 34, SILVAN A6 34, VEINAL A6 34, VENIAL A6 34, VINEAL A6 34
(S)ALVE 12K 16 pickrose
(S)AVES 12K 16 johnny55

On 11th draw, EIDENT N6 36 --- EIDENT busy [adj]
Other moves: NEIVE 15K 34, EIDE N6 32, NIDE N6 32, TIDE N6 32, VIED L1 32
TIDE N6 32 Hasni
VEND 4L 20 pickrose
VETS M11 14 johnny55
DIET N1 14 sassysal12

On 12th draw, EDUCATE C4 69 --- EDUCATE to teach [v]
Other moves: ACTED O11 35, ETUDE H1 35, ACUTE H1 33, ACUTE O11 32, EDUCE O11 32
CEDE 4L 16 johnny55
CAPED 3G 13 pickrose

On 13th draw, YEAH 8A 42 --- YEAH an affirmative reply [n] --- YEAH yes [adv]
Other tops: AYAH 8A 42
Other moves: THEY A8 41, YEAH A8 41, YEAH L1 40, BATHE D1 39, THEY B3 39
HAY 15M 32 Hasni
THEY 4A 22 pickrose
YET J2 20 sassysal12
DEATH 5C 18 johnny55

On 14th draw, BEDIM B2 48 --- BEDIM to make dim [v]
Other moves: IMBED O11 41, FEUD H1 39, BUMF D1 38, IMBUE O11 38, IMBUE 13B 35
FEED 4A 24 johnny55
BEEF 4B 18 pickrose
IDE 15M 14 Hasni
BED I13 9 sassysal12

On 15th draw, ATTEST D1 31 --- ATTEST to affirm to be true or genuine [v]
Other moves: DATES 15K 29, DATES D1 28, SATED 15K 28, DALS 10F 26, DEALS 10E 25
TEALS 10E 24 tonikay, Hasni
SIDED 5A 14 johnny55
TED J2 13 sassysal12
DEED 4B 12 pickrose

On 16th draw, VIED L1 32 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v]
Other moves: AVIDER 1D 30, DARI A1 30, VARIED 1C 30, AIVER O11 29, VIAE L1 28
MUTED 6B 12 johnny55
DUO D10 11 tonikay
AVID 1D 8 pickrose, sassysal12

On 17th draw, JA J10 52 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JARFUL 1C 48, AFLAJ 1D 45, JAR 11D 37, FACULAR 1C 36, JAR A1 36
JA J10 52 Hasni
JARFUL 1C 48 pickrose
JAR 11D 37 sassysal12
JA C1 23 tonikay
JAP 3G 20 johnny55

On 18th draw, CARFUL 1C 33 --- CARFUL as much as a car can hold [n]
Other moves: CURF N1 28, FLU H1 22, RIF 13A 22, (S)UQ 12K 22, FURL N1 21
QI 4H 21 tonikay, Hasni, sassysal12, johnny55

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