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Game of June 29, 2011 at 03:41, 7 players
1. 614 pts TwoFold
2. 594 pts dannyboy
3. 451 pts Bez

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eiorttw   H4    26    26   witter
 2. ?efklsz  10D    46    72   fezes
 3. enprstu   5E    90   162   unripest
 4. cnortuw   4A    28   190   crown
 5. bdeeiov   B2    36   226   derive
 6. dhlostu   K5    74   300   shouldst
 7. aeioort   8A    29   329   ariot
 8. ?koqrux   L1    53   382   quarto
 9. afglnou   1L    42   424   quag
10. ekmnory   M6    80   504   monkery
11. acdllno  11D    32   536   alod
12. aeefnpx   N9    59   595   axe
13. abginsv   O4    49   644   bavins
14. acemnot  12C    45   689   camo
15. abhilnt   A1    46   735   batch
16. deeilnp  O11    32   767   plied
17. afgilny   2J    42   809   flung
18. aeegiin  L12    24   833   agee
19. aeiijno   1G    38   871   jiao
20. eeiiiny   6B    35   906   veiny

Remaining tiles: eii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6263 FileTwoFold     4 19:31  -292  614     1.6263 TwoFold     4 19:31  -292  614 
  2.6187 Filedannyboy    4 17:19  -312  594     2.6187 dannyboy    4 17:19  -312  594 
  3.5415 FileBez         2 17:49  -455  451            Group: novice
  4.5503 FileHasni       1 22:04  -511  395     1.5415 Bez         2 17:49  -455  451 
  5.4198 FileAJ0711      0 21:21  -525  381     2.5503 Hasni       1 22:04  -511  395 
  6.  -  FileChrissyM    0  2:23  -876   30     3.5609 scrablehed  0  0:54  -888   18 
  7.5609 Filescrablehed  0  0:54  -888   18            Group: not rated
                                             1.4198 AJ0711      0 21:21  -525  381 
                                             2.  -  ChrissyM    0  2:23  -876   30 

On 1st draw, WITTER H4 26 --- WITTER to mutter peevishly [v]
Other moves: WRITE H4 24, WROTE H4 24, TOWIER H3 20, TOWIER H4 20, TOWIER H7 20
WITTER H4 26 TwoFold, dannyboy
WRITE H4 24 AJ0711, Hasni

On 2nd draw, FEZ(E)S 10D 46 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other tops: F(A)ZES 10D 46, F(E)ZES 10D 46, F(U)ZES 10D 46
Other moves: L*ZeS 10D 43, L(A)ZES 10D 43, LeZ*S 10D 43, S(I)ZEL 10H 43, SEZ 10H 42
S(I)ZE 10H 42 TwoFold
FL(A)KES 10C 32 AJ0711
Z(I)TS 6F 32 dannyboy
LIKES 5G 18 Hasni

On 3rd draw, UNRIPEST 5E 90 --- UNRIPE not mature enough [adj]
Other tops: UNPRIEST 5D 90
Other moves: PUNSTER 3D 72, PUNTERS 3E 72, REPUNITS 5C 70, PENSTER E5 36, PERITUS 5E 36
SPET 11B 21 dannyboy
PRE 9G 15 TwoFold
REPENTS 8G 10 Hasni

On 4th draw, CROWN 4A 28 --- CROWN to supply with a crown (a royal headpiece) [v]
Other moves: FROWN D10 22, NOR 11E 22, NOT 11E 22, NOWT 3E 22, ROT 11E 22
ROT 11E 22 dannyboy
TOR 11E 22 Hasni
COUNT L1 20 AJ0711

On 5th draw, DERIVE B2 36 --- DERIVE to obtain or receive from a source [v]
Other tops: VOICED A1 36
Other moves: CEBOID A4 33, COVED A4 33, CEBID A4 30, OVERBED B1 30, OVERBID B1 30
VOICED A1 36 Bez
COVED A4 33 TwoFold, dannyboy, Hasni
VETOED L3 24 AJ0711
OVOID C2 18 scrablehed

On 6th draw, SHOULDST K5 74 --- SHALL used as an auxiliary to express futurity, inevitability, or command [v]
Other moves: HOD 11E 37, THOLUS 3H 37, DOH 11E 35, HOS 11E 34, HOT 11E 34
HOS 11E 34 dannyboy
HOLDS A7 32 TwoFold
THUDS 3H 24 Bez
HELD E9 16 AJ0711

On 7th draw, ARIOT 8A 29 --- ARIOT in riot [adv]
Other tops: IRATE 8A 29, ORATE 8A 29
Other moves: AERO 11C 28, RATO 11C 28, REACT A1 28, TARO 11C 28, ARET 8A 26
TARO 11C 28 Hasni
ETA 11D 26 dannyboy
TRIO 8A 26 TwoFold
ROTATE L1 19 Bez
FORT D10 14 AJ0711

On 8th draw, QU(A)RTO L1 53 --- QUARTO the size of a piece of paper cut four from a sheet [n]
Other moves: (E)XO 11D 51, K(E)X 11C 48, QUOT(E)R 12H 48, QUOT(A) 12H 46, QUOT(E) 12H 46
QUOT(E)R 12H 48 Bez
KEX 7A 45 TwoFold
R(E)X 11C 40 dannyboy
QU(I)T 12H 22 AJ0711

On 9th draw, QUAG 1L 42 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other tops: GANOF 11C 42
Other moves: FAN 11E 34, FANO 11C 34, FLUNG 2J 34, FON 11E 34, FUNGAL 8J 33
QUAG 1L 42 dannyboy, Bez, Hasni, TwoFold
FL(A)G 3J 14 AJ0711
TANG 12K 10 ChrissyM

On 10th draw, MONKERY M6 80 --- MONKERY the mode of life of monks [n]
Other moves: EUROKY 8J 42, KORUNY 2I 42, YOURN 2J 38, KENO 11C 36, KERO 11C 36
FORKY D10 30 Bez
MON 11E 30 dannyboy
NY 6E 29 TwoFold
KO A1 21 Hasni
M(A)KER 3K 20 ChrissyM
FROM D10 18 AJ0711

On 11th draw, ALOD 11D 32 --- ALOD land held absolutely [n]
Other tops: CALO 11C 32
Other moves: ADO 11D 30, LLANO 11B 30, CODON C1 27, ALCO L12 26, ALOD L12 26
ADO 11D 30 Bez
DAN 11E 26 Hasni
DAL 11E 26 TwoFold
LAD 11E 25 dannyboy
FALL D10 14 AJ0711

On 12th draw, AXE N9 59 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AX N9 56, APEX 12A 54, APEX L12 54, FAX 12B 52, PAX 12B 50
AXE N9 59 TwoFold
FAX 12B 52 dannyboy
PAX 12B 50 Bez
FIX C7 34 AJ0711
XI C7 34 Hasni

On 13th draw, BAVINS O4 49 --- BAVIN a bundle of brushwood [n]
Other moves: VANGS 12A 43, VIGAS 12A 41, BANGS 12A 39, BINGS 12A 39, VINAS 12A 39
VANGS O5 34 dannyboy
GAB O7 27 TwoFold
GAIN 12A 26 AJ0711
BEG 7A 17 Bez

On 14th draw, CAMO 12C 45 --- CAMO a camouflage pattern [n]
Other tops: OMENTA 12A 45
Other moves: CANTO 12B 41, CENTO 12B 41, MANTO 12B 41, MENTA 12B 41, MENTO 12B 41
COUNT 2J 32 Bez
MEANT O11 29 TwoFold
EM 12D 25 dannyboy
FACET D10 20 AJ0711
ZOON F10 13 Hasni

On 15th draw, BATCH A1 46 --- BATCH to collect together [v]
Other tops: BITCH A1 46
Other moves: AITCH A1 40, LANCH A1 40, LATCH A1 40, LINCH A1 40, NATCH A1 40
LINCH A1 40 TwoFold
THIN 13F 25 AJ0711
AH L12 22 dannyboy
NAB 13F 19 Bez
CHIN C12 18 Hasni

On 16th draw, PLIED O11 32 --- PLY to supply with or offer repeatedly [v]
Other tops: PENED O11 32, PIEND O11 32, PILED O11 32, PINED O11 32
Other moves: PENIE O11 29, DOP C3 28, EDILE O11 27, DIENE O11 25, ELDIN O11 24
PILED O11 32 dannyboy
PINED O11 32 TwoFold
PLE(A)D 3I 20 AJ0711
CLIP C12 16 Bez
ZOON F10 13 Hasni

On 17th draw, FLUNG 2J 42 --- FLING to throw with force [v]
Other moves: AGLY L12 36, FANGLE 14J 36, FLANGE 14J 36, ALIF L12 34, FINALE 14J 34
NAIF 13F 25 Bez
YA N14 23 Hasni
FA N14 23 dannyboy
GON C3 22 TwoFold
GLAND 15K 8 AJ0711

On 18th draw, AGEE L12 24 --- AGEE to one side [adv]
Other tops: AGEN L12 24, AGIN L12 24
Other moves: AGENE 1F 23, EIGNE 1F 23, GENIE 1F 23, GENII 1F 23, AINE L12 22
GANE 1G 20 TwoFold
CAGE C12 14 AJ0711, Bez
GO C3 14 dannyboy
CINE C12 12 Hasni

On 19th draw, JIAO 1G 38 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: JANE 1G 38
Other moves: JAI 1H 35, JOE 1H 35, AJEE 14I 27, JEAN 7A 26, JEE 14J 26
JANE 1G 38 dannyboy
JOE 1H 35 TwoFold, Hasni
JOE 14J 26 AJ0711, Bez

On 20th draw, VEINY 6B 35 --- VEINY full of veins [adj]
Other moves: YETI 6F 34, NY 6E 29, YET 6F 29, ZOOEY F10 25, NYE 13F 23
YETI 6F 34 TwoFold
NYE 13F 23 dannyboy, Bez
YE N14 23 Hasni
YE 14N 10 AJ0711

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