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Game of June 29, 2011 at 09:08, 7 players
1. 452 pts babsbedi
2. 419 pts Hasni
3. 402 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abesuu   H4    72    72   bureaus
 2. aioqstw  10F    32   104   qis
 3. adeegst   6H    63   167   restaged
 4. egimnpu   O6    45   212   dumping
 5. adeilor   M1    72   284   dialoger
 6. acginrr   J6    63   347   scarring
 7. eimoory   1H    30   377   moored
 8. ?affttu   7A    67   444   tartuffe
 9. bdenowx   N9    54   498   ox
10. aaeinos  13I    32   530   agonies
11. dillnos  14F    28   558   diols
12. aeloprv  13A    90   648   overlap
13. adhinnr  15F    46   694   dah
14. beeilty   A9    45   739   eyebolt
15. aeiintw   N2    29   768   twine
16. aceejny   6B    57   825   jean
17. eehknov   8B    32   857   keen
18. iortvwy   2F    40   897   ivory

Remaining tiles: chitwz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5538 Filebabsbedi    1 18:23  -445  452     1.5538 babsbedi    1 18:23  -445  452 
  2.5504 FileHasni       1 19:28  -478  419     2.5504 Hasni       1 19:28  -478  419 
  3.4509 FileGrace_Tjie  1 14:17  -495  402     3.5428 Bez         0  6:08  -713  184 
  4.3887 Filepiyaya      1 16:18  -552  345     4.5726 Faeythe     0  1:58  -884   13 
  5.  -  Filerenmar      0 12:06  -702  195            Group: not rated
  6.5428 FileBez         0  6:08  -713  184     1.4509 Grace_Tjie  1 14:17  -495  402 
  7.5726 FileFaeythe     0  1:58  -884   13     2.3887 piyaya      1 16:18  -552  345 
                                             3.  -  renmar      0 12:06  -702  195 

On 1st draw, BU(R)EAUS H4 72 --- BUREAU a chest of drawers [n]
Other moves: BU(R)EAUS H3 68, BU(R)EAUS H6 68, BU(R)EAUS H7 68, BU(R)EAUS H8 68, BU(R)EAUS H2 66
BUSE(S) H4 18 Grace_Tjie
BEAS(T) H4 18 Hasni

On 2nd draw, QIS 10F 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUOIST 5G 30, QUOITS 5G 30, QUOTAS 5G 30, QAT I3 28, QIS I3 28
QIS 10F 32 Grace_Tjie, Hasni
SQ**W 9F 28 babsbedi

On 3rd draw, (R)ESTAGED 6H 63 --- RESTAGE to put on the same play again [v]
Other moves: EDGIEST G7 24, STAGED G2 24, STAGED I2 24, GATED I3 23, SEATED I2 22
BADGES 4H 20 babsbedi
BEAST 4H 14 Hasni
STAG I2 13 Faeythe
SAGE I1 11 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, DUMPING O6 45 --- DUMPING the selling of large quantities of goods at below the market price [n]
Other tops: GIMPED O1 45, GUMPED O1 45
Other moves: IMPEND O1 36, MIDGE O4 36, MINGED O1 36, MUDGE O4 36, MUNGED O1 36
DUMPING O6 45 babsbedi
MINGED O1 36 Hasni
PIN 11E 23 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, DIALOGER M1 72 --- DIALOGER one that dialogs [n]
Other moves: IDOLATER K1 68, TAILORED K6 68, SOLIDARE J6 63, SOREDIAL J6 63, DIALER N10 34
RAID 11D 24 Grace_Tjie
ABIDER 4G 18 Hasni
ADO 7K 14 piyaya

On 6th draw, SCARRING J6 63 --- SCAR to form a scar (a mark left by the healing of injured tissue) [v] --- SCARRING blemishes from wounds on the skin [n]
Other moves: CARING 2J 30, RANCID 1H 30, CRAIG 2J 28, GRADIN 1J 27, AGRIN 11C 25
CRAIG 2J 28 piyaya
GRAIN 11C 25 Grace_Tjie
GRIN 11D 23 babsbedi

On 7th draw, MOORED 1H 30 --- MOOR to secure a vessel by cable or anchor [v]
Other tops: MOIDER 1J 30, MOOLEY 4J 30, OOM N8 30, ROOMED 1H 30
Other moves: MODER 1K 27, ELMY 4L 26, MONEY 12H 26, IDEM 1L 24, OM N9 24
MONEY 12H 26 piyaya
MI 11E 19 Grace_Tjie, Hasni
GROOM 13J 16 babsbedi

On 8th draw, TA(R)TUFFE 7A 67 --- TARTUFFE a hypocrite [n]
Other moves: TUFF(E) 2G 41, TUFF 2G 40, (Q)UAFF 2F 40, (S)TAFF 2F 40, (S)TUFF 2F 40
(S)TUFF 14J 31 Hasni
QUAFF F10 28 babsbedi
F(I)T 11E 22 Grace_Tjie
FA K11 22 renmar

On 9th draw, OX N9 54 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: EX 2I 52, OX 2I 52, EX 8A 42, OX 8A 42, WONTED A4 42
OX N9 54 piyaya
OX 8A 42 babsbedi, Hasni
XI G9 34 renmar
TOWED A7 27 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, AGONIES 13I 32 --- AGONY extreme suffering [n]
Other moves: GENOAS 13J 28, SAINE 14J 28, ASEA 8A 27, ATONIAS A6 24, ATONIES A6 24
GENOAS 13J 28 babsbedi
ONES 13L 22 Hasni, piyaya
SIN 11E 19 Grace_Tjie
IN 11F 15 renmar

On 11th draw, DIOLS 14F 28 --- DIOL a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: DILLS 14F 28, DOLLS 14F 28, SNOD 14J 28
Other moves: INDOLS 14E 27, LINDS 14F 27, LOIDS 14F 27, IDOLS 14F 26, SLOID 11C 26
SOLID 11C 26 babsbedi
LOINS 14F 25 piyaya
LOIN 11D 21 Grace_Tjie
DIN 11E 21 Hasni
TOLD A7 15 renmar

On 12th draw, OVERLAP 13A 90 --- OVERLAP to extend over and cover a part of [v]
Other moves: OVERPLAN 12C 81, PROVABLE 4C 80, (R)EPROVAL C7 80, OVERLAP 2C 72, REP(R)OVAL C4 66
OPE 15G 32 babsbedi
PE 15H 27 Hasni, renmar
PROVE 13B 23 Bez
TAPER A7 21 Grace_Tjie
REAP 13D 19 piyaya

On 13th draw, DAH 15F 46 --- DAH a dash in Morse code [n]
Other moves: HOND A12 36, AH 15G 35, HA 15H 33, HAIN 6B 33, HOAR A12 33
HORN A12 33 Bez, piyaya
HA 15H 33 babsbedi
HOAR A12 33 Hasni
THIRD A7 27 renmar
THAN A7 21 Grace_Tjie

On 14th draw, EYEBOLT A9 45 --- EYEBOLT a type of bolt or screw [n]
Other moves: BYLIVE B9 44, BELIE 2J 40, BETTY A4 39, BITTY A4 39, YETTIE A4 39
EYE 6A 30 piyaya, renmar
BOLT A12 27 Bez, Grace_Tjie
BYTE A5 27 babsbedi

On 15th draw, TWINE N2 29 --- TWINE to entangle together [v]
Other tops: INWIT 11C 29, TWAIN 11C 29
Other moves: TWINIER D7 28, TWINTER D7 28, WE 2J 28, TWIN 11D 27, WAIN 11D 27
TWIN 11D 27 babsbedi
WIT 11E 25 renmar
WE 12C 19 Grace_Tjie
TEA 12C 14 Hasni

On 16th draw, JEAN 6B 57 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other tops: AJEE 6A 57
Other moves: JEE 6B 54, JA 6B 51, JANE O1 49, JANNY L11 38, JANTY D4 38
JA 6B 51 Hasni, piyaya
JEAN 2F 33 babsbedi
JAY B6 29 Bez, Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, KEEN 8B 32 --- KEEN enthusiastic [adj] --- KEEN to wail loudly over the dead [v]
Other moves: KEENO 2F 31, EH 2I 28, EVOHE 2F 28, HE 2J 28, OH 2I 28
EVOKE(R) C2 24 Bez
HONKE(R) C2 24 babsbedi
NEATH D4 24 piyaya
HO 12C 19 Grace_Tjie
KINE 11I 16 Hasni

On 18th draw, IVORY 2F 40 --- IVORY a hard white substance found in elephant tusks [n]
Other tops: TOWY 2G 40
Other moves: YOW 2H 39, WIRY 2G 37, TORY 2G 34, WORRY D11 30, OW 2I 28
WIT 11E 25 Hasni, Grace_Tjie
IVORY 2D 20 babsbedi, Bez
WO 12C 19 piyaya

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