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Game of June 29, 2011 at 16:05, 10 players
1. 626 pts PIThompson
2. 476 pts JennyB
3. 313 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeggmnr   H7    24    24   engram
 2. ?aeeilr  13C    75    99   realise
 3. bemnory  14I    92   191   embryon
 4. aadegrt   9F    66   257   aggrated
 5. ?ahjlot   D8   100   357   jolthead
 6. giostvw  O10    51   408   vowing
 7. enosuvw   8L    54   462   wove
 8. eehlstu  10J    40   502   hete
 9. inoorss   I1    62   564   orisons
10. adeiluy   H1    51   615   delay
11. alostux  10D    51   666   lax
12. aeinost  15B    74   740   sedation
13. aceistu   2D    65   805   cauterise
14. cdeilnq   1L    32   837   dice
15. iinpruu   8A    42   879   punji
16. fiklnor  11G    42   921   kalif
17. nopqtuz   B7    35   956   putz
18. bdfinor  13L    28   984   of
19. bdinqru   4D    34  1018   burqas

Remaining tiles: dinu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7371 FilePIThompson  7 21:13  -392  626     1.7371 PIThompson  7 21:13  -392  626 
  2.5579 FileJennyB      3 19:53  -542  476            Group: novice
  3.5979 Fileshanice     2 18:41  -705  313     1.5579 JennyB      3 19:53  -542  476 
  4.  -  Filejaadetumbi  0 19:34  -796  222     2.5979 shanice     2 18:41  -705  313 
  5.5532 FileHasni       1 11:36  -806  212     3.5532 Hasni       1 11:36  -806  212 
  6.4634 Filepattycake   0  2:42  -882  136     4.5523 sherrymoon  0  8:07  -885  133 
  7.5523 Filesherrymoon  0  8:07  -885  133     5.5095 siuyee      0  3:26  -950   68 
  8.4117 Filemagictwig   0  5:35  -925   93            Group: not rated
  9.4096 Filemanfred     0  7:51  -931   87     1.  -  jaadetumbi  0 19:34  -796  222 
 10.5095 Filesiuyee      0  3:26  -950   68     2.4634 pattycake   0  2:42  -882  136 
                                             3.4117 magictwig   0  5:35  -925   93 
                                             4.4096 manfred     0  7:51  -931   87 

On 1st draw, ENGRAM H7 24 --- ENGRAM the durable mark caused by a stimulus upon protoplasm [n]
Other tops: GAGMEN H4 24, MANGER H4 24
Other moves: GAGMEN H3 22, GAGMEN H7 22, GAGMEN H8 22, GERMAN H4 22, MANGE H4 22
MANGER H4 24 PIThompson
GRAME H4 20 Hasni
GRAME H8 18 JennyB

On 2nd draw, REALI(S)E 13C 75 --- REALISE to accomplish [v]
Other moves: NEARLIE(R) 8H 74, NEA(R)LIER 8H 74, EARLIE(S) 13B 73, ELA(T)ERIN 8A 71, MA(T)ERIEL 12H 70
MI(N)ERAL 12H 16 PIThompson
LIAR(S) 13D 14 Hasni

On 3rd draw, EMBRYON 14I 92 --- EMBRYON the beginning of anything [n]
Other moves: EMBRYON G1 71, EMBRYON I1 71, EMBRYO 14I 40, MOBY 12B 37, BREY 12A 36
BREY 12A 36 JennyB
BOY 12B 28 PIThompson
BORN 12B 20 Hasni
ORGY 9F 13 pattycake

On 4th draw, AGGRATED 9F 66 --- AGGRATE to gratify [v]
Other tops: GRADATE G2 66, GRADATE I2 66
Other moves: AGGRATED 9G 65, GRADATE G1 64, GRADATE I1 64, GARDANT O9 33, ARGAND O10 30
GRAND O11 24 pattycake, JennyB, Hasni
GRADATE 11F 18 PIThompson

On 5th draw, JOLTHEA(D) D8 100 --- JOLTHEAD a blockhead [n]
Other moves: JOLTHEA(D) L4 92, JOLTH(E)AD M2 86, JOLTHEA(D) 7C 80, HAJ(I) 8L 63, HAJ(J) 8L 63
HAJ(J) 8L 63 PIThompson
JAN(E) O12 54 pattycake
HALT 8L 45 jaadetumbi
HAJ 8D 26 JennyB
JO 13N 20 Hasni

On 6th draw, VOWING O10 51 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other moves: WIGS 8L 48, W*GS 8L 48, STOVING O9 45, STOWING O9 45, WIST 8L 45
VOWING O10 51 PIThompson
WIST 8L 45 JennyB
STOWING O9 45 pattycake
WONT O12 33 Hasni
WINS O12 33 shanice
SLOW 10C 28 magictwig
VOI(D) 15A 18 jaadetumbi

On 7th draw, WOVE 8L 54 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other moves: SWONE 8K 50, SWOUN 8K 50, WENS 8L 45, WOES 8L 45, WONS 8L 45
WOVE 8L 54 PIThompson, Hasni, JennyB
WORE 10F 33 shanice
WON 8L 22 jaadetumbi

On 8th draw, HETE 10J 40 --- HETE to command [v]
Other tops: HETS 10J 40
Other moves: HET 10J 35, SHULE 15F 31, REH 10H 29, HE 10J 28, HELE 15G 28
HETE 10J 40 PIThompson
HEE(D)S 15A 21 JennyB, Hasni, shanice
(D)ELTS 15D 12 magictwig

On 9th draw, ORISONS I1 62 --- ORISON a prayer [n]
Other moves: SARINS 11G 31, INS 11J 25, NARIS 11G 22, OASIS 11G 22, OON 13K 22
OON 13K 22 PIThompson
ROO(D) 15A 9 JennyB
SIN I5 7 jaadetumbi
NOISE O4 6 magictwig
RINSE O4 6 Hasni

On 10th draw, DELAY H1 51 --- DELAY to put off to a later time [v]
Other moves: YALE H1 46, YULE H1 46, ULYIE 15H 44, DELAY 15G 41, YAD H1 41
DELAY H1 51 shanice
YULE H1 46 PIThompson
DOILY 1H 39 JennyB
LADY G4 22 jaadetumbi
(D)AILY 15D 21 magictwig

On 11th draw, LAX 10D 51 --- LAX a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles [n] --- LAX not strict or stringent [adj]
Other tops: LOX 10D 51, LUX 10D 51
Other moves: AX 11J 44, AXAL 11H 34, OXTERS 2E 31, SAXAUL F8 29, OXTER 2E 28
LAX 10D 51 PIThompson
LUX 10D 51 JennyB
LOX 10D 51 shanice
TAX F8 26 magictwig
AX E13 18 jaadetumbi

On 12th draw, SE(D)ATION 15B 74 --- SEDATION the reduction of stress or excitement by the use of sedatives [n]
Other moves: ITAS 11J 32, ISNAE 15G 26, TENIA 15G 26, TINEA 15G 26, INS 11J 25
STONE 15F 22 PIThompson
TAE 11D 20 shanice
TAN 8F 16 JennyB

On 13th draw, CAUTERISE 2D 65 --- CAUTERISE
Other tops: CAUTERIES 2D 65
Other moves: TIETACS 11D 38, CASITA 11G 35, ITAS 11J 32, CATTIE 11A 30, TIETAC 11D 30
CUTIE 11B 28 PIThompson
TAE 11D 20 shanice
SAT J1 17 manfred
CART L12 14 JennyB
STEW 12L 14 jaadetumbi

On 14th draw, DICE 1L 32 --- DICE to cut into small cubes [v]
Other moves: CALID 11G 30, CANID 11G 30, INCLE 1K 29, ACID 11H 28, CADIE 11G 28
DICE 1L 32 JennyB
QI 14A 26 PIThompson
DECLINE O2 13 shanice, jaadetumbi
CAUTERISED 2D 13 sherrymoon
LI 14A 8 manfred

On 15th draw, PUNJI 8A 42 --- PUNJI a sharp bamboo stake placed and concealed so as to impale an enemy [n]
Other moves: PUN 8F 20, PIG G7 19, PUG G7 19, ASPIRIN 4H 18, PRUINAS 4C 18
SPURN K2 14 manfred
NIP 3L 14 JennyB, jaadetumbi, PIThompson
CUP N1 14 sherrymoon

On 16th draw, KALIF 11G 42 --- KALIF a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: KOI 13M 34, ALIF 11H 32, FIRK L12 32, FORK L12 32, FLUNK B6 30
KOI 13M 34 PIThompson
FORK L12 32 sherrymoon
CLINK N1 22 JennyB
SKIN K2 16 manfred

On 17th draw, PUTZ B7 35 --- PUTZ to waste time [v]
Other moves: QUOTAS 4D 30, COZ D2 28, COZ N1 28, CUZ D2 28, CUZ N1 28
PUTZ B7 35 PIThompson
COZ D2 28 sherrymoon
QUOTE O4 24 siuyee
ZEST 7G 23 shanice
ZONE O5 13 jaadetumbi
QI E7 11 JennyB

On 18th draw, OF 13L 28 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other moves: BOI 13M 26, FIB 12K 26, FOB 12K 26, FORB 3L 25, FRIB 3L 25
OF 13L 28 PIThompson
FORB L12 24 shanice
BROD 3L 20 JennyB
FINO C6 18 manfred
CRIB N1 16 sherrymoon
COB N1 14 siuyee
COIN D2 12 jaadetumbi

On 19th draw, BURQAS 4D 34 --- BURQA a coverall worn by Muslim women [n]
Other moves: SQUIB K2 32, QUINAS 4D 30, SQUID K2 30, QI 14A 26, QUINE O4 24
SQUID K2 30 sherrymoon, siuyee
QI 14A 26 PIThompson
QUIRE O4 24 jaadetumbi
QUINE O4 24 shanice, JennyB
QAID E1 14 manfred

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