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Game of June 29, 2011 at 20:41, 15 players
1. 586 pts musdrive
2. 519 pts jeff
3. 458 pts nderera

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdeilno   H4    24    24   bolide
 2. ?anotuw   8A    86   110   untoward
 3. aeilsst   4H    72   182   blasties
 4. agiorrt   L1    62   244   grattoir
 5. efiirsu   B7    88   332   unifiers
 6. acegopz   8K    48   380   craze
 7. ehimtuw   2J    38   418   hermit
 8. adehort   K8    78   496   chordate
 9. bdeeioq   1N    50   546   qi
10. ekmnpry  15J    51   597   kemper
11. aadefov  A12    49   646   feod
12. ?aijnos   1D    97   743   adjoins
13. aadelty  11D    74   817   daytaler
14. egilnnw  12H    41   858   windle
15. egnpruv  12A    30   888   fever
16. cenpuuy  10J    37   925   poncy
17. begnoux  13E    38   963   boxen
18. aggnouv  10E    22   985   gnu

Remaining tiles: agouv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7072 Filemusdrive    2 17:46  -399  586     1.7072 musdrive    2 17:46  -399  586 
  2.6342 Filejeff        2 21:11  -466  519            Group: intermediate
  3.5258 Filenderera     1 20:13  -527  458     1.6342 jeff        2 21:11  -466  519 
  4.5667 Filemichele     2 18:16  -551  434     2.6102 ksong       1 13:41  -638  347 
  5.4516 FileGrace_Tjie  1 13:57  -574  411     3.6509 cymru57     1  9:47  -653  332 
  6.6102 Fileksong       1 13:41  -638  347     4.6556 woofy1      0  3:39  -919   66 
  7.4135 Filemagictwig   2 23:35  -644  341            Group: novice
  8.6509 Filecymru57     1  9:47  -653  332     1.5258 nderera     1 20:13  -527  458 
  9.3433 Filekp10        1 13:33  -695  290     2.5667 michele     2 18:16  -551  434 
 10.  -  FileBiddy       0  8:40  -836  149     3.5350 narisa      0 10:07  -864  121 
 11.2223 Fileding        0  7:48  -838  147     4.5989 shanice     0  4:55  -900   85 
 12.5350 Filenarisa      0 10:07  -864  121            Group: not rated
 13.5989 Fileshanice     0  4:55  -900   85     1.4516 Grace_Tjie  1 13:57  -574  411 
 14.6556 Filewoofy1      0  3:39  -919   66     2.4135 magictwig   2 23:35  -644  341 
 15.4012 Filepickrose    0  2:52  -952   33     3.3433 kp10        1 13:33  -695  290 
                                             4.  -  Biddy       0  8:40  -836  149 
                                             5.2223 ding        0  7:48  -838  147 
                                             6.4012 pickrose    0  2:52  -952   33 

On 1st draw, BOLIDE H4 24 --- BOLIDE an exploding meteor [n]
Other tops: BINDLE H4 24, BLONDE H4 24, BOILED H4 24, BOLDEN H4 24
Other moves: BIDON H4 22, BIELD H4 22, BILED H4 22, BLEND H4 22, BLIND H4 22
BOILED H4 24 musdrive, jeff, magictwig
BLONDE H4 24 nderera, Grace_Tjie
BLONDE H8 22 shanice
BOND H5 14 kp10

On 2nd draw, UNTOWA(R)D 8A 86 --- UNTOWARD unruly [adj]
Other moves: OUT(F)AWN G9 64, OUT(G)NAW G9 64, OUTD(R)AWN 8E 62, OUT(S)AW 10E 27, TAWN(Y) G7 27
TOWN G7 27 Grace_Tjie, musdrive
(S)AWN 10H 23 jeff
(S)OW 10H 22 nderera
B(L)OWN 4H 18 shanice
WAL(L) 6F 14 kp10

On 3rd draw, BLASTIES 4H 72 --- BLASTIE a dwarf [n]
Other tops: BASTILES 4H 72, BESTIALS 4H 72, SWALIEST E7 72
Other moves: SALTIES 10B 71, SALTIES 10H 71, ABLEISTS 4G 70, ASTILBES 4C 70, EASTLINS B2 70
SALTIES 10H 21 jeff
WASTES E8 18 nderera
SLITS 10D 17 musdrive
(R)EALIST G8 11 Grace_Tjie
STEALS I9 11 magictwig
ATLAS F5 7 michele
LIST 6H 6 kp10

On 4th draw, GRATTOIR L1 62 --- GRATTOIR a scraper [n]
Other moves: GRATTOIR C4 61, GRATTOIR C5 61, RAGWORT E5 44, AGISTOR O1 24, TAIG 3J 22
GRIST O1 18 kp10
STRAG O4 18 musdrive
ROAST O1 15 Grace_Tjie
GARS O1 15 nderera
TAGS O1 15 jeff
RATS O1 12 magictwig
GARROT F7 9 michele

On 5th draw, UNIFIERS B7 88 --- UNIFIER one that unifies [n]
Other moves: AURIFIES F8 65, AURIFIES J4 65, FIRERS 2J 34, FIRIES 2J 34, FURIES 2J 34
FIGURE 1J 30 musdrive, nderera
FUSSIER O2 30 magictwig
FURIES 8J 27 jeff
SURFS O4 24 michele
RIFE 8L 21 Grace_Tjie
FEIS O1 21 kp10

On 6th draw, CRAZE 8K 48 --- CRAZE to make insane [v]
Other tops: CROZE 8K 48
Other moves: GRAZE 8K 45, ZAPS O1 45, ZEPS O1 45, GAZE 1L 42, ZAGS O1 42
CRAZE 8K 48 michele, jeff
GRAZE 8K 45 musdrive, shanice
ZAPS O1 45 ksong, woofy1
GAZE 1L 42 nderera, Grace_Tjie
CZAR 2I 35 Biddy
OOZE 6L 33 magictwig
ACES O1 18 kp10
ZO 5G 11 ding

On 7th draw, HERMIT 2J 38 --- HERMIT a recluse [n]
Other moves: MEATH 3J 35, WHIST O1 33, MIRTH 2J 32, HEWS O1 30, METH C12 28
HERMIT 2J 38 musdrive
WHIST O1 33 nderera, jeff
WHEW E5 26 Biddy
HEIST O1 24 michele
WIZ N6 23 magictwig
WITS O1 21 woofy1
HI M3 20 ksong
UH A14 17 Grace_Tjie
ZIT N8 14 ding
GUM 1L 6 kp10

On 8th draw, CHORDATE K8 78 --- CHORDATE a taxonomic division of the animal kingdom [n]
Other moves: HAED A12 49, HEAD A12 49, HOED A12 49, HAET A12 46, HEAR A12 46
HOED A12 49 nderera, musdrive
HEAD A12 49 ksong
HOAR A12 46 jeff
HOT 9M 32 michele
HADE 1G 29 Grace_Tjie
DEATH F6 21 Biddy
HEATED O7 12 magictwig
ADORE M8 8 ding
EAT N4 5 kp10

On 9th draw, QI 1N 50 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BEEDI J10 38, BEEDI L10 33, BOD 9M 30, OBIED 15H 30, DOBIE 1F 29
QI 1N 50 kp10, michele, magictwig, cymru57
QAID 13J 28 musdrive
BODE 1G 26 jeff
BODE 15H 21 Grace_Tjie
DOE J10 20 ksong
QI 11A 11 ding, nderera

On 10th draw, KEMPER 15J 51 --- KEMPER a champion [n]
Other moves: REKEY 15H 48, KEMPER 15G 45, KYPE 1G 44, EMPERY 15H 42, KEMPY 12A 42
EMERY 15K 39 musdrive
KYE 1H 35 jeff
PERKY 12A 34 cymru57, michele
POKEY 10J 28 Biddy
KNEE 15H 24 kp10
RYE 1H 23 Grace_Tjie
ZEP N8 20 ding
PREY 15I 13 magictwig
MEW E6 8 nderera

On 11th draw, FEOD A12 49 --- FEOD a feudal estate [n]
Other moves: FOVEAE N10 40, DEAF A12 39, FOVEA 1F 38, FAVA 1G 35, FAVE 1G 35
FOVEA 1F 38 musdrive
FAVE 1G 35 Grace_Tjie
FAZED N6 30 michele, cymru57, nderera, magictwig
FADE 1G 29 jeff
DEAF 12K 16 kp10
FAVORED 11G 14 Biddy
ZO N8 11 ding

On 12th draw, A(D)JOINS 1D 97 --- ADJOIN to lie next to [v]
Other moves: A(B)JOINTS C2 88, A(D)JOINTS C2 88, (B)ANJOIST C1 83, JANI(T)ORS 11E 78, AJOW(A)NS E5 64
JOIN J10 59 ksong
JAI(L) J10 57 cymru57, musdrive
JO(E) J10 54 jeff
JO J10 52 michele
JOIN(T)S 1E 41 nderera
JO(E) 1H 31 Grace_Tjie
JO 10J 25 kp10
JOINS 10D 24 narisa
JA(D)E N12 20 magictwig
JAWS E6 14 Biddy
ZO N8 11 ding

On 13th draw, DAYTALER 11D 74 --- DAYTALER a day-labourer [n]
Other moves: DAYTALE M7 39, YEAD J10 37, AYE J9 34, DAYTALE 13G 34, YAD 9M 34
YEAD J10 37 musdrive
AYE J9 34 ksong, jeff
YEAD 2D 30 michele
DEADLY 12H 26 cymru57
LAZED N6 21 nderera
FELTED 12A 20 narisa
DAY 2B 19 Grace_Tjie
JADE F1 14 kp10
FEAT 12A 14 magictwig
ZA N8 11 ding

On 14th draw, WINDLE 12H 41 --- WINDLE to wind [v]
Other moves: AWING H11 39, WINNLE N10 34, WEEL J10 33, WEEN J10 33, WEIL J10 33
AWING H11 39 cymru57
WEEN J10 33 jeff
WIZEN N6 27 musdrive, nderera
WE C12 25 ksong
NEW 2B 17 Grace_Tjie
ZING N8 16 michele
J*W F1 15 magictwig
ZIN N8 14 ding, kp10
DEW D11 14 narisa

On 15th draw, FEVER 12A 30 --- FEVER to affect with fever (abnormal elevation of the body temperature) [v]
Other moves: UNPROVED D4 28, PORGE 10J 27, GREN C12 26, UNPEG 13E 25, VEG 13G 25
FEVER 12A 30 ksong
PONG 10J 24 musdrive
PORE 10J 23 nderera
REP 13G 23 cymru57
ZEP N8 20 ding, magictwig
PRUNE 2A 17 Grace_Tjie
DRUG D11 12 narisa
PRE N13 10 kp10
PEE O6 5 michele

On 16th draw, PONCY 10J 37 --- PONCY effeminate [adj]
Other moves: PONEY 10J 35, EYEN J9 33, POUNCE 10J 33, PONCEY 10J 32, P(R)Y G7 30
POUNCE 10J 33 musdrive
YON 10J 28 nderera, jeff
PUNY 2A 23 ksong
YE 14N 22 cymru57
CUZ N6 20 michele
PONY 6K 17 narisa
PEN 2B 12 Grace_Tjie
EYE N13 12 kp10
ARC E11 5 pickrose
PEN O7 5 magictwig
EE O8 2 ding

On 17th draw, BOXEN 13E 38 --- BOXEN like boxwood [adj]
Other moves: XU 13M 36, BOX 2B 33, GOX 2B 31, OX 2F 31, BOX 9D 30
XU 13M 36 michele, cymru57, musdrive
BOX 2B 33 Grace_Tjie
OX 2F 31 ksong
EXUL 6E 27 narisa
LUX 6H 26 jeff
EX 9E 23 nderera
EX M12 18 kp10
BOXER O11 15 magictwig
JOBE F1 15 pickrose
OXO D6 10 ding

On 18th draw, GNU 10E 22 --- GNU a large antelope [n]
Other tops: GAU 10E 22, GOA 10E 22
Other moves: GOA 2D 21, VUGG 2A 21, AVOW E5 20, GUANO 7A 20, TOUN 14K 20
VANG 2A 19 musdrive
NU 14F 17 michele
VAG 2B 17 Grace_Tjie
ON 2F 17 jeff
AGOG 2A 15 cymru57
OVA F13 14 magictwig
JOG F1 13 pickrose
JAG F1 13 nderera
GUAVA F4 11 Biddy
OPEN J9 11 ksong
OVEN O6 7 narisa
YO N10 5 kp10
SAG O4 4 ding

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