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Game of June 30, 2011 at 04:24, 7 players
1. 373 pts AJ0711
2. 292 pts TwoFold
3. 52 pts jonb5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?afhill   H4    82    82   halflin
 2. ?dilnrt   5B    66   148   trinodal
 3. egginsz  11E    44   192   zings
 4. beeiopy   B2    44   236   biotype
 5. aeegorr   A8    30   266   regear
 6. acefist  12D    56   322   cafes
 7. einrtuy   I7    31   353   yites
 8. adelort   D3    70   423   tailored
 9. acdejnr   4H    32   455   hejra
10. denootu   K2    68   523   unrooted
11. eemorux   8K    66   589   exeem
12. adgikos   A1    56   645   soak
13. dinoruw   M7    32   677   rewound
14. ceimntv   2J    30   707   mucin
15. abenotw   O3    66   773   batwomen
16. hioptvv   1G    34   807   vivo
17. ehipstu  13A    35   842   ruths
18. aegiipu  14B    28   870   pia

Remaining tiles: aegiqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4343 FileAJ0711      0 18:56  -497  373     1.6265 TwoFold     0  7:24  -578  292 
  2.6265 FileTwoFold     0  7:24  -578  292            Group: novice
  3.5662 Filejonb5       0  1:34  -818   52     1.5662 jonb5       0  1:34  -818   52 
  4.4729 Filejohnny55    0  1:58  -822   48     2.5095 siuyee      0  0:31  -844   26 
  5.  -  Fileskyblue     0  5:00  -835   35            Group: not rated
  6.  -  FileMarch28     0  7:04  -842   28     1.4343 AJ0711      0 18:56  -497  373 
  7.5095 Filesiuyee      0  0:31  -844   26     2.4729 johnny55    0  1:58  -822   48 
                                             3.  -  skyblue     0  5:00  -835   35 
                                             4.  -  March28     0  7:04  -842   28 

On 1st draw, HALFLI(N) H4 82 --- HALFLIN a half-grown person [n]
Other moves: HALFLI(N) H2 76, HALFLI(N) H3 76, HALFLI(N) H7 76, HALFLI(N) H8 76, HALFLI(N) H5 74
HALF H6 20 AJ0711

On 2nd draw, TRIN(O)DAL 5B 66 --- TRINODAL having three nodes [adj]
Other tops: DARTLIN(G) 5G 66
Other moves: T(E)NDRIL G9 62, T(E)NDRIL I9 62, DILAT(E)R 5E 28, DILAT(O)R 5E 28, INDART(S) 5E 28
DINT(S) 11D 22 johnny55
DARTIN(G) 5G 14 AJ0711
DIRT 9G 8 March28

On 3rd draw, ZINGS 11E 44 --- ZING to move with a high-pitched humming sound [v]
Other moves: ZINGS 11D 43, ZING 11E 42, ZEINS 11D 41, ZIGS 11E 41, ZINES 11D 41
ZINGS 9G 26 johnny55
ZEST B2 26 AJ0711
GI(N)S 10F 8 March28

On 4th draw, BIOTYPE B2 44 --- BIOTYPE a group of genetically similar organisms [n]
Other moves: BEPITY B1 42, BO(N)EY 10F 37, PI(N)EY 10F 37, PO(N)EY 10F 37, PIETY B2 36
BEET B2 12 AJ0711

On 5th draw, REGEAR A8 30 --- GEAR to provide with gears (toothed machine parts) [v] --- REGEAR to equip again [v]
Other moves: AGREE A8 27, EAGER A8 27, EAGRE A8 27, RAGEE A8 27, RAGER A8 27
RIGOR 3A 12 AJ0711
PORE 7B 7 March28

On 6th draw, CAFES 12D 56 --- CAFE a small restaurant [n]
Other moves: FATES 12D 49, CATES 12D 47, AFIRE C2 37, ATES 12E 36, CAFE 12D 36
RACIST 13A 16 AJ0711

On 7th draw, YITES I7 31 --- YITE (Scots) the yellowhammer [n]
Other moves: TYRE C3 28, YIN I7 28, INTER B10 25, INURE C2 25, HENRY 4H 24
NIFTY F10 21 AJ0711
UNLET 8F 5 March28

On 8th draw, TAILORED D3 70 --- TAILOR to fit with clothes [v]
Other moves: LOAD A1 32, ROAD A1 32, TOAD A1 32, TOLD A1 32, ORDEAL B10 30
DEAL B12 15 TwoFold
TRIAD D3 12 AJ0711

On 9th draw, HEJRA 4H 32 --- HEJRA the flight of Mohammed from Mecca [n]
Other moves: JA A1 31, REGEARED A8 30, JEHAD 4F 29, JADE G3 27, RADE C7 26
JA A1 31 TwoFold
JEER 9C 19 AJ0711
(N)EAR 10H 5 skyblue

On 10th draw, UNROOTED K2 68 --- UNROOT to uproot [v]
Other moves: REGEARED A8 30, DOON A1 27, DE(N)ET 10F 25, DO(N)EE 10F 25, TOON A1 24
REGEARED A8 30 TwoFold
DIET 3A 10 AJ0711

On 11th draw, EXEEM 8K 66 --- EXEEM to release or exempt [v]
Other tops: EXEME 8K 66
Other moves: LEX 6D 52, LOX 6D 52, LUX 6D 52, EX J1 50, OX J1 50
LOX 6D 52 AJ0711, jonb5
EX J1 50 TwoFold
DEEM 9K 8 skyblue

On 12th draw, SOAK A1 56 --- SOAK to saturate thoroughly in liquid [v]
Other moves: DAKS A1 43, KA(N)ES 10F 43, KADI A1 40, KAGO A1 40, KA(N)E 10F 40
KAS A1 27 TwoFold
SKID 14A 26 AJ0711
KEG M7 15 skyblue

On 13th draw, REWOUND M7 32 --- REWIND to wind again [v]
Other moves: TOWN 7K 31, LOW 6D 28, TOW 7K 28, WINDORE N2 26, DO(N)ER 10F 25
LOW 6D 28 TwoFold
WORD 6J 16 AJ0711
MIND O8 7 skyblue

On 14th draw, MUCIN 2J 30 --- MUCIN a protein secreted by the mucous membranes [n]
Other tops: CUMIN 2J 30
Other moves: MUNITE 2J 28, MUTINE 2J 28, MEINT L11 27, VIC(O)MTE F2 27, CUNEI 2J 26
MINCE 12K 20 AJ0711

On 15th draw, BATWOMEN O3 66 --- BATWOMAN an officer's female attendant [n]
Other moves: BYELAW 6A 38, BOWNE 1F 34, ONBEAT B10 33, WAXEN L6 32, WOXEN L6 32
BOW 1M 30 AJ0711
WANE 1G 25 TwoFold

On 16th draw, VIVO 1G 34 --- VIVO lively [adj]
Other tops: PITH 1G 34, TOPH 1G 34
Other moves: HIP 1M 31, HOP 1M 31, POH 1H 31, POH 1M 30, PHO 1H 28
HOP 1M 31 TwoFold
PHOT(O) F1 17 AJ0711

On 17th draw, RUTHS 13A 35 --- RUTH compassion [n]
Other moves: HIPS M1 34, EHS 13C 31, HEP 1M 31, HIP 1M 31, HUP 1M 31
HIP 1M 31 TwoFold
SHIP 14A 26 siuyee, AJ0711

On 18th draw, PIA 14B 28 --- PIA a membrane of the brain [n]
Other tops: PEA 14B 28, PIE 14B 28
Other moves: LAPEL 6D 27, GAE 14B 24, GIE 14B 24, PEG 1M 24, PIG 1M 24
PIG 1M 24 TwoFold, AJ0711

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