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Game of June 30, 2011 at 12:36, 5 players
1. 451 pts ksong
2. 325 pts piyaya
3. 290 pts michele

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?agnorr   H8    68    68   oranger
 2. bdeforz  11E    76   144   bronzed
 3. aailorw  10J    31   175   wali
 4. ?adgiit  13F    72   247   ideating
 5. dehlnot  14B    40   287   thonder
 6. aceegil  13A    26   313   lac
 7. aeilnsv   N4    74   387   alevins
 8. adelmot  15A    45   432   team
 9. aimossw   O1    53   485   swamis
10. beefisu   O8    59   544   feebs
11. egiknot   M1    27   571   gonk
12. hiloprt   A8    30   601   thrill
13. eoprxyy  15H    72   673   yex
14. ceinopt   F4    70   743   inceptor
15. ainooru   1H    24   767   oaring
16. eeefotu  14J    26   793   ufo
17. aeoptuu  15L    24   817   tope
18. adeiuuv   E2    23   840   vade
19. eeijruy   1A    36   876   eyrie

Remaining tiles: jquuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6106 Fileksong       1 21:45  -425  451     1.6106 ksong       1 21:45  -425  451 
  2.4966 Filepiyaya      0 14:43  -551  325     2.6543 sunshine12  2  4:14  -723  153 
  3.5642 Filemichele     1 16:22  -586  290            Group: novice
  4.4103 FileJudyS       0 17:35  -665  211     1.5642 michele     1 16:22  -586  290 
  5.6543 Filesunshine12  2  4:14  -723  153            Group: not rated
                                             1.4966 piyaya      0 14:43  -551  325 
                                             2.4103 JudyS       0 17:35  -665  211 

On 1st draw, ORANG(E)R H8 68 --- ORANGE the colour of an orange (a fruit) [adj]
Other tops: GARRON(S) H4 68, GRAN(T)OR H4 68, GROAN(E)R H4 68, ROAR(I)NG H6 68
Other moves: GARRON(S) H2 66, GARRON(S) H3 66, GARRON(S) H7 66, GARRON(S) H8 66, GRAN(T)OR H2 66
ORANG(E)R H4 16 piyaya
GRO(W)N H4 14 ksong

On 2nd draw, BRONZED 11E 76 --- BRONZE to colour brown or tan [v]
Other moves: DEFROZ(E) 13B 58, D(E)FROZE 13G 50, BEZOAR 10D 37, FROZE 14G 37, FROZEN 11C 36
FEZ G6 27 ksong
FROZ(E) 13D 26 piyaya

On 3rd draw, WALI 10J 31 --- WALI a governor [n]
Other tops: WAIL 10J 31, WAIR 10J 31
Other moves: GARIAL 12H 30, WAI 10J 30, WAR 10J 30, WO 10J 29, GORAL 12H 28
WAIL 10J 31 ksong
ZOA I11 18 piyaya

On 4th draw, ID(E)ATI(N)G 13F 72 --- IDEATE to form an idea [v]
Other moves: TIG(R)IDIA M6 70, DIGI(T)AT(E) 13A 68, DIGITA(T)(E) 13A 66, DIG(E)RATI 14D 65, TIGRID(I)A 14E 65
GAD(S) 12H 26 piyaya
DIGIT 12K 21 ksong
(G)ADG(E) 13D 7 JudyS

On 5th draw, THONDER 14B 40 --- THONDER yonder [adv]
Other moves: THOLED 14A 35, HOLED 14B 33, HONED 14B 33, OHED 9J 30, HOLDEN 14A 28
OHED 9J 30 ksong
HON 9M 19 michele
HOLD 14C 19 piyaya
THE J13 14 JudyS

On 6th draw, LAC 13A 26 --- LAC a resinous substance secreted by certain insects [n]
Other tops: CIEL 13A 26, GRIECE 9G 26
Other moves: GEAL 13A 24, GLACE 12A 24, GEE 12H 23, GEL 12H 23, CAGE 9K 22
GLACE 12A 24 ksong
ACE 9J 19 piyaya
ALE 9M 7 michele

On 7th draw, ALEVINS N4 74 --- ALEVIN a young fish [n]
Other tops: VALINES N4 74
Other moves: ALEVINS G2 64, ALEVINS I2 64, VALINES G2 64, VALINES I2 64, AVINE 12A 39
VEIN 15A 38 piyaya
SNIVEL A8 30 ksong
SLAVE I4 14 michele
WENTS J10 10 JudyS

On 8th draw, TEAM 15A 45 --- TEAM to form a team (a group of persons associated in a joint action) [v]
Other tops: LEAM 15A 45
Other moves: MEAD 15A 43, DOLMA O1 42, LEAD 15A 37, TEAD 15A 37, AMOLE 12A 36
TEAM O1 34 piyaya
MOLD O1 32 ksong
DIM 8M 18 michele
MID 8M 18 JudyS

On 9th draw, SWAMIS O1 53 --- SWAMI a Hindu religious teacher [n]
Other moves: SWAMI O1 48, SOWM O1 43, SWAM O1 43, SWIM O1 43, WASM O1 43
SWAM O1 43 piyaya, ksong
SWAMIS 8J 36 JudyS
MOWS O1 33 michele

On 10th draw, FEEBS O8 59 --- FEEB a wimp (a weak or ineffectual person) [n]
Other moves: FEEB O8 53, FEES O8 47, FEE O8 44, FEIS 8L 33, FE O8 32
FIB M2 23 ksong
FEW 2M 18 JudyS
BEEFS G4 16 michele

On 11th draw, GONK M1 27 --- GONK a soft toy [n]
Other tops: GINK M1 27
Other moves: OINK M1 25, TINK M1 25, TONK M1 25, GENTIL A8 24, KING M1 24
TINK M1 25 michele
KING M1 24 ksong

On 12th draw, THRILL A8 30 --- THRILL to excite greatly [v]
Other moves: PHOTO G7 24, GOR 12H 23, PRIOR 9G 21, PHO G7 20, PHORATE B9 20
THRILL A8 30 michele
OH 9J 18 ksong
PHOTO 8D 13 JudyS

On 13th draw, YEX 15H 72 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: EYRY 15G 67, YORP 15H 60, YEP 15H 57, YORE 15H 54, YE 15H 48
PROXY G4 30 michele
OXY 14M 29 piyaya
POX I6 22 ksong
PROXY 8F 17 JudyS

On 14th draw, INCEPTOR F4 70 --- INCEPTOR one that incepts [n]
Other moves: POTENCIES 6G 65, COPING 1H 36, PICONG 1H 36, COTING 1H 30, OPTING 1H 30
COPING 1H 36 sunshine12
IN 14J 18 JudyS, ksong
CONGES 1J 10 michele

On 15th draw, OARING 1H 24 --- OAR to propel with oars (long, broad-bladed poles) [v]
Other tops: OURANG 1H 24, UNAI 14J 24
Other moves: GON 12H 23, GOR 12H 23, AN 14J 18, IN 14J 18, IO 14J 18
OARING 1H 24 sunshine12
AN 14J 18 ksong, michele
IRON 5C 8 JudyS

On 16th draw, UFO 14J 26 --- UFO an unidentified flying object [n]
Other moves: FOUET 14K 25, EF 14J 24, GEE 12H 23, GOE 12H 23, FEET 2H 22
EF 14J 24 sunshine12
REEF 9H 21 piyaya, ksong
FEET 2F 19 michele
U(N)TO L12 8 JudyS

On 17th draw, TOPE 15L 24 --- TOPE to drink liquor to excess [v]
Other tops: OUPA 15L 24, TAPE 15L 24, TAPU 15L 24, TEPA 15L 24
Other moves: TAUPE E1 22, OUPA E2 20, POTAE E1 20, TAPE E2 20, TAPU E2 20
REAP 9H 19 piyaya
PATE E2 18 sunshine12
POET 2F 16 michele
OP 9J 16 ksong
PAN 5D 10 JudyS

On 18th draw, VADE E2 23 --- VADE to pass away [v]
Other tops: VIDE E2 23
Other moves: IVIED 4D 22, VIAE B6 22, VADE 2F 21, VIDE 2F 21, VIED 2F 21
VADE E2 23 sunshine12
READ 9H 17 piyaya, ksong
AVID 4D 16 JudyS
CAVED 6F 15 michele

On 19th draw, EYRIE 1A 36 --- EYRIE the nest of a bird of prey [n]
Other moves: JURIES 6J 29, JEE B6 28, JEE 1D 27, JEU 1D 27, JEE G3 25
JEE B6 28 sunshine12
JURA 3B 22 ksong
JURY I5 20 michele
YE 1D 18 JudyS

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