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Game of June 30, 2011 at 18:49, 9 players
1. 571 pts blue.sand
2. 561 pts PIThompson
3. 408 pts narisa

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeggls   H8    72    72   alegges
 2. abdehmr   8G    67   139   hardbeam
 3. ?bcettx   O4    84   223   texts
 4. adeinrt  12A    74   297   derating
 5. ?eknssv  B10    44   341   keeves
 6. ailnoop   E6    70   411   nopalito
 7. ahnuvyz   C7    42   453   hazy
 8. afinprr  A14    25   478   fa
 9. deeiopt   B1    79   557   epidote
10. acenosu   K6    74   631   subocean
11. ceinotw   O1    48   679   contexts
12. bdfoouu   A1    47   726   fub
13. aelrtwy   F1    76   802   trawley
14. diimnot   C1    46   848   modii
15. egiortu   3H    70   918   outreign
16. inoqrsv   A8    46   964   qis
17. ailnruw   H1    33   997   anow
18. einoruv   M7    30  1027   vaurien

Remaining tiles: ijlor

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6723 Fileblue.sand   3 11:42  -456  571     1.7372 PIThompson  2 17:55  -466  561 
  2.7372 FilePIThompson  2 17:55  -466  561            Group: intermediate
  3.5356 Filenarisa      0 22:13  -619  408     1.6723 blue.sand   3 11:42  -456  571 
  4.4333 Filemagictwig   0 24:14  -638  389            Group: novice
  5.5166 Fileworsie      0 17:13  -675  352     1.5356 narisa      0 22:13  -619  408 
  6.5354 Filenderera     0 16:42  -734  293     2.5166 worsie      0 17:13  -675  352 
  7.3302 FileZEHAVARON   0 10:46  -913  114     3.5354 nderera     0 16:42  -734  293 
  8.5671 Filepandora1._  0  4:55  -944   83     4.5671 pandora1._  0  4:55  -944   83 
  9.3452 Filekp10        0  1:24 -1011   16            Group: not rated
                                             1.4333 magictwig   0 24:14  -638  389 
                                             2.3302 ZEHAVARON   0 10:46  -913  114 
                                             3.3452 kp10        0  1:24 -1011   16 

On 1st draw, ALEGGES H8 72 --- ALEGGE to allay [v]
Other moves: ALEGGES H2 70, ALEGGES H3 70, ALEGGES H4 70, ALEGGES H6 70, ALEGGES H7 70
GAGES H4 18 blue.sand, PIThompson, narisa
EAGLES H7 16 magictwig
EGGS H6 12 worsie

On 2nd draw, HARDBEAM 8G 67 --- HARDBEAM a small hardwood tree [n]
Other tops: HARDBEAM 8B 67
Other moves: BREAMED 13C 34, AMBERED 13C 30, DERHAMS 14B 30, EMBREAD 13H 30, BEGHARD 11F 28
AHEM G12 27 PIThompson
AHED G12 26 blue.sand
HA G13 20 nderera
HARMED 13D 17 narisa
HEM 13G 15 worsie
BLAMED 9G 15 magictwig

On 3rd draw, TEXT(S) O4 84 --- TEXT the main body of a written or printed work [n]
Other moves: (S)EXT O8 78, (S)EX O8 75, BET(S) O5 63, BE(S)T O6 63, TEC(S) O5 63
(S)EXT O8 78 blue.sand
(S)EX O8 75 magictwig
EXC(I)TE 13H 44 PIThompson
T(A)XED J4 28 narisa
M(I)X N8 27 worsie

On 4th draw, DERATING 12A 74 --- DERATE to lower the rated capability of [v] --- DERATING the act of derating [n]
Other tops: DETAINER 13G 74, RAINDATE M3 74, RETAINED 13B 74
Other moves: DETAINER 13B 72, DETRAINS 14A 72, GRADIENT 12H 72, RAINDATE M7 72, RANDIEST 14B 72
AIMED N6 27 blue.sand
DETAINER 13G 24 PIThompson
TEAM N5 23 nderera
BRAINED K8 20 worsie
GRATED 11H 16 narisa, magictwig

On 5th draw, KEEV(E)S B10 44 --- KEEVE a tub or vat [n]
Other tops: K(E)EVES B10 44, K(I)EVES B10 44
Other moves: KEEV(E) B10 42, K(E)EVE B10 42, K(I)EVE B10 42, SKEENS B9 40, SK(R)EENS B9 40
KN(I)VED A7 39 blue.sand, narisa
SK(I)VED A7 39 worsie
KNEES B10 38 PIThompson
K(I)SSED A7 30 magictwig, nderera

On 6th draw, NOPALITO E6 70 --- NOPALITO the stem of the nopal used as food [n]
Other moves: PIANO N2 33, POGONIA 11F 26, LIPA N3 25, LIPO N3 25, NIPA N3 25
APO N4 24 blue.sand
POT 7M 19 PIThompson
PLAINT E7 16 magictwig
PSI 15A 15 nderera
ASP 15A 15 worsie
PLAIT E8 14 narisa

On 7th draw, HAZY C7 42 --- HAZY unclear [adj]
Other tops: ASHY 15A 42
Other moves: AVYZE 5K 40, AVYZE L4 40, HAZY F3 40, MAZY N8 38, ZANY F3 37
ASHY 15A 42 blue.sand
HAZY F3 40 PIThompson
MAZY N8 38 narisa
HAZY M7 33 magictwig, worsie
AZAN M8 23 nderera

On 8th draw, FA A14 25 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other tops: ARF 7K 25, FAP B6 25, NIPA N3 25
Other moves: FRAP N2 24, FA N5 23, FAT 7M 23, PINA N3 23, PERFIN L7 22
FA A14 25 blue.sand
FAT 7M 23 PIThompson
FAN B6 21 nderera
BARF K8 18 narisa
FIX 6M 15 worsie
SAP 14H 11 magictwig

On 9th draw, EPIDOTE B1 79 --- EPIDOTE a mineral [n]
Other moves: PODITE N1 37, OPE D7 36, SOPITED 14H 32, PE D8 29, PO D8 29
POEM N5 27 blue.sand
PE N5 21 PIThompson
BIPOD K8 20 nderera
BEEP K8 16 narisa
DEPOT J8 14 magictwig

On 10th draw, SUBOCEAN K6 74 --- SUBOCEAN existing below the floor of the ocean [adj]
Other moves: PONCEAUS 2B 64, CONTEXT(S) O1 48, CASED A8 36, COSED A8 36, MUCOSAE N8 34
CASED A8 36 nderera
NOSE A1 31 PIThompson
SEANCE 1A 27 narisa
CENSE 1A 24 blue.sand
OUNCES F2 18 magictwig
SCAB K5 16 worsie

On 11th draw, CONTEXT(S) O1 48 --- CONTEXT the part of a discourse in which a particular word or phrase appears [n]
Other moves: WOT A1 39, TWINE N2 35, WO A1 34, NOTE A1 31, ENOW C2 30
WOT A1 39 blue.sand, PIThompson, nderera
WENT 1A 24 worsie
WON L12 24 narisa
TWINE J2 16 magictwig

On 12th draw, FUB A1 47 --- FUB to cheat [v]
Other tops: BUDO A1 47, FOB A1 47
Other moves: FUD A1 43, BUFO A5 42, BOD A1 37, BUD A1 37, DOB A1 35
FOB A1 47 blue.sand, PIThompson
FED 1A 21 narisa, worsie
BED 1A 18 magictwig

On 13th draw, TRAWLEY F1 76 --- TRAWLEY a small truck or car for conveying material [n]
Other moves: WARTY A5 46, WARY A5 43, TWYER L11 41, WALTY F2 40, WALY L12 40
WARTY A5 46 PIThompson
WARY L12 40 blue.sand
WATERY F1 35 magictwig
WAY L12 30 narisa
WAY 12J 18 worsie

On 14th draw, MODII C1 46 --- MODIUS a Roman dry measure [n]
Other moves: MODI C1 42, MOTI C1 38, MOD C1 37, NODI C1 36, MON C1 33
MOD C1 37 PIThompson
MOIT G3 26 blue.sand
TIMID 1F 24 pandora1._, worsie, ZEHAVARON
MOD L12 22 narisa
MINT L3 14 magictwig

On 15th draw, OUTREIGN 3H 70 --- OUTREIGN to reign longer than [v]
Other moves: GROUTIER 2E 61, GROUTIER I1 61, GUIRO N2 39, TURGITE 1F 27, TOUTIER 1F 24
GOUT N2 22 blue.sand
GOITER L4 20 PIThompson
TIGER 1F 18 magictwig, worsie
TRIGO 1F 18 nderera
TORE L12 16 narisa
TRIG 1F 15 pandora1._

On 16th draw, QIS A8 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: IRONS A6 33, QIS 14F 32, RINS A7 28, VIS A8 28, NIS D2 27
QIS 14F 32 PIThompson
QI J5 17 blue.sand
QUINS I2 14 worsie, magictwig
QUOIN I2 14 nderera
VAIN 12J 14 narisa

On 17th draw, ANOW H1 33 --- ANOW enough [adj]
Other tops: ALOW H1 33, AROW H1 33
Other moves: WAIL L12 28, WAIN L12 28, WAIR L12 28, WALI L12 28, WARN L12 28
AROW H1 33 PIThompson
WARN L12 28 narisa, blue.sand
TWIRL 1F 24 pandora1._
TRAWL 1F 24 worsie
MAW N8 16 nderera
WARN 12J 14 magictwig
NAIL 13K 8 kp10

On 18th draw, VAURIEN M7 30 --- VAURIEN a good-for-nothing [n]
Other moves: NIE D2 27, AVENIR M8 26, AVOURE M8 26, NEUM N5 23, ROUM N5 23
ROVE L12 22 blue.sand
VIER L1 22 PIThompson, narisa
RAVINE 12J 20 pandora1._
MOVIE N8 18 nderera
RE N5 17 worsie
RAVEN 12J 16 magictwig
NONE 13K 8 kp10

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