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Game sheet of GLOBEMAN (file), Game of July 1, 2011 at 00:55

Word find
Word played
1 ?AAMNOW M(I)AOW H8 26 -54 26 3/3 A(D)WOMAN H2 80 80 3/3
2 ?AADEIS (M)EDIAS 1H 54 -53 80 2/4 A(M)IDASE 1G 107 187 2/4
3 ENOPRSU SPURNE N1 28 -55 108 2/4 UNPERSON 8A 83 270 2/4
4 DEMOSTV STOVED N1 36 -4 144 3/4 STORMED E5 40 310 2/4
5 AEGILNU             UNGENIAL B7 72 382 2/4
6 ADEIKNT AKED A12 41 -16 185 2/4 KAED A12 57 439 2/4
7 HILORTX SOX F8 55   240 4/4       494 2/4
8 EEIRTVY REV D10 25 -61 265 1/4 SEVERITY L1 86 580 2/4
9 AHNNORW NOHOW G5 46   311 2/4       626 2/4
10 AFILOPT LOFT D10 27 -7 338 2/4 FOLIA K4 34 660 2/4
11 ABELRST SABRE N1 22 -58 360 3/4 STABLER N1 80 740 2/4
12 CEEINOU EN 6N 2 -20 362 3/3 CUNEI D1 22 762 2/4
13 ACEGOTT TEC O6 19 -53 381 2/4 COTTAGE J8 72 834 2/4
14 EHORRTY THEY 15G 44 -12 425 2/3 HERRY 15H 56 890 2/4
15 EGINOTV EVO O7 20 -25 445 2/4 HERRYING 15H 45 935 2/4
16 BDILTUZ LUTZ 11H 26 -20 471 3/4 ZIT D10 46 981 2/4
17 BDEFRUV FED O6 28 -3 499 3/4 FEUD O6 31 1012 2/4
18 BIJLOPV JIVY L12 34   533 2/4       1046 2/4
19 BILOPQR QI C5 23 -11 556 2/3 LIQUOR 2A 34 1080 2/4

Total: 556/1080 or -524 for 51.48%
Rank: 6041

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