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Game of July 1, 2011 at 07:59, 9 players
1. 519 pts Faeythe
2. 471 pts nderera
3. 467 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. flnorsu   H4    26    26   furols
 2. ?behmrs   5E   106   132   ambusher
 3. acemrtw   K3    65   197   crewmate
 4. adeginu   J5    36   233   hauding
 5. aeenrst   M3    83   316   eastern
 6. aeopqrt   F2    38   354   qorma
 7. adeinnx   G1    46   400   nix
 8. aeinoty   1G    39   439   ninety
 9. ?ehiotu   N9    74   513   outhire
10. cdejloy  15L    66   579   joey
11. eeinost  11F    46   625   toings
12. bdikopw   O7    40   665   dowp
13. aadeiop  12D    29   694   apaid
14. aeegnrv   9A    65   759   engraves
15. adiklot   A2    92   851   toadlike
16. bceeilo   B1    31   882   coble
17. aegiluz   G5    48   930   biz
18. aefiluv   B8    42   972   infulae

Remaining tiles: eegv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5755 FileFaeythe     3 19:41  -453  519     1.6450 rn.roselle  0  0:47  -957   15 
  2.5486 Filenderera     2 17:42  -501  471            Group: novice
  3.5568 FileHasni       1 16:58  -505  467     1.5755 Faeythe     3 19:41  -453  519 
  4.5645 Filemichele     2 23:23  -573  399     2.5486 nderera     2 17:42  -501  471 
  5.3292 FileZEHAVARON   0 15:24  -815  157     3.5568 Hasni       1 16:58  -505  467 
  6.  -  Filesunnysue    0  3:44  -890   82     4.5645 michele     2 23:23  -573  399 
  7.5255 FileOasthouse1  0  4:04  -908   64     5.5255 Oasthouse1  0  4:04  -908   64 
  8.6450 Filern.roselle  0  0:47  -957   15            Group: not rated
  9.  -  Filelezette     0  1:25  -965    7     1.3292 ZEHAVARON   0 15:24  -815  157 
                                             2.  -  sunnysue    0  3:44  -890   82 
                                             3.  -  lezette     0  1:25  -965    7 

On 1st draw, FUROLS H4 26 --- FUROL a liquid obtained from bran and acid [n]
Other tops: FLOURS H4 26, FLUORS H4 26
Other moves: FLORS H4 24, FLOUR H4 24, FLUOR H4 24, FOULS H4 24, FOURS H4 24
FLOURS H4 26 nderera, Faeythe, michele
FOURS H4 24 Hasni, sunnysue

On 2nd draw, (A)MBUSHER 5E 106 --- AMBUSHER one that ambushes [n]
Other moves: HUMB(L)ERS 5G 78, H(O)MBRES I9 77, B(I)OHERMS 7F 69, H(U)MBLERS 8D 68, (I)MBURSE 5E 40
H(A)EMS G7 27 nderera
HEM I5 25 Hasni
H(O)MES I9 23 Faeythe
BR(U)SHES 9E 15 michele

On 3rd draw, CREWMATE K3 65 --- CREWMATE a fellow crewman [n]
Other moves: CREAM 6B 34, WARMER 6C 34, CWM 6D 32, CRAME 4J 31, CRAW 4J 31
WARM 4K 27 Faeythe, michele, nderera
AWE 4J 26 Hasni
WARM F2 17 Oasthouse1
CHARM J4 14 sunnysue

On 4th draw, HAUDING J5 36 --- HAUD to hold (Scots form) [v]
Other moves: UNDEAF 4C 30, DAEING L8 29, READING L5 29, ADAGE 8K 27, AGUED 8K 27
READING L5 29 Hasni
AWED 6J 19 nderera
CAGED 3K 18 ZEHAVARON, Oasthouse1
DEAN L8 16 Faeythe
SEATING 9H 10 michele

On 5th draw, EASTERN M3 83 --- EASTERN being to, toward, or in the east [adj]
Other moves: NEAREST I9 70, NEAREST G7 68, EARNEST G8 64, EASTERN G8 64, REMANETS F3 64
TANGS 11G 44 Faeythe, sunnysue
TEASER M2 29 Oasthouse1
TREES M1 25 nderera
TARES M1 25 Hasni
STEAMER F1 13 michele

On 6th draw, QORMA F2 38 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: QAT N2 28, PROTEA 4A 27, REBOP G3 27, PEART I9 26, QAT N1 26
QAT N2 28 Hasni
QAT N1 26 nderera
QAT 4C 25 Faeythe
APE N1 12 michele

On 7th draw, NIX G1 46 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other moves: DEX N2 33, NIXE N1 33, AXE N2 31, DEX N1 31, AXED N9 30
NIX G1 46 Faeythe, michele
REX 8M 30 Hasni
AX N2 27 nderera

On 8th draw, NINETY 1G 39 --- NINETY a number [n]
Other moves: YEAN G7 26, YAE G7 25, YEA G7 25, NATION 1G 21, TINY N1 21
NINETY 1G 39 Faeythe
TOYING 11E 20 michele
NYE 1G 18 Hasni
NAY 1G 18 nderera

On 9th draw, OUTHI(R)E N9 74 --- OUTHIRE to give out as if on hire [v]
Other moves: OUTHI(R)E G9 64, OUTHI(R)ES 9A 62, TOU(G)HIES 9A 62, HI(D)EOUTS 9A 61, THIG(S) 11G 46
OH 2I 28 nderera
EH 2I 28 Faeythe
REH 8M 18 Hasni

On 10th draw, JOEY 15L 66 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: JEED 15L 60, JEEL 15L 57, JOYED O5 52, JOYED 15K 51, CLOYED O4 49
JOEY 15L 66 nderera, Hasni
JEED 15L 60 Faeythe
JOEY O6 48 michele

On 11th draw, TOINGS 11F 46 --- TOING as in toing and froing [n]
Other moves: TINGS 11G 44, TONGS 11G 44, ENGS 11H 42, NEGS 11H 42, NOGS 11H 42
TINES 7B 23 Hasni
NOS 7D 20 michele
NOTES O5 18 Faeythe
TONS O7 17 nderera

On 12th draw, DOWP O7 40 --- DOWP the buttocks [n]
Other moves: KOW O7 36, BIPOD O5 34, KOP O8 34, KOB O7 32, W*P O8 31
KOW O7 36 Hasni, Faeythe
POW O7 30 nderera
KID 13M 16 michele

On 13th draw, APAID 12D 29 --- APAY to satisfy [v]
Other moves: PANED I9 25, PONIED I9 25, PANDA I9 24, DIAPER 4A 23, DOPIER 4A 23
PAID 12D 19 michele
PIED 12D 19 nderera
POO M13 19 Faeythe
PAD N1 15 Hasni

On 14th draw, ENGRAVES 9A 65 --- ENGRAVE to carve a design upon [v]
Other moves: AVENGERS 9A 64, GANEV 13B 30, VENGER 13A 30, VENGER 4A 29, VERGER 4A 29
VENGER 4A 29 Faeythe
VERGE 13A 25 michele
AGREE 13A 18 nderera
GAR N1 10 Hasni

On 15th draw, TOADLIKE A2 92 --- TOADLIKE resembling a toad [adj]
Other moves: KEITLOA A8 36, KELOID A8 36, OATLIKE A3 36, LAIK 13D 34, KIDLET A5 33
TALKED A5 33 michele
LIKED A6 30 Hasni, nderera
KEA A8 21 Faeythe

On 16th draw, COBLE B1 31 --- COBLE a small fishing boat [n]
Other moves: CELEB 13B 29, COBLE 13A 24, BELIE 13B 23, ECO M11 23, BOIL 13D 22
OBI B2 20 Faeythe
COLE N1 16 nderera
BILE N1 16 Hasni
BEER 4C 13 michele

On 17th draw, BIZ G5 48 --- BIZ slang for business [n]
Other moves: ZEE G7 45, AIZLE 13A 34, ULZIE 13A 34, ZILA 13B 32, GALE C2 31
ZAG N2 31 michele
ZEAL N1 30 nderera, Hasni
CAZ 1B 24 Faeythe

On 18th draw, INFULAE B8 42 --- INFULA a headband used during Roman rites [n]
Other moves: ALIVE C3 35, ALF C3 32, ELF C3 32, ALEF C3 31, ALIF C3 31
FE(A)L E3 25 michele
FIVE 13A 22 nderera
FILE N1 18 Hasni
FAH 12L 18 Faeythe
EF N2 15 rn.roselle
FAIL D11 7 lezette

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