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Game of July 1, 2011 at 15:37, 9 players
1. 616 pts musdrive
2. 525 pts Hasni
3. 474 pts michele

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?beiort   H8    72    72   deorbit
 2. aaimnor  14H    82   154   tamanoir
 3. acdgisz  O11    78   232   czars
 4. aeeilmo  13J    26   258   mail
 5. aeiklnr   I4    73   331   lankier
 6. ?deeins  15B   104   435   neddies
 7. agootux  14E    51   486   ax
 8. adeiosu   4F    70   556   douleias
 9. egnoprt   L8    32   588   prenting
10. aeghilq   F2    34   622   qadi
11. lnooost   6B    26   648   loots
12. defnort   5K    32   680   frond
13. abeftuu   O1    30   710   fated
14. cehintu   A1    44   754   ethnic
15. degouww   3K    32   786   godet
16. biptuwy   A1    51   837   ethnicity
17. beejpuv   H1    32   869   bevue
18. lopruvy   D4    34   903   poovy
19. eghjluw   8L    36   939   phew
20. jlruuuw  C12    22   961   jure

Remaining tiles: gluuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7059 Filemusdrive    4 18:47  -345  616     1.7059 musdrive    4 18:47  -345  616 
  2.5590 FileHasni       3 25:32  -436  525            Group: novice
  3.5681 Filemichele     3 25:09  -487  474     1.5590 Hasni       3 25:32  -436  525 
  4.4339 FileiLody       0 18:30  -524  437     2.5681 michele     3 25:09  -487  474 
  5.4079 Filepickrose    1 12:33  -751  210     3.5314 narisa      0  4:58  -885   76 
  6.4119 FileJudyS       0 10:31  -800  161     4.5593 JennyB      1  3:59  -890   71 
  7.4561 Filepreperato   0  8:19  -882   79            Group: not rated
  8.5314 Filenarisa      0  4:58  -885   76     1.4339 iLody       0 18:30  -524  437 
  9.5593 FileJennyB      1  3:59  -890   71     2.4079 pickrose    1 12:33  -751  210 
                                             3.4119 JudyS       0 10:31  -800  161 
                                             4.4561 preperato   0  8:19  -882   79 

On 1st draw, (D)EORBIT H8 72 --- DEORBIT to come out of an orbit [v]
Other tops: BORTIE(R) H4 72, BOR(N)ITE H4 72, BO(R)TIER H4 72, ORBIE(S)T H2 72, ORBITE(D) H2 72, ORBITE(R) H2 72, O(R)BITER H2 72, REITBO(K) H8 72, TRI(L)OBE H7 72, (D)EBITOR H2 72
Other moves: BORTIE(R) H2 68, BORTIE(R) H3 68, BORTIE(R) H7 68, BORTIE(R) H8 68, BOR(N)ITE H2 68
ORBIE(S)T H2 22 musdrive
BOR(N)ITE H4 22 iLody
BITER H4 20 Hasni
TRIBE H8 16 preperato
T(H)ROB H4 14 michele

On 2nd draw, TAMANOIR 14H 82 --- TAMANOIR the great antbear [n]
Other moves: ANIMATOR 14C 68, MONTARIA 14E 64, RA(D)IOMAN 8F 60, M*RR*N* 11E 36, TAMARIN 14H 30
BARMAN 12H 20 musdrive
MORN I7 16 michele
MOAN I7 16 Hasni
BRAIN 12H 14 preperato
MINOR 13G 11 iLody

On 3rd draw, CZARS O11 78 --- CZAR an emperor or king [n]
Other moves: IZARD O11 75, IZARS O11 72, ZAGS 15E 69, ZIGS 15E 69, ZAS 15F 63
ZIGS 15E 69 musdrive
ZAGS 13K 49 iLody
ZA 13M 46 Hasni, michele
DAZE 9E 24 preperato

On 4th draw, MAIL 13J 26 --- MAIL to send by a governmental postal system. [v]
Other tops: MEAL 13J 26
Other moves: AMLA 13L 24, LEAM G10 24, LOAM G10 24, AIM 13K 22, ALMA 13L 22
MOL 13K 20 iLody
MOA 13M 20 musdrive
AM 13L 18 Hasni
LEMON L10 14 michele
RIEM 11H 12 preperato

On 5th draw, LANKIER I4 73 --- LANKY ungracefully tall and thin [adj]
Other moves: LANKIER G3 68, LANKIER I3 68, LEAK G10 32, ENLINK L10 30, RELINK L10 30
RELINK L10 30 michele, Hasni
RINK L12 26 iLody
LANKIER 11B 22 musdrive
(D)RINK 8H 13 preperato

On 6th draw, NED(D)IES 15B 104 --- NEDDY a donkey [n]
Other tops: ENDI(T)ES 15B 104, ENDI(V)ES 15B 104, INDE(N)ES 15B 104, INDE(X)ES 15B 104, I(N)DENES 15B 104
Other moves: END(W)ISE 15C 103, DENIE(R)S 15B 101, DESINE(S) 15B 98, DE(F)INES 15B 98, DE(S)INES 15B 98
DEENS 15D 51 Hasni
DENIES 15C 51 musdrive
SLENDE(R) 4H 16 michele
ORDE(R)S 10H 10 iLody

On 7th draw, AX 14E 51 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: OX 14E 51
Other moves: AX G12 38, OX G12 38, TAXING L10 32, AXING L11 30, OXGATE C10 28
OX 14E 51 musdrive, michele, Hasni
TOXIN L10 24 JudyS
AXE C13 20 iLody

On 8th draw, DOULEIAS 4F 70 --- DOULEIA veneration of saints and angels [n]
Other moves: IDEAS J4 25, DAIS J5 22, DUOS J5 22, IDEA J4 22, ODEA J4 22
IDEAS J4 25 musdrive
LADIES 4I 14 michele
ADIEUS 5I 14 JudyS
SIND L12 14 Hasni
DINS L12 12 iLody

On 9th draw, PRENTING L8 32 --- PRENT to print [v]
Other moves: NETOP 3C 30, TROUPE H1 30, (D)IPTERON 8H 30, GETUP H1 28, GROUP H1 28
PONG 3L 22 musdrive
PERT 3L 20 michele
PING L12 18 Hasni
PRESTO M1 16 iLody

On 10th draw, QADI F2 34 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: PEGH 8L 30, HEALD D11 28, ELHI 3J 27, HALE 3J 27, GHI 3K 26
QADI F2 34 michele
QI M7 25 iLody
HAIL 3K 25 musdrive, Hasni
QI 13G 21 JudyS

On 11th draw, LOOTS 6B 26 --- LOOT to plunder [v]
Other tops: LOONS 6B 26, LOTOS 6B 26, NOLOS 6B 26, OONTS 6B 26, STONN 6F 26, TOOLS 6B 26, TOONS 6B 26
Other moves: LOOS 6C 23, LOST 6D 23, LOTS 6C 23, ONOS 6C 23, ONST 6D 23
LOOTS 6B 26 musdrive, Hasni
TOOLS 6B 26 michele
SPOOT 8K 21 iLody
LOST M2 8 JudyS

On 12th draw, FROND 5K 32 --- FROND a type of leaf [n]
Other moves: FEOD 5K 30, FETOR 5K 30, FRONT 5K 30, DEIF 5D 28, FOREDO D1 28
FEOD 5K 30 musdrive
FRONT 5K 30 michele
PROF 8L 27 pickrose
FEED J2 19 Hasni
FRO D4 12 iLody

On 13th draw, FATED O1 30 --- FATE to destine [v]
Other moves: FETA 6K 28, BATED O1 27, DEFAT O5 27, FA J10 27, FE J10 27
FATED O1 30 musdrive, pickrose
DEFT O5 24 iLody
DEAF O5 24 Hasni
QUAT 2F 13 michele

On 14th draw, ETHNIC A1 44 --- ETHNIC a member of a racial or cultural group [n]
Other moves: NICHE A4 41, NICHT A4 41, CHINE A6 38, CHUTE A6 38, CHIN A6 35
CHUTE A6 38 musdrive
CHIT A6 35 michele
PECH 8L 33 iLody
PITH 8L 27 JudyS
QUINCE 2F 23 pickrose
CHINE C11 20 Hasni

On 15th draw, GODET 3K 32 --- GODET a piece of cloth placed in a seam [n]
Other moves: DOWD D12 31, GOWD D12 31, GED 3K 28, GOD 3K 28, WEID 5D 28
WOW 14A 27 Hasni
WOWED 13A 27 musdrive
WOW 13C 23 JudyS
DOE B1 20 iLody
WOOD D4 16 michele
GOWN B12 16 pickrose

On 16th draw, ETHNICITY A1 51 --- ETHNICITY [n]
Other moves: YIP J6 39, PIPY 8L 33, UPBOW C3 32, PITY 8L 27, UPBY 13B 27
PITY 8L 27 pickrose, iLody, Hasni, musdrive
PUB 13C 18 michele
WIT 13C 14 JudyS

On 17th draw, BEVUE H1 32 --- BEVUE a blunder [n]
Other moves: JEEP 13B 30, JUVE C12 28, BENJ 11J 26, JEE 14A 26, JEE M7 26
JEE 14A 26 Hasni
JUBE C12 26 musdrive, pickrose
PEEP 8L 24 iLody
JEEP 9G 21 JennyB, michele
PEER 11E 12 JudyS

On 18th draw, POOVY D4 34 --- POOVY effeminate [adj]
Other moves: YO J6 32, LOOPY D4 28, ROOPY D4 28, OYE N1 27, PLOY 8L 27
YO J6 32 musdrive
PORY 8L 27 iLody
PLOY 8L 27 Hasni
POLY 8L 27 pickrose
PULY 8L 27 narisa
POUR 8L 18 JudyS
LOP 13C 14 JennyB
PORN B12 12 michele

On 19th draw, PHEW 8L 36 --- PHEW used to express relief, fatigue, or disgust [interj]
Other moves: J*W 14A 35, JUGHEA(D) E9 34, JEHU C1 32, GJU G9 31, J*W 13C 31
PHEW 8L 36 JennyB
J*W 13C 31 musdrive, narisa
PUGH 8L 30 michele
PLUG 8L 21 pickrose
JEEL 9G 19 iLody
JEE 9G 18 Hasni

On 20th draw, JURE C12 22 --- JURE by law [adv]
Other moves: JUN 11J 20, JUN B13 20, JEEL 9G 19, JEER 9G 19, JEE 9G 18
JURE C12 22 musdrive, Hasni
JEER 9G 19 iLody
JO C5 18 michele
JEE 9G 18 narisa
J*W 10K 13 pickrose

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