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Game sheet of strykyster (file), Game of July 1, 2011 at 19:24

Word find
Word played
1 ?DOSTYZ DOZY H6 34 -20 34 6/8 Z(L)OTYS H4 54 54 6/8
2 AELPRRS (L)EAPS 5H 12 -20 46 8/10 SPA(L)LER 5E 32 86 6/10
3 AENNOUV NU 4D 6 -23 52 8/8 VALUE I3 29 115 8/10
4 ?AEILOX             SILOXA(N)E E5 78 193 9/10
5 IKNOPRV PERV 12D 18 -30 70 9/11 PINKO 8A 48 241 9/11
6 EEGILRS             LEERINGS C3 74 315 9/11
7 BEHMNOW WEB 12D 16 -27 86 10/11 HOWBE D10 43 358 11/11
8 AAEOORT             RATOO B2 24 382 11/12
9 DDEINOU             UDON F9 38 420 11/12
10 DEENRTY             REDENY 14A 36 456 11/12
11 ACEHIRT             THERIAC J7 67 523 11/12
12 ADEOSUW             HAWSED 8J 51 574 11/12
13 AGINOTU             AUTOING 15F 85 659 11/12
14 AEIMQTU             QUAT D1 55 714 11/12
15 DEGMMNO             MODERN A10 33 747 11/13
16 ABEFIIT             ZABETA 4H 40 787 11/13
17 CFIILNV             FLAVIN 12H 32 819 11/13
18 CEGIIMR             EMIC N12 29 848 11/13

Total: 86/848 or -762 for 10.14%
Rank: 3916

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