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Game of July 2, 2011 at 04:32, 4 players
1. 399 pts drabble
2. 355 pts Bez
3. 347 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. gghiors   H7    28    28   ogrish
 2. delnors   I1    63    91   rondels
 3. ?aabcil   1H   158   249   braciola
 4. ?dlnrsy  10C    73   322   sundrily
 5. eefhorv  11A    32   354   evohe
 6. aijmotz   A5    54   408   atomize
 7. acemttu   B1    30   438   mucate
 8. adeeiow   J1    33   471   awee
 9. aaefiin   1A    24   495   amine
10. deiloqu   3B    36   531   cloque
11. aeggino   E3    34   565   qigong
12. aeijorw   F6    35   600   weird
13. efkoprt   K3    33   633   kerf
14. dinostt   M1    68   701   odontist
15. aeiioxy   D3    36   737   ox
16. defirty   8K    45   782   fytte
17. adoptuv   A5    22   804   atomized
18. aeprtuu   C8    22   826   upsoar
19. aabeitu  12H    24   850   habitue
20. aijnopv  M11    28   878   jupon

Remaining tiles: aaiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.4830 Filedrabble     2 26:31  -479  399     1.7176 kellybelly  1  4:00  -712  166 
  2.5441 FileBez         0 16:39  -523  355            Group: novice
  3.5629 FileHasni       1 15:33  -531  347     1.5441 Bez         0 16:39  -523  355 
  4.7176 Filekellybelly  1  4:00  -712  166     2.5629 Hasni       1 15:33  -531  347 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4830 drabble     2 26:31  -479  399 

On 1st draw, OGRISH H7 28 --- OGRISH resembling an ogre [adj]
Other tops: HOGGS H4 28
Other moves: GIRSH H8 26, HORIS H4 24, OGRISH H3 24, GIRSH H4 22, HOGGS H8 22

On 2nd draw, RONDELS I1 63 --- RONDEL a rondeau of fourteen lines [n]
Other tops: DISENROL 10G 63, RONDELS G1 63
Other moves: DORSELS 11E 32, NORSELS 11E 28, DEHORNS 12F 22, HOLDERS 12H 22, HONDLES 12H 22
HEROS 12H 16 Hasni
SNORES 11C 12 drabble

On 3rd draw, BRACI(O)LA 1H 158 --- BRACIOLA a thin slice of meat [n]
Other moves: BRAC(H)IAL 1H 149, BALSA(M)IC 11E 94, BACIL(L)AR 1B 92, BACI(L)LAR 1B 92, AL(D)ICARB 1C 86
BRAC(E) 1H 24 Hasni
CRAB 1H 24 drabble

On 4th draw, S(U)NDRILY 10C 73 --- SUNDRILY miscellaneously [adv] --- SUNDRY miscellaneous [adv]
Other moves: DRYNES(S) 5E 40, DRYNE(S)S 5E 40, D(E)NSELY 5E 40, R(I)DLEYS 5E 40, SN(I)DELY 5E 40
AY J1 26 Hasni
H(A)RDLY 12H 24 Bez
L(A)DY N1 14 drabble

On 5th draw, EVOHE 11A 32 --- EVOHE expressing Bacchic frenzy [interj]
Other moves: FOH 2M 31, OOH 2H 31, HOVERED 4C 30, OVERFED 4C 30, CHEVRE K1 28
HOVERED 4C 30 drabble
AH J1 26 Hasni
HOVER 5F 11 Bez

On 6th draw, ATOMIZE A5 54 --- ATOMIZE to reduce to a fine spray [v]
Other moves: JIZ G5 51, MOTZA G4 51, MAIZE A7 48, MIZ G5 46, MOZ G5 46
MAZE A8 45 drabble
DITZ 4I 28 Bez

On 7th draw, MUCATE B1 30 --- MUCATE a salt of mucic acid [n]
Other moves: HUMECT 12H 26, MUTATE B1 26, ACETUM 11J 25, ACETUM G2 24, ACUTE B2 24
AMA J1 23 Hasni
MATTED 4D 20 Bez
SOME C10 12 drabble

On 8th draw, AWEE J1 33 --- AWEE awhile [adv]
Other moves: AMIDE 1A 30, AMIDO 1A 30, AWA J1 29, AWE J1 29, DEAW 2L 29
AWE J1 29 Hasni
AMID 1A 27 Bez
CAWED 3B 22 drabble

On 9th draw, AMINE 1A 24 --- AMINE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other tops: AMAIN 1A 24, AMNIA 1A 24, FENI K3 24, FINE K3 24, FINI K3 24, IMINE 1A 24
Other moves: FAENA K4 23, FAINE K4 23, FAA 2M 22, FADEIN 4G 22, FAE 2M 22
DEFINE 4I 20 Bez
LEAF N1 14 drabble

On 10th draw, CLOQUE 3B 36 --- CLOQUE a fabric with an embossed design [n]
Other tops: CLIQUE 3B 36
Other moves: EQUID 11J 35, EQUID K4 34, EQUID E1 30, EQUID G3 24, ATOMIZED A5 22
EQUID E1 30 Hasni
EQUINE 3E 16 drabble

On 11th draw, QIGONG E3 34 --- QIGONG a deep breathing exercise [n]
Other moves: EINA 4D 27, LIGNAGE N1 26, LEGONG N1 24, GINGE K3 22, HOGGIN 12H 22
ANE 11J 11 Hasni
QI E3 11 Bez
LEG 6I 6 drabble

On 12th draw, WEIRD F6 35 --- WEIRD destiny [n] --- WEIRD mysteriously strange [adj] --- WEIRD to cause to experience a strange sensation [v]
Other moves: HEJIRA 12H 32, OWE F5 32, WAI F6 32, HEJRA 12H 30, HIJRA 12H 30
JA D6 20 Hasni
LOWER N1 16 drabble
HAJ 12H 13 Bez

On 13th draw, KERF K3 33 --- KERF to make an incision with a cutting tool [v]
Other moves: KEF K3 31, KEPT K3 31, FORK K4 29, FORPET K4 29, KEP K3 29
FORK 9J 24 Bez
ATOMIZER A5 20 drabble
OFT 11J 17 Hasni

On 14th draw, (O)DONTIST M1 68 --- ODONTIST a dentist [n]
Other moves: ATOMIZED A5 22, NEKTONS 3I 22, ST L3 22, ATOMIZES A5 20, DHOTIS 12G 20
ATOMIZED A5 22 drabble
SIND 7K 18 Hasni
SIT 7K 16 Bez

On 15th draw, OX D3 36 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: XI 4D 36
Other moves: LAX N1 35, LEX N1 35, LOX N1 35, OXY 11J 31, FAIX 6K 30
OX D3 36 drabble, Hasni, kellybelly
LOX N1 35 Bez

On 16th draw, FYTTE 8K 45 --- FYTTE a division of a poem or song [n]
Other moves: FIERY N6 44, RIFTED 8J 42, TIFTED 8J 42, FRETTY 8J 39, DEIF N3 36
FIERY N6 44 kellybelly
FRETTY 8J 39 Bez
HEFTY 12H 28 drabble

On 17th draw, ATOMIZED A5 22 --- ATOMIZE to reduce to a fine spray [v]
Other moves: ADOPT 11J 21, LAP N1 20, LOP N1 20, APOD 11J 19, SOAP 11H 19
ATOMIZED A5 22 drabble
LAP N1 20 kellybelly
OPT 11J 15 Hasni
TOP N8 11 Bez

On 18th draw, UPSOAR C8 22 --- UPSOAR to soar upward [v]
Other tops: THREAP 12G 22, YAUPER L8 22
Other moves: UPRATE 11J 21, UPTEAR 11J 21, HAUTEUR 12H 20, HEPAR 12H 20, LAP N1 20
LAP N1 20 kellybelly
APERT 11J 19 Hasni
HEART 12H 16 drabble
AE 9K 12 Bez

On 19th draw, HABITUE 12H 24 --- HABITUE a frequent customer [n]
Other moves: BAA 9J 22, SAUBA 11H 21, BAIT N3 20, BEAT N3 20, BUAT N3 20
LAB N1 20 kellybelly
HABIT 12H 20 Bez
ABATE 11J 19 drabble
ABET 11J 17 Hasni

On 20th draw, JUPON M11 28 --- JUPON a tunic [n]
Other tops: PUNJI M11 28
Other moves: JAUP M10 26, JOE N10 26, NIPA 13K 26, PAEON N10 26, PAV 13M 26
TAJ N8 26 kellybelly
JOE N10 26 Bez
JO D6 25 drabble
JIN K11 20 Hasni

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