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Game of July 2, 2011 at 05:20, 5 players
1. 612 pts kellybelly
2. 508 pts Hasni
3. 260 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefglnr   H4    80    80   flanger
 2. ?aimopp   5E    40   120   diploma
 3. aeinnos   8H    80   200   ganoines
 4. aeprstw   L7    76   276   wiretaps
 5. adgknou  K10    29   305   dak
 6. ehnrsty   6F    43   348   teary
 7. eeiostw   L1    35   383   weest
 8. beghlru  14J    34   417   bushel
 9. bdnotxy  15G    55   472   boxy
10. ceiostz  11C    98   570   coziest
11. ?noorrt   1H   140   710   hornwort
12. eefinqv  M12    36   746   feh
13. aadeeil   M1    34   780   oldie
14. adegnor   2C    65   845   groaned
15. cdhiinv  O11    45   890   child
16. aainotu  12D    27   917   iota
17. egilmuv   4A    27   944   mvule
18. aiiinuv   A4    33   977   mauvin
19. agiijqu   1A    39  1016   qua

Remaining tiles: giij

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7166 Filekellybelly  5 13:30  -404  612     1.7166 kellybelly  5 13:30  -404  612 
  2.5634 FileHasni       1 19:57  -508  508            Group: novice
  3.5135 Fileannelhynz   2 11:44  -756  260     1.5634 Hasni       1 19:57  -508  508 
  4.5191 Filemegzee      1  6:46  -898  118     2.5135 annelhynz   2 11:44  -756  260 
  5.3118 Filestrykyster  0  8:41  -905  111     3.5191 megzee      1  6:46  -898  118 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3118 strykyster  0  8:41  -905  111 

On 1st draw, FLANGER H4 80 --- FLANGER one that flanges [n]
Other moves: FLANGER H8 76, FLANGER H2 74, FLANGER H3 74, FLANGER H6 74, FLANGER H7 74
FLANGER H4 30 Hasni
FEAL H7 14 kellybelly

On 2nd draw, (D)IPLOMA 5E 40 --- DIPLOMA a certificate of an academic degree [n] --- DIPLOMA a document indicating an honour or privilege [n] --- DIPLOMA to furnish with a diploma [v] --- DIPLOMA to confer an honour or privilege upon [v]
Other moves: PAPI(S)M 11D 33, PIMP(S) 11D 31, POMP(S) 11D 31, API(S)M 11E 27, MO(U)P G6 27
POMP(S) 11D 31 kellybelly
POP(S) 11E 25 Hasni

On 3rd draw, GANOINES 8H 80 --- GANOINE the outer hard layer on some fish scales [n]
Other moves: RAISONNE 10H 62, ANGINOSE 8F 60, INSANE L3 25, NASION L3 25, NOSEAN L3 25
NINES L1 23 kellybelly
SAINE 11H 22 Hasni

On 4th draw, WIRETAPS L7 76 --- WIRETAP to intercept messages by means of a concealed monitoring device [v]
Other moves: WIRETAPS F4 71, WARPS L1 39, WRAPS L1 39, WRAPT L1 39, WARES L1 35
WRAPS L1 39 kellybelly
PAWERS 11C 34 Hasni

On 5th draw, DAK K10 29 --- DAK transportation by relays of men and horses [n]
Other moves: D*G* M10 28, AUK K10 26, DANK 7F 26, DUNK 7F 26, FOUND 4H 26
DANK 4K 21 kellybelly
KOA K12 19 Hasni

On 6th draw, TEARY 6F 43 --- TEARY tearful [adj]
Other moves: ETHYNES N8 42, SHYSTER 14I 42, THYRSES 14H 42, HYENS L1 41, YEH M12 41
YEH M12 41 Hasni
HENTS L1 35 kellybelly

On 7th draw, WEEST L1 35 --- WEE very small [adj]
Other tops: WEETS L1 35, WITES L1 35
Other moves: WESTIE 14J 34, WETS M12 34, WISEST 14J 34, WITE M12 34, WITS M12 34
WITES L1 35 kellybelly
WEE M10 23 annelhynz
WOES N6 15 Hasni

On 8th draw, BUSHEL 14J 34 --- BUSHEL to mend clothing [v]
Other tops: BUSHER 14J 34
Other moves: BURHEL 4A 32, BLUSHER 14I 28, BUGLER 4A 28, BULGER 4A 28, GUSHER 14J 28
EH M2 22 Hasni
HER G9 21 kellybelly
HEEL N6 15 annelhynz
SHE 14L 12 strykyster

On 9th draw, BOXY 15G 55 --- BOXY resembling a box [adj]
Other moves: DOXY 15G 52, DEXY 9G 47, OXY 15H 46, YEX 9G 42, DEX 9G 38
BOXY 15G 55 kellybelly, Hasni, annelhynz
EX 3L 18 strykyster

On 10th draw, COZIEST 11C 98 --- COZY snug and comfortable [adj]
Other moves: COZIEST 2H 76, ZOETIC 2J 74, ZELS O12 69, ZOLS O12 69, ZOETIC 4A 60
ZOLS O12 69 kellybelly
ZOS 14F 38 Hasni
COLE O12 27 annelhynz
ZEST 3K 26 strykyster

On 11th draw, (H)ORNWORT 1H 140 --- HORNWORT an aquatic herb [n]
Other moves: R(A)TOONER N2 68, R(A)TOONER 9B 62, R(A)TOONER 2F 61, TOHO M12 29, OONT 12D 27
R(E)WORN 1J 24 kellybelly
NOT 12D 23 Hasni
WORN 1L 21 annelhynz
(S)NORT D9 8 strykyster

On 12th draw, FEH M12 36 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FIE M3 36
Other moves: FILE O12 33, VELE O12 33, VILE O12 33, NIEF M3 32, QI F10 31
FILE O12 33 kellybelly
QI F10 31 Hasni

On 13th draw, OLDIE M1 34 --- OLDIE a popular song of an earlier day [n]
Other moves: DIAL M3 30, DIEL M3 30, DIE M3 28, LIED M3 28, AEDILE O10 27
DA 12D 23 kellybelly
DALE O12 21 annelhynz
RADIAL N1 18 strykyster
DEALS O4 8 Hasni

On 14th draw, GROANED 2C 65 --- GROAN to utter a low, mournful sound [v]
Other moves: DONA 12D 31, DONE 12D 31, NODE 12D 30, RADE 12D 30, RAND 12D 30
DONE 12D 31 Hasni, kellybelly
DOLE O12 21 annelhynz
DARE 2G 14 strykyster

On 15th draw, CHILD O11 45 --- CHILD a young person [n] --- CHILD to bring forth [v]
Other moves: CHILI O11 42, HILD O12 36, VILD O12 36, HILI O12 33, VIDICON D6 30
CHILD O11 45 kellybelly, annelhynz, megzee
HI 15N 26 Hasni
ZINC E11 15 strykyster

On 16th draw, IOTA 12D 27 --- IOTA a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: NOTA 12D 27
Other moves: TAUON 1A 26, ION 12D 23, NAT 12D 23, NOT 12D 23, OAT 12D 23
NOT 12D 23 kellybelly, megzee
OAT 12D 23 Hasni

On 17th draw, MVULE 4A 27 --- MVULE an African tree [n]
Other moves: GLUE 1A 24, VRIL D1 22, GLIME 4A 21, GLUME 4A 21, GIMEL 4B 20
VIE 3B 20 megzee
GRIM D1 18 kellybelly
MITE F10 12 annelhynz
GLIMES O3 10 Hasni

On 18th draw, MAUVIN A4 33 --- MAUVIN a mauve dye [n]
Other moves: MAVIN A4 30, AN 10E 21, ANIMI A1 21, UVA 1A 21, VAU 1A 21
MAUVIN A4 33 kellybelly
AN 10E 21 Hasni
VAN 14F 20 annelhynz
VITA F10 15 megzee

On 19th draw, QUA 1A 39 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: GJU 1A 36, JAG 14F 34, JAI 14F 32, JA 14F 29, AG 10E 27
QUA 1A 39 kellybelly
JAG 14F 34 Hasni
QUIT F9 15 megzee

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