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Game of July 2, 2011 at 06:53, 6 players
1. 433 pts Hasni
2. 414 pts jimbo
3. 410 pts Stranger

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bcdelv   H4    28    28   calved
 2. aehortw   4H    28    56   chawer
 3. eikorss   9H    65   121   droskies
 4. abgijls   N1    41   162   jabs
 5. ?aabeei   O1    50   212   aba
 6. enooprt   M2    33   245   torpor
 7. adeioot  10J    33   278   diota
 8. cginoqr   O7    36   314   qis
 9. deiinrv  11E   104   418   diviner
10. afhinor  10D    33   451   foh
11. ?eeflyz  12A    44   495   feaze
12. aeeglnu   A7    30   525   engulf
13. eiimnnu  H11    30   555   imine
14. ainopsx  13A    49   604   sax
15. acnotuy   5J    25   629   yo
16. egilnot  14B    29   658   teloi
17. acdenpt   B1    88   746   pandect
18. aegilnn   1B    86   832   paneling
19. egotuwy   3I    28   860   owt
20. aegmrtu  13G    30   890   migrate

Remaining tiles: iruuuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5634 FileHasni       4 18:07  -457  433     1.6318 Stranger    4 19:16  -480  410 
  2.4751 Filejimbo       0 21:07  -476  414            Group: novice
  3.6318 FileStranger    4 19:16  -480  410     1.5634 Hasni       4 18:07  -457  433 
  4.5143 Fileannelhynz   0 13:37  -587  303     2.5143 annelhynz   0 13:37  -587  303 
  5.3879 Fileleonora     1  7:41  -704  186            Group: not rated
  6.2330 Fileding        0  4:58  -851   39     1.4751 jimbo       0 21:07  -476  414 
                                             2.3879 leonora     1  7:41  -704  186 
                                             3.2330 ding        0  4:58  -851   39 

On 1st draw, C(A)LVED H4 28 --- CALVE to give birth to a calf [v]
Other tops: V(I)CED H4 28
Other moves: C(A)BLED H4 26, C(A)LVED H7 26, C(A)VED H4 26, C(O)VED H4 26, BEV(E)L H4 24
V(I)CED H4 28 Hasni
C(A)BLED H4 26 jimbo
CL(O)VE H4 24 leonora

On 2nd draw, CHAWER 4H 28 --- CHAWER one that chaws [n]
Other tops: WRETCH 4D 28
Other moves: CAHOW 4H 26, CRWTH 4H 26, AWH(A)TO 5E 22, CHARET 4H 22, CHOREA 4H 22
CHART 4H 20 Hasni, Stranger
HOW I8 19 annelhynz
WEAR G8 17 leonora
AVOWER 7G 14 jimbo

On 3rd draw, DROSKIES 9H 65 --- DROSKY an open carriage [n]
Other moves: KISSER N1 39, KISSER N2 39, KRISES N1 39, KOSES N2 37, K(A)ISER 5G 37
KISSER N2 39 jimbo
RISKS N2 37 Stranger
KORES 3J 35 Hasni
WOKS K4 22 leonora
KEA J2 17 annelhynz

On 4th draw, JABS N1 41 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other tops: JIBS N1 41
Other moves: JABS O6 39, JAGS N1 39, JIBS O6 39, JIGS N1 39, JAGS O6 36
JIBS N1 41 Stranger
JABS O6 39 jimbo, Hasni, annelhynz
BAGS O6 21 leonora

On 5th draw, ABA O1 50 --- ABA a sleeveless garment worn by Arabs [n]
Other moves: AB(A) O1 46, *Bo O1 46, AB(Y) O1 46, BAJ(U) 1L 45, (A)BA O1 44
ABA O1 50 Hasni
AB O1 43 annelhynz
(R)AJA 1L 30 Stranger, jimbo
(H)AJI 1L 30 leonora

On 6th draw, TORPOR M2 33 --- TORPOR mental or physical inactivity [n]
Other moves: POON 10J 32, POOT 10J 32, ESTOP O8 30, POSTERN O7 30, SNOOPER O9 30
POSTERN O7 30 jimbo
ESTOP O8 30 Stranger
POSTER O7 27 Hasni
PONES O5 21 annelhynz
POWER K2 20 leonora

On 7th draw, DIOTA 10J 33 --- DIOTA an ancient two-handled vase [n]
Other moves: OSTEOID O8 27, DOAT 10J 26, DOIT 10J 26, (A)IDE 5H 26, DOO 10J 23
KITED L9 20 Stranger
TOADS O5 18 jimbo
TIDES O5 18 annelhynz
WAITES K4 18 Hasni
WOOD K4 16 leonora

On 8th draw, QIS O7 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: GORP 5J 29, CROWING K1 26, COWING K2 24, CROGS O5 24, CIGS O6 21
QIS O7 36 Stranger, Hasni, leonora
CIGAR J1 10 jimbo

On 9th draw, DIVINER 11E 104 --- DIVINER one that divines [n]
Other moves: V(A)IRE 5G 31, DRIVEN 11F 30, INDRI 11H 30, DIVER 11G 28, VINIER 11F 28
VIVER 7F 13 jimbo

On 10th draw, FOH 10D 33 --- FOH expressing disgust [interj]
Other tops: FAH 10D 33
Other moves: NOAH 10C 31, NAH 10D 30, NOH 10D 30, RAH 10D 30, AH 10E 29
AH 10E 29 Stranger
FROWN K1 22 jimbo
FON 12D 17 Hasni, annelhynz

On 11th draw, FE(A)ZE 12A 44 --- FEAZE to unsettle [v]
Other tops: FE(E)ZE 12A 44, F(E)EZE 12A 44, F(U)ZEE 12A 44
Other moves: FEEZ(E) 12A 43, FEZE(S) 12A 43, F(U)ZEE 12B 42, FEZE(S) 12B 41, FLEYE(D) 12A 39
ZEAL J2 33 jimbo

On 12th draw, ENGULF A7 30 --- ENGULF to swallow up completely [v]
Other moves: GEEP 5J 29, GANEF A8 27, LEAP 5J 26, LEEP 5J 26, NEAP 5J 26
ENGULF A7 30 Stranger
FLAG A12 24 jimbo
FLAN A12 21 Hasni

On 13th draw, IMINE H11 30 --- IMINE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: NEUM B7 29, (A)MIE 5H 29, MEINIE B7 25, MIEN B10 24, UM B9 23
ME 5J 22 Hasni
WINE K4 14 jimbo
OM 6M 10 annelhynz
M(A)NE C11 10 Stranger

On 14th draw, SAX 13A 49 --- SAX a saxophone [n]
Other moves: VOX G11 42, PAEONS B10 40, PAEON B10 38, OXSLIP 6E 37, AX 13B 36
XI G13 36 Hasni
AX 13B 36 Stranger
WAX K4 26 jimbo
NIX 14H 26 annelhynz

On 15th draw, YO 5J 25 --- YO used to call attention or to express affirmation [interj]
Other moves: CANNY 14F 24, CANTY 14F 24, COWY K2 24, COY 9C 24, CULTY 6F 24
YO 5J 25 Stranger, Hasni
COUNTY 14E 21 jimbo
OY 6M 13 annelhynz

On 16th draw, TELOI 14B 29 --- TELOS an ultimate end [n]
Other moves: GILLET 6F 27, GILLNET 6E 26, ZEIN D12 25, ELOIGN B2 24, OILLET 6F 24
TEN 14B 21 annelhynz, Stranger
LOVING 7F 12 jimbo
ONE 15F 3 ding

On 17th draw, PANDECT B1 88 --- PANDECT a complete body of laws [n]
Other moves: PICANTE 13G 34, APHID F8 29, CHID F9 28, ACT 3I 26, APT 3I 26
PACE B4 16 annelhynz
CAVED 7F 13 jimbo, Hasni
PAVED 7F 13 Stranger
CEDE 15G 7 ding

On 18th draw, PANELING 1B 86 --- PANELING material with which to panel [n]
Other moves: ALIENING 13F 74, PEALING 1B 33, PEANING 1B 33, PLANING 1B 33, PLEAING 1B 33
APE 1A 15 annelhynz
LEAN A2 15 Hasni
PAGE 1B 9 ding
LEAN 5A 4 jimbo

On 19th draw, OWT 3I 28 --- OWT anything [n]
Other tops: EWT 3I 28
Other moves: YET C3 27, WEY 9C 26, YOWE 2H 26, YOW 2H 25, AWETO 2B 23
NOWY D1 20 Stranger
OWE 2I 17 annelhynz
OW A4 15 Hasni
WOVE 7F 12 jimbo
SIRE K9 4 ding

On 20th draw, MIGRATE 13G 30 --- MIGRATE to move from one region to another [v]
Other moves: IMAGER 13H 24, SAXE 13A 23, UM B9 23, ZEL D12 23, IMARET 13H 22
DREAM 4B 16 ding
GAMER 2A 16 Hasni
EMU 12K 14 jimbo
EM 12K 12 Stranger
T*M 6L 11 annelhynz

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