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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of July 2, 2011 at 09:15

Word find
Word played
1 EFIJNST             FINEST H4 26 26  
2 ?DORRTZ             ROZIT(E)D 5E 64 90  
3 AHILRTY             HEARTILY 7G 70 160  
4 ?AEENUU             NEU(R)ULAE M2 66 226  
5 BEIMNOQ QUIM 4L 36   36 2/5       262 6/6
6 AEEILOV VIOLAS 8C 15 -19 51 4/5 VEINAL 2J 34 296 5/6
7 AEGGINU GEARING E2 9 -19 60 5/5 GENIZAH G1 28 324 5/6
8 AADDEGL GLADDEN 3A 20 -16 80 4/5 DAGGED 1D 36 360 5/6
9 ACOPRSS CLAMPS O1 36   116 2/5 CLOMPS O1   396 5/6
10 ACDEIOS COASTED 9D 12 -21 128 4/5 COSSIE 8E 33 429 5/6
11 AEKRTTX TEXT 9L 11 -28 139 6/7 AUKS 6L 39 468 5/8
12 EFIPRTV VIPER 9J 16 -22 155 5/7 FIREPAN 6B 38 506 5/8
13 HINNORT FROTH B6 19 -57 174 2/6 TINHORN N9 76 582 5/8
14 AERSUXY FAXES B6 17 -37 191 5/6 YUNX 15L 54 636 5/8
15 AABELOV AVAIL C3 18 -9 209 3/6 VOLAE 4A 27 663 5/8
16 BENORTW WORTH 12J 22 -7 231 4/5 WEB 3B 29 692 5/8
17 BDENOTW BOTH 12K 18 -62 249 3/6 BENTWOOD 13H 80 772 5/8
18 AJMORST BAM H13 21 -24 270 5/7 JABOT H11 45 817 5/8
19 AEILORS CRIES E8 14 -56 284 5/7 CALORISE E8 70 887 5/9

Total: 284/887 or -603 for 32.01%
Rank: 4843

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