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Game of July 2, 2011 at 10:01, 8 players
1. 568 pts una
2. 350 pts annelhynz
3. 301 pts scrablehed

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?celrww   H7    28    28   curlew
 2. deorrtt  11B    68    96   retorted
 3. aegmswy   B9    36   132   gyrase
 4. adeesuv  A12    39   171   deev
 5. aaeinov   A6    32   203   avian
 6. abdiips   B2    31   234   sapid
 7. ?aelouu   9H    59   293   rouleaus
 8. ehlnotw   O3    48   341   thowels
 9. bginost   M7    78   419   boasting
10. efiijor   L8    37   456   jee
11. abeinsz   F8    77   533   zebrinas
12. hiilnou  14J    34   567   hongi
13. aefilux  15H    56   623   faix
14. deinnor   D6    72   695   indentor
15. acemptt   N2    36   731   tecta
16. efglmoy   A1    34   765   foy
17. agiloru   4H    30   795   oligarch
18. eimmpqr   C1    33   828   mem
19. ikpqruu   J2    48   876   quirk

Remaining tiles: ipu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6108 Fileuna         3 14:04  -308  568     1.6108 una         3 14:04  -308  568 
  2.5189 Fileannelhynz   1 12:54  -526  350     2.6177 ksong       0  3:58  -776  100 
  3.5609 Filescrablehed  1 11:28  -575  301            Group: novice
  4.4376 Fileremij       0 16:35  -595  281     1.5189 annelhynz   1 12:54  -526  350 
  5.6177 Fileksong       0  3:58  -776  100     2.5609 scrablehed  1 11:28  -575  301 
  6.4821 Filelyndyloo    0  1:44  -824   52            Group: not rated
  7.  -  Filecharlikate  0  4:37  -845   31     1.4376 remij       0 16:35  -595  281 
  8.  -  Filetiong489    0  1:34  -873    3     2.4821 lyndyloo    0  1:44  -824   52 
                                             3.  -  charlikate  0  4:37  -845   31 
                                             4.  -  tiong489    0  1:34  -873    3 

On 1st draw, C(U)RLEW H7 28 --- CURLEW a shore bird [n]
Other tops: WR(A)WL H4 28
Other moves: CL(A)WER H4 26, CREW(E)L H4 26, CR(E)WEL H4 26, C(U)RLEW H4 26, WELC(H) H4 26
WELC(H) H4 26 una
CL(A)WER H4 26 scrablehed
WE(A)R H6 12 remij

On 2nd draw, RETORTED 11B 68 --- RETORT to answer back sharply [v]
Other tops: RETORTED 11G 68
Other moves: TORT(U)RED 8D 59, OTTERED 11E 32, WOTTED 12H 20, OTTERED 11C 16, TETRODE 11B 16
RETORTED 11B 18 scrablehed
DOTER G11 15 una
TROD 9G 7 remij

On 3rd draw, GYRASE B9 36 --- GYRASE an enzyme catalyst which acts on DNA [n]
Other moves: SWEATY D7 32, GAWSY 13E 31, GAWSY 10A 30, STEAMY D10 30, MAW 12C 29
SWAMY 13H 28 lyndyloo
SWAY 13H 25 scrablehed, una
DEW I11 16 annelhynz

On 4th draw, DEEV A12 39 --- DEEV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other moves: VADES 12A 35, USED 15A 32, VADE 12A 31, DAES A12 30, DEES A12 30
USED 15A 32 una
WAVED 12H 27 remij
SAVED 15B 24 lyndyloo
UVA A7 21 scrablehed

On 5th draw, AVIAN A6 32 --- AVIAN a bird [n]
Other moves: AVANTI D7 26, AVIATE D7 26, VAN A8 26, WAIVE 12H 25, WOVEN 12H 25
VAN A8 26 annelhynz
NOVA A6 24 scrablehed
DOVE I11 17 una
WAVE 12H 13 remij

On 6th draw, SAPID B2 31 --- SAPID pleasant to the taste [adj]
Other moves: BIASED C7 29, BASED C8 25, BIDIS B2 24, PADIS B2 24, DADAS 12A 23
BAPS 13E 22 una
DIB B4 22 scrablehed
LAPS 10H 15 annelhynz
WAD 12H 10 remij
SAT D9 3 tiong489

On 7th draw, ROULEAU(S) 9H 59 --- ROULEAU a roll of coins wrapped in paper [n]
Other tops: ROULEAU(X) 9H 59
Other moves: LUAU A1 24, (B)ALU A1 21, (B)EAU A1 21, (C)ALO A1 21, (D)ELO A1 21
L(I)EU A1 20 una
LEA A1 13 annelhynz
WEA(R) 12H 9 remij

On 8th draw, THOWEL(S) O3 48 --- THOWEL an oar pin [n]
Other moves: WHOLE(S) O4 45, HOTEN 10J 41, HOWLET(S) O3 39, HELOT(S) O4 36, HOTEL(S) O4 36
WHOLE(S) O4 45 scrablehed
WHET(S) O5 30 una
HOE 8M 28 annelhynz
HEW(S) O6 27 remij

On 9th draw, BOASTING M7 78 --- BOAST to brag [v] --- BOASTING the act of boasting [n]
Other tops: BOATINGS M7 78
Other moves: BILTONGS K7 72, BOLTINGS K7 72, BOSTANGI M5 62, BONGOIST E7 61, BIGOTS C1 36
BOASTING M7 28 una, scrablehed
BIOS N2 21 annelhynz

On 10th draw, JEE L8 37 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: FORGE 14J 34, FRIJOLE K4 34, JOE A1 34, JOE N5 33, FRIJOL K4 32
JEE L8 37 scrablehed
JO A1 29 una
JOT 11K 20 annelhynz
JAR 3A 20 remij

On 11th draw, ZEBRINAS F8 77 --- ZEBRINA a creeping plant [n]
Other moves: ZINEBS 15H 72, ZINGS 14J 70, BAIZES 15H 66, AZINES 15H 60, ZANIES 15H 60
BAIZES 15H 66 una
BIZ A1 55 scrablehed
ZA A1 35 annelhynz
ZA 3A 11 remij

On 12th draw, HONGI 14J 34 --- HONGI a traditional Maori greeting (nose to nose) [n] --- HONGI to greet another by pressing noses together [v]
Other moves: HIES 10J 30, HOES 10J 30, HOISIN 15C 30, HIN C3 28, HON C3 28
HUN A1 22 una
HO L12 22 ksong
HIN A1 22 annelhynz
SHUN 15F 21 remij

On 13th draw, FAIX 15H 56 --- FAIX faith [interj]
Other tops: FLAX 15H 56, FLEX 15H 56, FLIX 15H 56
Other moves: ILEX 15H 47, ULEX 15H 47, FIX C1 46, LANX L12 44, XI C3 40
FLAX 15H 56 una
AXE 15H 35 annelhynz
SAX 15F 30 remij

On 14th draw, INDENTOR D6 72 --- INDENTOR one that indents [n]
Other moves: NIDOR C3 29, REDON C3 29, RONDE C3 29, REDO A1 28, DINO A1 27
DINO A1 27 una
DONE C1 20 ksong
DEN A1 16 annelhynz
DO 15N 12 remij

On 15th draw, TECTA N2 36 --- TECTUM a bodily structure resembling or serving as a roof [n]
Other moves: EPACT N1 29, CAP 13I 28, MAC 13I 28, MAP 13I 28, PAC 13I 28
CAP A1 27 una
MAP A1 27 annelhynz
MAE N5 23 ksong
MACE 3A 16 remij

On 16th draw, FOY A1 34 --- FOY a parting entertainment or gift [n]
Other tops: FEY A1 34
Other moves: FEY M1 32, MOY A1 31, EMO M2 30, FE M3 30, FEM A1 30
FEY A1 34 una, annelhynz
COME 7H 9 charlikate
MEGS 15C 8 remij

On 17th draw, OLIGARCH 4H 30 --- OLIGARCH a ruler in a government by the few [n]
Other moves: GIO C3 28, RAGI M1 28, RUGA M1 28, ALONG 13J 27, GABLE 7K 27
GAL 13I 22 una
YAG 3A 14 remij
UG J9 7 annelhynz
GOAT 2K 5 charlikate

On 18th draw, MEM C1 33 --- MEM a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: MERI C1 31, PERI C1 31, REM C1 29, REP C1 29, ME C3 28
QIS 15D 22 una, remij
MIME J3 10 charlikate

On 19th draw, QUIRK J2 48 --- QUIRK to move jerkily [v]
Other moves: QUIRK 12K 46, QUIPU J2 38, QUIP J2 35, QUIP 5E 34, QUIPU 12K 34
QUIRK J2 48 una
QUIP J2 35 ksong, annelhynz
QIS 15D 22 remij
RIPS 15C 7 charlikate

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