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Game sheet of ksong (file), Game of July 2, 2011 at 10:47

Word find
Word played
1 CELORTY             COTYLE H4 28 28  
2 ?DEGORT             (S)TODGER 10H 73 101  
3 EEOPRRS             REPOSER O6 89 190  
4 AEHIMRT             RHEMATIC 4A 82 272  
5 ADJNSTU             JURANTS A2 42 314  
6 ADEGHNO             HEADLONG 8D 67 381  
7 ?AAIINW             AWAI(T)ING K1 72 453  
8 AIMOOPT             TOPHI B1 44 497  
9 AEFMSTW             WEMS L1 48 545  
10 AILNNSY             INSANELY M5 63 608  
11 ADEIRVX             VIXEN J4 65 673  
12 DEILNTV             VAWTED 1J 39 712  
13 ACLORUZ COZY 12J 36 -2 36 1/5 CRAZY 12I 38 750 5/6
14 AEGNQRU             QUARE F6 36 786 6/6
15 AEFILOU             ALOE C1 30 816 6/6
16 BEFIKNO             FIKE E10 27 843 6/6
17 BDEILOU             TABLOID 1B 39 882 6/6
18 EFGINOU             FOIN 2F 33 915 6/7

Total: 36/915 or -879 for 3.934%
Rank: -

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