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Game sheet of girlux (file), Game of July 2, 2011 at 15:28

Word find
Word played
1 CEGIKRV             ERICK H8 32 32  
2 AADELNO             CANDELA 11H 20 52  
3 DEMSTUV             DUVETS O6 41 93  
4 EGINOTY             YONI 12J 28 121  
5 EHIRSSX HIRES 9F 10 -59 10 10/10 RHEXISES 8B 69 190 11/11
6 ?EEEOPT             PROTE(G)EE B7 72 262 11/11
7 BEHMMNO THEM 10B 9 -33 19 9/9 MOHELIM M7 42 304 11/11
8 AEGINOR             ORIGANE L3 80 384 11/11
9 ADEGITT             DIGITATE F7 64 448 11/12
10 ADLOOUV             VODOU 15D 51 499 12/12
11 AALNRSY             ANALYSER D2 72 571 12/12
12 ?ABFLQT             QAT K5 54 625 12/12
13 ABINRRT             ABRI A12 29 654 12/12
14 ?EFILLO             FOLIOLE(S) 3H 72 726 12/12
15 AEGIRUW             WAFER H1 36 762 12/12
16 CIJNOPT             JIN C2 35 797 12/12
17 BFIOPTU             EFT 10M 27 824 12/12
18 BGINOPT             BINGO E1 37 861 12/12
19 CPTUUWZ             ZAG 6J 33 894 12/12

Total: 19/894 or -875 for 2.125%
Rank: -

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