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Game of July 2, 2011 at 17:44, 12 players
1. 531 pts jeff
2. 523 pts mylover81
3. 500 pts rn.roselle

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeituw   H4    24    24   westie
 2. ?abdgor  10B    76   100   bodrags
 3. aenrsyy   F6    66   166   naysayer
 4. eeistuv  14A    39   205   evites
 5. aeimorr   8A    36   241   armory
 6. aadegis  A11    27   268   edges
 7. abehiwz   E3    40   308   hazier
 8. acloorw   3C    34   342   cahow
 9. ceeintx  13C    38   380   xi
10. abefnot   2F    30   410   baton
11. ceinppt   1G    47   457   pipet
12. aillmnt   A1    83   540   mantilla
13. denoosu   8H    80   620   idoneous
14. adiilou   K5    32   652   lianoid
15. ceelqtu   D1    50   702   quat
16. efghjor   7M    39   741   joe
17. afhinnu  J10    34   775   hauf
18. efiknru  12D    36   811   keef
19. egilrrv   5C    26   837   rez
20. cgilnru   O1    36   873   cringles

Remaining tiles: nuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6362 Filejeff        5 23:42  -342  531     1.6362 jeff        5 23:42  -342  531 
  2.6888 Filemylover81   4 19:06  -350  523     2.6888 mylover81   4 19:06  -350  523 
  3.6445 Filern.roselle  4 16:55  -373  500     3.6445 rn.roselle  4 16:55  -373  500 
  4.5639 Filenderera     4 21:31  -375  498     4.6199 cipka_616   1 11:59  -604  269 
  5.5686 Filemichele     2 28:50  -439  434     5.6027 arlo805     0 13:40  -661  212 
  6.4564 FileGrace_Tjie  0 14:11  -451  422            Group: novice
  7.6199 Filecipka_616   1 11:59  -604  269     1.5639 nderera     4 21:31  -375  498 
  8.6027 Filearlo805     0 13:40  -661  212     2.5686 michele     2 28:50  -439  434 
  9.2375 Fileding        0 15:35  -693  180     3.5358 narisa      0  4:47  -786   87 
 10.3108 Filestrykyster  0 12:32  -755  118            Group: not rated
 11.5358 Filenarisa      0  4:47  -786   87     1.4564 Grace_Tjie  0 14:11  -451  422 
 12.  -  Filevalveamp    0  4:52  -825   48     2.2375 ding        0 15:35  -693  180 
                                             3.3108 strykyster  0 12:32  -755  118 
                                             4.  -  valveamp    0  4:52  -825   48 

On 1st draw, WE(S)TIE H4 24 --- WESTIE (Australian slang) a young working-class person from the western suburbs [n]
Other tops: WET(T)IE H4 24, WE(T)TIE H4 24
Other moves: WEET(E) H4 22, WEET(S) H4 22, WEE(S)T H4 22, WEI(S)E H4 22, WEI(Z)E H4 22
W(R)ITE H4 22 jeff
TWEE(T) H8 14 Grace_Tjie
(S)WEET H4 14 nderera
(S)TEW H6 12 strykyster
WIT(H) H8 12 michele

On 2nd draw, BODRAG(S) 10B 76 --- BODRAG a hostile attack [n]
Other moves: BOGAR(T)ED 5B 72, BO(N)DAGER 5B 72, (P)EGBOARD 5G 72, BODRAG(S) G9 71, BOG(G)ARD G9 71
BADGER(S) 5D 20 michele
BROAD G9 20 jeff
BAD G3 17 Grace_Tjie
GRAB(S) 10D 17 nderera
WAB 4H 8 strykyster

On 3rd draw, NAYSAYER F6 66 --- NAYSAYER one that denies or opposes something [n]
Other moves: YARNERS E5 40, DENARY D10 28, YEAN 9C 27, AYE 9B 26, YAWNERS 4F 26
YAY 9A 26 jeff
YAE 11C 24 mylover81
SAY 9A 23 michele
YEASTY 7D 17 Grace_Tjie
WEARS 4H 16 nderera
RYE E10 12 strykyster

On 4th draw, EVITES 14A 39 --- EVITE to avoid [v]
Other moves: EVETS 14B 37, STIEVE 14F 36, ETUIS 14B 31, SIEVE 14F 29, STIVE 14F 29
EVETS 14B 37 rn.roselle
VEST 14D 26 jeff
VETS 14C 26 nderera
SITE 14F 23 Grace_Tjie
NAYSAYERS F6 17 mylover81
VISTA 7B 9 michele
RUST 13F 6 ding
BUST B10 6 strykyster

On 5th draw, ARMORY 8A 36 --- ARMORY a place where weapons are stored [n]
Other moves: MAROR E8 35, MOIRA E7 35, MORAE E8 35, MARRIER 13C 34, MIRO E8 31
AMEER A11 30 nderera
MOER A12 27 rn.roselle, jeff
MEER A12 27 mylover81
REM A13 15 Grace_Tjie
MO I3 12 michele
WORM 4H 9 strykyster
(S)ORE 6H 5 ding

On 6th draw, EDGES A11 27 --- EDGE to provide with an edge (a bounding or dividing line) [v]
Other moves: DEARS 13C 24, GADES A11 24, GAED A12 24, GEARS 13C 24, GEED A12 24
EDGES A11 27 nderera
GEED A12 24 rn.roselle
AGED A12 21 mylover81
RAD E10 21 michele
SAD G3 13 Grace_Tjie
EDGES 12F 9 ding
RAIDS 13F 9 strykyster

On 7th draw, HAZIER E3 40 --- HAZY unclear [adj]
Other tops: BWAZI E2 40
Other moves: ZERIBA B6 39, WHIZ C12 38, HAZER B4 37, WAZIR B4 37, BAIZE E2 34
HAZER B4 37 rn.roselle
HAZE E3 34 jeff, mylover81
(S)IZE 6H 32 Grace_Tjie
WIZ C13 30 michele
ZIT D12 24 nderera
THAW 7H 14 strykyster
ZO D7 11 ding

On 8th draw, CAHOW 3C 34 --- CAHOW a sea bird [n]
Other moves: WOOL D1 31, WOOL 9A 28, COAL D1 27, COOL D1 27, RAW E10 27
WOOL D1 31 mylover81, jeff
CROW F1 21 Grace_Tjie
WAR F2 21 nderera
CROW G2 20 michele
WAR B6 14 strykyster, rn.roselle
WOE 12D 12 ding
WAR 4D 12 valveamp

On 9th draw, XI 13C 38 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: EXTINE I4 38
Other moves: TAX 4D 33, (S)IXTEEN 6H 31, EXCITE 5H 30, TIERCE 13C 30, EXON F1 29
XI 13C 38 jeff, rn.roselle, mylover81, michele, cipka_616
(S)IXTEEN 6H 31 narisa
EXCITE 5H 30 Grace_Tjie, valveamp
EXON F1 29 nderera
(S)EX 6H 25 strykyster
EXIT C12 22 ding

On 10th draw, BATON 2F 30 --- BATON a short rod [n] --- BATON to strike with a truncheon [v]
Other tops: BAFT 2F 30, FEEB 12D 30
Other moves: BEEF 12D 28, BEENTO 12D 28, BANE 2F 27, BANT 2F 27, BATE 2F 27
FEEB 12D 30 jeff
BONE 2F 27 cipka_616, rn.roselle
FOEN 12D 26 nderera
FEET 12D 26 michele
FEAT D1 26 mylover81
(S)OFTEN 6H 16 Grace_Tjie
BEATEN 5G 16 narisa
RAFT 13F 9 strykyster
RANT 13F 6 ding
TAB 7H 6 valveamp

On 11th draw, PIPET 1G 47 --- PIPET to measure liquid with a calibrated tube [v]
Other moves: PIPE 1G 44, INCEPT 1J 41, CEP 1G 39, NEPIT 1G 39, PEP 1G 39
PIPET 1G 47 mylover81, rn.roselle, nderera, jeff
PIPE 1G 44 cipka_616
INEPT 1H 34 narisa
PEN 1G 31 Grace_Tjie, michele, arlo805
CENT 12E 7 ding

On 12th draw, MANTILLA A1 83 --- MANTILLA a veil covering the head and shoulders [n]
Other moves: (S)TILLMAN 6H 63, RAM E10 24, MAA 4D 23, MAN 4D 23, MAT 4D 23
MAN 4D 23 mylover81, arlo805, Grace_Tjie
LAM D2 18 rn.roselle
AM D3 16 nderera
MELT 5G 6 narisa
RAIL 13F 6 ding
(S)TAIN 6H 6 michele

On 13th draw, IDONEOUS 8H 80 --- IDONEOUS suitable [adj]
Other moves: SWOONED 4G 31, SWOUNED 4G 31, SWOUND 4G 29, SWOUNE 4G 27, ODEONS 3I 26
SOUND L1 25 michele, jeff, cipka_616, mylover81
WOODENS 4H 22 rn.roselle, nderera
SAD 4D 18 Grace_Tjie
DOUSE 3J 16 arlo805
PIPETS 1G 11 ding

On 14th draw, LIANOID K5 32 --- LIANOID pertaining to a liana [adj]
Other moves: IDOLA 3I 24, ADAW 4E 23, RAD E10 21, ROD E10 21, DIAL D1 18
ROD E10 21 mylover81
DIAL D1 18 jeff
WOULD 4H 18 michele, nderera
LAD 4D 18 cipka_616
DUAL D1 18 rn.roselle
LOAD 7J 18 arlo805
WAID 4H 8 Grace_Tjie
LOUD M7 7 ding

On 15th draw, QUAT D1 50 --- QUAT a pimple [n]
Other moves: QI 10J 31, QI 6J 31, COQUET M7 30, CLOQUE M6 28, QAT D2 28
QUAT D1 50 rn.roselle, mylover81, jeff
QI 10J 31 nderera, Grace_Tjie, cipka_616
QI 6J 31 michele, arlo805
QUOTE M6 16 ding

On 16th draw, JOE 7M 39 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JO 7M 36, FEH J4 32, HERO J10 31, HOER J10 31, HOG J10 31
JOE 7M 39 rn.roselle, nderera, michele
JO 7M 36 mylover81, arlo805
HERO J10 31 jeff
JIG 10J 27 Grace_Tjie
JOG J7 23 cipka_616
JO M7 17 ding

On 17th draw, HAUF J10 34 --- HAUF (Scots) half [n]
Other tops: HINAU J10 34
Other moves: FAH J4 32, HAIN J10 31, HAN J10 30, HIN J10 30, HA J10 29
FAH J4 32 rn.roselle
HAIN J10 31 mylover81
HAN J10 30 jeff, Grace_Tjie
RAH E10 27 arlo805
HAEN 12D 26 michele
FIE 12D 24 nderera
FIN 10J 14 ding

On 18th draw, KEEF 12D 36 --- KEEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other tops: KIEF 12D 36
Other moves: NEK J4 35, FIERE 12D 30, KEEN 12D 30, KIER 12D 30, KNEE 12D 30
KEEF 12D 36 mylover81, nderera
KIEF 12D 36 jeff
KEEN 12D 30 michele, rn.roselle
POKER I1 23 cipka_616
JOKER M7 21 ding
FINER 13J 16 Grace_Tjie
KO J7 12 arlo805

On 19th draw, REZ 5C 26 --- REZ a North American Indian reservation [n]
Other tops: L*Z 5C 26
Other moves: FIVER 13J 22, GIVER 3J 22, VOULGE N6 22, FIVE 13J 20, GIVE 3J 20
FIVER 13J 22 Grace_Tjie, mylover81, jeff, rn.roselle, cipka_616
ER 9M 17 nderera, michele
GRIEVES O2 12 arlo805
OUR N7 3 ding

On 20th draw, CRINGLES O1 36 --- CRINGLE a small loop of rope [n]
Other moves: JOULING M7 32, FUNGIC 13J 24, COURING N6 18, FLIC 13J 18, FLING 13J 18
FLING 13J 18 Grace_Tjie, nderera, rn.roselle, cipka_616
FUNGI 13J 18 jeff
FURL 13J 14 mylover81
FIG 13J 7 ding
CAD 11I 6 arlo805

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