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Game of July 2, 2011 at 22:25, 12 players
1. 574 pts musdrive
2. 572 pts yab
3. 569 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adeent   H8    68    68   standee
 2. aaioptw  13C    28    96   watape
 3. emnorsw  15D    66   162   worms
 4. eegiost   8A    77   239   egotises
 5. ?ccdoqr  12A    57   296   quod
 6. beiinru  A10    45   341   requin
 7. deffiir   9C    32   373   fifi
 8. abeklpt  11E    52   425   blanket
 9. adlostt   I9    32   457   alkos
10. eggijls   L5    82   539   jiggles
11. eimootu   5K    28   567   ojime
12. acenoot   O3    36   603   acetone
13. acilory   N9    28   631   racily
14. abdrtuv  O12    39   670   daub
15. ehinprt   A1   101   771   nephrite
16. adehoxz   B2    54   825   hoaed
17. einnoru   4E    60   885   reunion
18. ruvvxyz   3G    36   921   xu

Remaining tiles: rvvyz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7072 Filemusdrive    4 16:56  -347  574     1.7072 musdrive    4 16:56  -347  574 
  2.6686 Fileyab         7 20:40  -349  572            Group: intermediate
  3.6614 Filesunshine12  5 18:31  -352  569     1.6686 yab         7 20:40  -349  572 
  4.5792 FileGLOBEMAN    5 23:12  -365  556     2.6614 sunshine12  5 18:31  -352  569 
  5.5178 Fileworsie      0 19:48  -497  424     3.6093 shanice     1  7:26  -716  205 
  6.4662 FileAndy1990    2 17:14  -531  390     4.6162 ksong       0  5:56  -808  113 
  7.4143 Filepickrose    1 16:12  -551  370            Group: novice
  8.4401 Filetonikay     2 23:25  -566  355     1.5792 GLOBEMAN    5 23:12  -365  556 
  9.6093 Fileshanice     1  7:26  -716  205     2.5178 worsie      0 19:48  -497  424 
 10.5623 Filesherrymoon  0  5:56  -791  130     3.5623 sherrymoon  0  5:56  -791  130 
 11.6162 Fileksong       0  5:56  -808  113            Group: not rated
 12.4896 Filedrabble     0  1:33  -905   16     1.4662 Andy1990    2 17:14  -531  390 
                                             2.4143 pickrose    1 16:12  -551  370 
                                             3.4401 tonikay     2 23:25  -566  355 
                                             4.4896 drabble     0  1:33  -905   16 

On 1st draw, (S)TANDEE H8 68 --- STANDEE one who stands because of the lack of seats [n]
Other tops: A(G)ENTED H6 68, DENTA(T)E H4 68, DEN(T)ATE H4 68, EDENTA(L) H3 68, ENA(C)TED H6 68, ENTA(M)ED H6 68, NET(H)EAD H6 68, NE(G)ATED H6 68, (L)ATENED H6 68, (S)TEANED H6 68
Other moves: A(G)ENTED H2 66, A(G)ENTED H4 66, A(G)ENTED H7 66, A(G)ENTED H8 66, DENTA(T)E H2 66
ENA(C)TED H6 18 musdrive
DENTA(T)E H4 18 yab
DE(F)EAT H4 16 sunshine12
A(G)ENTED H4 16 pickrose
DENT(S) H4 14 sherrymoon
A(R)DENT H3 12 worsie
T(R)ADE H4 12 tonikay
T(R)EAD H4 12 Andy1990

On 2nd draw, WATAPE 13C 28 --- WATAPE a thread made from tree roots [n]
Other moves: AWAIT I9 26, AWA G12 24, OWT G12 24, TAWPIE 13C 24, TAWAI I8 23
WATAPE 13C 28 yab
WAP G13 23 musdrive, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
W*P G13 23 shanice
WAT G13 21 sherrymoon, Andy1990
PAWN 11E 18 worsie
POINT 11E 14 pickrose
PEAT 13G 10 tonikay

On 3rd draw, WORMS 15D 66 --- WORM to rid of worms (small, limbless invertebrates) [v]
Other moves: MEOWS 15D 63, OWNERS 15C 63, MOWERS 15C 60, ROWMES 15C 60, SEROW 15H 60
WORMS 15D 66 musdrive, Andy1990, sunshine12, yab, GLOBEMAN, tonikay
MOWERS 15C 60 worsie, shanice
SWORE 15H 51 sherrymoon
SWARM D11 26 pickrose

On 4th draw, EGOTISE(S) 8A 77 --- EGOTISE to talk about oneself a lot [v]
Other moves: EGESTION 11A 68, EGOTISE I5 68, EGOTISE G4 66, GOETIES G3 66, GOETIES I4 66
EGOTISE(S) 8A 27 musdrive
GOES I10 27 yab, shanice, worsie
GEES I10 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
SEEING 11D 14 Andy1990
WATAPES 13C 13 sherrymoon
STING 11E 12 pickrose
GETS 9F 7 tonikay

On 5th draw, Q(U)OD 12A 57 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: Q(U)AD 10F 33, Q(I)S F6 31, Q(U)A 10F 31, S(U)Q F8 31, C(L)OD 12A 29
Q(U)OD 12A 57 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, tonikay
Q(U)AD 10F 33 Andy1990, musdrive, pickrose
Q(I)S F6 31 sherrymoon, yab
Q(U)OD C6 15 worsie

On 6th draw, REQUIN A10 45 --- REQUIN a voracious shark [n]
Other moves: QUIN A12 39, RUBIN 9A 26, BREIING B2 24, RUBE 7A 23, RUBE 9A 23
REQUIN A10 45 musdrive, sunshine12, pickrose, Andy1990, shanice, GLOBEMAN, yab
QUIN A12 39 worsie
ROB C7 9 tonikay

On 7th draw, FIFI 9C 32 --- FIFI as in fifi hook, a mountaineering hook [adj]
Other moves: DIFFER 12H 26, EDIFIER 14H 26, NIFFED 11H 26, NIFFIER 11H 26, DEF 7E 25
FID 9C 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, musdrive
IFFIER E5 24 yab
DIFFERS F2 20 worsie
FIEND 11E 18 tonikay
FIRED E7 18 pickrose
OFF C8 13 Andy1990

On 8th draw, BLANKET 11E 52 --- BLANKET to cover uniformly [v]
Other moves: KLAP 10F 37, KAAL 10F 35, KEA 10F 34, BEAK 10F 27, PEAK 10F 27
BLANKET 11E 52 yab
KLAP 10F 37 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
KAAL 10F 35 musdrive
BALK 10G 20 Andy1990, worsie
BAKE G5 15 pickrose
BAKE 10G 12 tonikay

On 9th draw, ALKOS I9 32 --- ALKO an alcoholic [n]
Other moves: LOAST L8 26, SALTO L11 26, STOAT L11 26, TOAST L8 26, DADOS 12H 25
TOAST L8 26 worsie, yab
STOAT L11 26 sunshine12
KOS I11 24 tonikay, musdrive
DOTS 12J 15 Andy1990
SLOTTED J6 12 pickrose

On 10th draw, JIGGLES L5 82 --- JIGGLE to shake from side to side [v]
Other moves: JIGGLES J3 73, JIGGLES J6 47, JIGGLE J6 42, JIGS L8 34, JEEL J9 32
JIGS L8 34 musdrive
JEEL J9 32 tonikay
JIGGLES L5 32 yab, worsie
JEES J9 32 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
JIG B6 27 Andy1990, pickrose, shanice

On 11th draw, OJIME 5K 28 --- OJIME a bead on a cord which fastens a Japanese container [n]
Other moves: MOJO 5J 26, MOOT M3 23, ITEM J9 22, MEET J9 22, MOOI M4 22
MOOT M3 23 musdrive, Andy1990, shanice, worsie
MOT M4 16 tonikay, GLOBEMAN
GOUT 8L 15 yab
MO M4 13 sunshine12
GUM 8L 6 pickrose

On 12th draw, ACETONE O3 36 --- ACETONE a flammable liquid [n]
Other moves: CENOTE O4 33, CETANE O4 33, CENTO O4 30, COATEE O1 27, COGENT 8J 27
ACETONE O3 36 yab
CENOTE O4 33 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
CENTO O4 30 musdrive, pickrose
GATE 8L 15 Andy1990
GNAT 8L 15 tonikay
CENT O4 9 worsie

On 13th draw, RACILY N9 28 --- RACILY in a racy manner [adv]
Other moves: COLEY J8 27, MAYOR N5 25, RILEY J8 25, YARCO N7 25, COILER J7 22
RACILY N9 28 yab
COY N1 21 musdrive
YAE J9 19 tonikay
OY N9 15 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CRY 4I 13 worsie
ORGY 7J 12 pickrose
LOO K3 3 Andy1990

On 14th draw, DAUB O12 39 --- DAUB to smear [v]
Other moves: DAUBER J7 33, DAUR O12 33, DAUT O12 33, TUBED J8 33, TUBER J8 31
DAUB O12 39 sunshine12, musdrive, GLOBEMAN
DAB M12 26 yab
VAULT 13K 16 worsie
BALD 13L 14 pickrose, Andy1990
BRAVE A4 13 tonikay

On 15th draw, NEPHRITE A1 101 --- NEPHRITE a mineral [n]
Other tops: PREHNITE A1 101
Other moves: TREPHINE A1 98, NEPHRITE G1 67, PREHNITE G1 65, TREPHINE G1 65, PEH J10 32
PET J10 26 musdrive
HIP N1 20 yab, ksong
THIN M3 16 drabble
THIG B5 16 sunshine12
HINGE 7I 14 pickrose, Andy1990
PRINT 4G 10 tonikay
HO K4 5 worsie

On 16th draw, HOAED B2 54 --- HOA to stop [v]
Other moves: AXE B1 44, EXO B1 44, AZIDO M3 39, AX B1 38, EX B1 38
AXE B1 44 worsie, ksong
EXO B1 44 musdrive
OX B1 38 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
ADZ N1 37 yab
HOAXED 4A 34 pickrose
ZEA 3M 24 Andy1990
ZA 3N 11 tonikay

On 17th draw, REUNION 4E 60 --- REUNION a reuniting of persons after separation [n]
Other moves: ONIE C3 31, INN C3 25, ION C3 25, ONE C3 25, IN C3 20
ONE C3 25 sunshine12, yab, ksong, musdrive
HAIR 4A 14 pickrose, Andy1990
MEN N5 13 worsie
NO C4 11 tonikay

On 18th draw, XU 3G 36 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: POXY 3A 32, POZ 3A 28, YUZU G1 26, POX 3A 24, VIZY I3 23
XU 3G 36 yab, musdrive, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
POXY 3A 32 worsie
POZ 3A 28 pickrose
POX 3A 24 ksong
XI I3 17 Andy1990
VEX F3 13 tonikay

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