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Game sheet of worsie (file), Game of July 2, 2011 at 23:09

Word find
Word played
1 ??AEGIY             Y(U)GA(R)IE H4 76 76  
2 EENQRSV Q(U)EENS 5G 28   28 4/7 Q(U)EERS 5G   104 6/7
3 EEEINRT TEENS L1 12 -58 40 7/7 TEENSIER L1 70 174 6/7
4 AFILNRT FLIRT 1H 24 -41 64 3/7 INFLATER 2F 65 239 6/7
5 AHIORSS RASH 8L 21 -79 85 7/7 ORISHAS 11E 100 339 7/7
6 DINSTUX SIX N2 44   129 1/9 DUX G7   383 6/9
7 AIMNOOU MOO 1F 36 -9 165 2/9 NOMOI 1D 45 428 6/9
8 EFHKLOR TOKE 1L 26 -13 191 4/9 FORKER 8J 39 467 6/9
9 DEIMOPW WEEP N6 17 -22 208 7/9 WIMPED 12J 39 506 6/9
10 ADEOSUZ DOZE O12 42 -26 250 5/9 ZOEAE N10 68 574 6/9
11 CDENOTW TOWN 1L 23 -9 273 5/9 COWED 12C 32 606 6/9
12 ADHNTUV DUTCH C9 26 -13 299 2/9 HUNT 13C 39 645 5/9
13 ABLPRTU PARCH C9 15 -18 314 5/9 ABRUPT 10A 33 678 5/9
14 ABIIJLS JAB B8 12 -24 326 8/9 ISBA N1 36 714 6/9
15 DGILNOV GOAD A8 18 -24 344 9/9 VALGOID A9 42 756 6/10
16 ELNOUVY ZO 10N 11 -28 355 7/10 ONELY 3C 39 795 6/10
17 AACENUV NUANCE D3 18 -10 373 5/10 VENA 4A 28 823 6/10
18 AGIJLTT JAW J10 29   402 6/10       852 6/10
19 ACGILTU CHUG C12 10 -25 412 7/10 ILEAC B2 35 887 6/10

Total: 412/887 or -475 for 46.44%
Rank: 5600

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