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Game of July 3, 2011 at 04:32, 7 players
1. 447 pts drabble
2. 323 pts scrablehed
3. 219 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aglrsu   H2    68    68   rugolas
 2. dehilnr   5E    94   162   inholder
 3. einotvz   L1    48   210   zoner
 4. agioosx   1G    54   264   sax
 5. abelqrs   1L    39   303   zeal
 6. ?adeknt   N1    78   381   askanted
 7. aeefgit   8L    36   417   fade
 8. acefirs   G7    79   496   fiacres
 9. ddehiuy  H12    47   543   hide
10. benottw   I7    31   574   bowet
11. imnoort   O7    63   637   remotion
12. aeemrsu  15J    66   703   ramees
13. denopqv  N10    28   731   peon
14. einorvv   2B    44   775   revivor
15. bdlotuw   1A    31   806   bow
16. ainopuy   6B    39   845   piony
17. adggltu   3A    27   872   gad
18. acittuy   O3    27   899   ayu
19. ciijqtu   J2    34   933   quid
20. cgijltu  14K    25   958   jut
21. cgiiltt  L10    20   978   cilium

Remaining tiles: gtt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.4967 Filedrabble     4 20:37  -531  447     1.7159 kellybelly  4  4:41  -800  178 
  2.5728 Filescrablehed  0 16:40  -655  323            Group: intermediate
  3.3566 Filedenbay      0 21:25  -759  219     1.6195 ksong       0  9:44  -792  186 
  4.6195 Fileksong       0  9:44  -792  186     2.6266 dannyboy    0  1:45  -918   60 
  5.7159 Filekellybelly  4  4:41  -800  178            Group: novice
  6.6266 Filedannyboy    0  1:45  -918   60     1.5728 scrablehed  0 16:40  -655  323 
  7.4766 Filejohnny55    0  6:04  -926   52            Group: not rated
                                             1.4967 drabble     4 20:37  -531  447 
                                             2.3566 denbay      0 21:25  -759  219 
                                             3.4766 johnny55    0  6:04  -926   52 

On 1st draw, RUG(O)LAS H2 68 --- RUGOLA a pungent salad herb [n]
Other tops: ARGUL(U)S H2 68, ARG(U)LUS H2 68, GUSLAR(S) H4 68, GU(S)LARS H4 68
Other moves: ARGUL(U)S H3 66, ARGUL(U)S H4 66, ARGUL(U)S H6 66, ARGUL(U)S H8 66, ARG(U)LUS H3 66
GLAR(E)S H4 16 ksong
SLU(N)G H4 12 scrablehed

On 2nd draw, INH(O)LDER 5E 94 --- INHOLDER one that owns a tract of land within a national park [n]
Other moves: HARDLINE 7G 68, HIDER G7 26, HIDER I7 26, HINDER G7 26, HINDER I7 26
HERDING 4B 24 scrablehed
HIED I7 24 ksong

On 3rd draw, ZONER L1 48 --- ZONER one that zones [n]
Other moves: ZEIN G7 47, ZINE G7 47, ZITE G7 47, ZONE G7 47, ZIN G7 46
ZINE G7 47 ksong
ZONE G7 47 scrablehed
VOTES 8D 12 denbay

On 4th draw, SAX 1G 54 --- SAX a saxophone [n]
Other moves: AX 1H 51, GAZOOS 1J 48, OXO M1 44, ZAGS 1L 42, ZIGS 1L 42
SOX 6L 41 ksong
LAX I5 37 scrablehed, drabble
SIX 8H 10 denbay

On 5th draw, ZEAL 1L 39 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other tops: ZEAS 1L 39, ZELS 1L 39
Other moves: BALS M2 34, BARS M2 34, BELS M2 34, LAERS 6H 31, BARQUES 3D 29
ZEAL 1L 39 drabble
ARES M1 27 ksong
QUA 3G 23 denbay, scrablehed

On 6th draw, A(S)KANTED N1 78 --- ASKANT to turn aside [v]
Other tops: (S)TANKED M5 78
Other moves: DANKE(S)T G7 72, T(H)ANKED I7 69, A(S)KANTED 7E 68, NAKED(E)ST 8B 67, NAK(E)DEST 8B 67
(S)AKE 6L 31 ksong
(S)KATED M5 23 drabble
STANKED 8H 17 scrablehed
KNEAD F4 12 denbay

On 7th draw, FADE 8L 36 --- FADE to lose colour or brightness [v]
Other moves: FAG O7 35, FATE O7 35, FEAT O7 35, FEET O7 35, FEG O7 35
FADE 8L 36 drabble
FEET O7 35 scrablehed
DEFEAT J5 14 denbay

On 8th draw, FIACRES G7 79 --- FIACRE a small carriage [n]
Other tops: FARCIES G7 79
Other moves: FRANCISE F2 77, FANCIERS F3 71, FARCIES M7 43, FASCIAE M7 43, LIEFS 6H 37
FACERS L8 22 drabble
FACES 7G 17 denbay

On 9th draw, HIDE H12 47 --- HIDE to conceal [v] --- HIDE to flog [v]
Other tops: HIED H12 47
Other moves: DIDY H12 40, DIDY 6C 33, EDDY 6C 33, HEYED 7K 33, HEY H13 32
FUDDY L8 26 drabble
HE O4 20 scrablehed
HERD 11E 16 denbay

On 10th draw, BOWET I7 31 --- BOWET a lantern [n]
Other tops: BOWNE I7 31
Other moves: BOW I7 29, BOWET 4A 28, WONT I7 28, OWE O3 27, WOE I7 27
WANT M7 21 scrablehed
DEW 14H 15 drabble
FEW L8 9 denbay

On 11th draw, REMOTION O7 63 --- REMOTION the act of removing [n]
Other moves: MOTIONER 15B 61, REMOTION 15G 61, OMIT J9 29, MORION J10 28, MOTION J10 28
MINOR 11C 14 drabble
FORT L8 7 denbay

On 12th draw, RAMEES 15J 66 --- RAMEE an Asian shrub [n]
Other moves: EMEUS 15K 63, AMEERS 15J 60, EMURES 15J 60, MAES 15L 60, MARS 15L 60
MARS 15L 60 drabble, dannyboy
MAS N10 25 scrablehed
FEMURS L8 22 denbay

On 13th draw, PEON N10 28 --- PEON an unskilled labourer [n]
Other moves: PED N10 27, PAVED M7 26, PAVONE M7 26, QUEP 3G 26, QUOP 3G 26
QUOD 3G 25 drabble, scrablehed
OPINED E3 9 denbay

On 14th draw, REVIVOR 2B 44 --- REVIVOR the revival of a law suit [n]
Other moves: REVIVOR 11A 26, VIREO 4A 26, EVO J1 25, RENVOI 4A 24, REVISION 13C 24
REVIVE 15C 13 drabble
VEIN E3 7 denbay

On 15th draw, BOW 1A 31 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other moves: WOULD 4A 29, DOW 1A 28, WUD 1A 26, BODE M12 25, LOW 1A 25
BOW 1A 31 kellybelly, drabble
VOW D2 18 denbay
WOULD 6A 14 scrablehed

On 16th draw, PIONY 6B 39 --- PIONY a showy flower [n]
Other moves: PAY 3A 37, NAY 3A 33, PINY 6C 32, PIOY 6C 32, PONY 6C 32
AY O3 24 kellybelly
PAY M7 23 scrablehed
PIONY E4 10 drabble
FAIN L8 7 denbay

On 17th draw, GAD 3A 27 --- GAD to roam about restlessly [v]
Other moves: LAD 3A 25, TAD 3A 25, AD 3B 23, GAT 3A 23, GUGA 4C 22
GAD 3A 27 kellybelly
WED C1 14 drabble
DAGGLE 15C 10 johnny55
FLAG L8 8 denbay

On 18th draw, AYU O3 27 --- AYU a small fish [n]
Other moves: CAY 9K 26, OUTCITY D6 26, YUCA 3G 26, AY O3 24, TAY 9K 24
AY O3 24 kellybelly
PATTY B6 18 drabble
TACT 11I 12 johnny55
FACT L8 9 denbay

On 19th draw, QUID J2 34 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other moves: QUIM L12 30, QUIET 11K 28, QUINO 13K 28, JUT 14K 25, JUTE K2 24
QUID J2 34 kellybelly, drabble
QI C5 11 johnny55
FIT L8 6 denbay

On 20th draw, JUT 14K 25 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other moves: JUICE 15D 22, VIG D2 20, GJU A3 19, CULTIC 10B 18, JUG 5A 18
JUT 14K 25 kellybelly
JUICE 15D 22 drabble
JIG C5 13 johnny55
PLUG B6 7 denbay

On 21th draw, CILIUM L10 20 --- CILIUM a short, hairlike projection [n]
Other tops: VIG D2 20
Other moves: CLITIC 10B 18, CITER 7K 16, FLITT L8 16, GLUM L12 14, ILIUM L11 14
CIT 7A 13 kellybelly
SIC 13G 8 drabble
GILT C5 6 denbay
TITLE 15D 6 johnny55

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