Y*D."> Y*D.">
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Game sheet of Hasni (file), Game of July 3, 2011 at 06:56

Word find
Word played
1 ??AEIOT             ATO(M)I(S)E H8 62 62  
2 ENORTUZ             ZONURE 15D 93 155  
3 DEEGLOW             GEEZ D12 28 183  
4 ACFIMOS             FA(S)CISMO 13F 86 269  
5 DEHILLO             HILLOED G2 66 335  
6 ADILMPS             PLASMIDS K6 76 411  
7 EFILRRW             AFIRE 8K 36 447  
8 EGNOSTT             TONGSTER N1 72 519  
9 BEEIKNR             KITE 1L 39 558  
10 ADEGHIR             HAGRIDE I3 76 634  
11 AELOPTV             VELETA 14A 32 666  
12 ACINOTV             INVOCATE B7 65 731  
13 ABDESXY             BEVY A12 54 785  
14 AAEPSTX             TAXA A5 48 833  
15 BINOQSU             QIS H1 47 880  
16 AJNORUU             JO F6 52 932  
17 BENORWW WEB 14M 21 -12 21 5/6 DOWER 12K 33 965 10/10
18 ABDNPUW RAND O12 15 -15 36 7/7 BRAWN O11 30 995 9/10
19 DNNRUUY Y*D M7 22 -6 58 3/6 DUNGY 4K 28 1023 8/10

Total: 58/1023 or -965 for 5.669%
Rank: -

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