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Game of July 3, 2011 at 09:19, 10 players
1. 609 pts PIThompson
2. 538 pts kellybelly
3. 452 pts ksong

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefgnot   H4    26    26   fagot
 2. ?beiipw   I5    31    57   bowie
 3. acdiory   5E    48   105   carabid
 4. adilort   J9    65   170   dilator
 5. aaeosyz   L1    61   231   zoeas
 6. enopqrt   1H    42   273   nertz
 7. deglosu  15I    33   306   drogues
 8. acdeimn  13C    84   390   medicant
 9. ?beeiiq  11G    30   420   qibla
10. aehostt   L8    40   460   hoast
11. aejlrru   G5    42   502   raj
12. eknotvw  12A    51   553   knowe
13. eeghsty   A8    39   592   theeks
14. aaeimnu  11C    33   625   nam
15. aginotu   O8    80   705   outgains
16. eilllpr   B6    26   731   plier
17. eloprru   2C    65   796   prouler
18. eefinvy   C5    39   835   veiny
19. efiluvy   1A    48   883   fluey

Remaining tiles: ivx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7345 FilePIThompson  5 21:38  -274  609     1.7345 PIThompson  5 21:38  -274  609 
  2.7170 Filekellybelly  2 11:15  -345  538     2.7170 kellybelly  2 11:15  -345  538 
  3.6192 Fileksong       1 25:05  -431  452            Group: intermediate
  4.6158 Fileuna         1 11:49  -503  380     1.6192 ksong       1 25:05  -431  452 
  5.4445 FileCruiser     0 15:02  -592  291     2.6158 una         1 11:49  -503  380 
  6.2487 Fileding        0 14:47  -709  174            Group: novice
  7.  -  Filemercia      0  6:41  -777  106     1.5312 annelhynz   0  2:52  -798   85 
  8.5312 Fileannelhynz   0  2:52  -798   85     2.5657 Hasni       0  2:08  -840   43 
  9.5657 FileHasni       0  2:08  -840   43            Group: not rated
 10.  -  Filesuzie2150   0  1:45  -866   17     1.4445 Cruiser     0 15:02  -592  291 
                                             2.2487 ding        0 14:47  -709  174 
                                             3.  -  mercia      0  6:41  -777  106 
                                             4.  -  suzie2150   0  1:45  -866   17 

On 1st draw, FAGOT H4 26 --- FAGOT to bind together into a bundle [v]
Other tops: FANGO H4 26, GANEF H8 26, GANOF H8 26, GONEF H8 26
Other moves: GANEF H4 22, GANOF H4 22, GONEF H4 22, FAGOT H8 20, FANGO H8 20
FANGO H4 26 una, PIThompson
FANGO H6 18 Cruiser
OFTEN H4 18 ksong
NOTE H8 8 ding

On 2nd draw, B(O)WIE I5 31 --- BOWIE s in bowie knife, a type of hunting knife. [adj]
Other moves: WIPE I5 29, WIPE(D) I5 29, WIPE(R) I5 29, WIPE(S) I5 29, BIPE(D) I5 27
WIPE I5 29 PIThompson
WIPE G7 27 kellybelly
WEB I7 26 una, ksong
G(A)PE 6H 12 Cruiser
WA(R)P 5G 8 ding

On 3rd draw, CARABID 5E 48 --- CARABID a predatory beetle [n]
Other moves: CRAY J3 36, CAY G5 35, CAY J4 35, COY J4 35, DRAY J3 35
CRAY J3 36 kellybelly, PIThompson
COD G3 20 una
CROWDY 7F 16 Cruiser

On 4th draw, DILATOR J9 65 --- DILATOR one that dilates [n]
Other moves: DICROTAL E3 61, ORAD G4 24, LAROID 4J 23, RORAL G3 22, LAROID J1 21
CORDIAL E5 20 una
RAID J3 17 kellybelly
RID J4 16 ksong
DILATOR J9 15 PIThompson
ADROIT F5 13 Cruiser
TRIAD F2 12 mercia
COIL E5 6 ding

On 5th draw, ZOEAS L1 61 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: ZOAEAS 12H 50, ZOAEA 12H 48, ZEROS 15H 45, OYEZ 6K 39, ZEAS L2 39
ZEROS 15H 45 mercia, PIThompson
SLEAZY 11I 36 una
AZO F5 32 kellybelly
RAZES 15J 24 Cruiser, ksong
ZOO 14I 12 ding

On 6th draw, NERTZ 1H 42 --- NERTZ used to express defiance [interj]
Other moves: ZERO 1L 39, ZONE 1L 39, OPEN M1 33, REPORT 15J 33, TRANQ 12H 30
ZONE 1L 39 kellybelly, Cruiser, PIThompson
ZERO 1L 39 una
OPEN M1 33 ksong
PERT 15H 18 mercia
OPEN 14J 6 ding

On 7th draw, DROGUES 15I 33 --- DROGUE a sea anchor [n]
Other moves: GOURDES 15G 30, GROUSED 15I 30, ROGUED 15J 30, DOGES K10 28, GORED G3 28
LODGERS 15E 27 una, kellybelly, PIThompson
GOLDER 15E 24 ksong
GLUERS 15F 21 mercia
DOUR 15G 15 Cruiser

On 8th draw, MEDICANT 13C 84 --- MEDICANT a healing substance [n]
Other moves: MAENADIC 12F 78, MEDCINAL 11C 76, MAENADIC F1 69, MAENADIC F4 67, DIRAM G3 32
DAME K10 27 kellybelly, PIThompson
CLAIMED 11I 24 una
MAINED 12I 18 ding
CLIME 11I 18 Cruiser
MANICS O10 11 ksong

On 9th draw, QIBL(A) 11G 30 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: BEA(N)IE 12H 29, BEG(O)(N)E 6F 29, EQ(U)ID E9 28, (G)IBE J4 28, (J)IBE J4 28
EQ(U)ID E9 28 kellybelly
QI(S) 14B 27 PIThompson
Q(U)ID E10 26 Cruiser, una, ksong

On 10th draw, HOAST L8 40 --- HOAST to cough [v]
Other tops: HEAST L8 40
Other moves: THETAS 14A 35, HEASTE N10 34, THOSE L8 34, TORAH G3 34, HATES 14B 33
HEAST L8 40 kellybelly, PIThompson
HEAT 12A 30 ksong
THOSE N11 16 una
SHE 14A 16 Cruiser
HEAT 3K 14 ding
SHAME C10 10 mercia

On 11th draw, RAJ G5 42 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other moves: JUREL 3I 40, JURAL 12B 37, JUREL 12B 37, JURA 12B 33, JURE 12B 33
JARL M7 30 PIThompson
JAR 12B 28 kellybelly
JAR M7 27 una
AJAR F5 27 ksong
JEER D12 24 Cruiser
JARS O12 19 ding

On 12th draw, KNOWE 12A 51 --- KNOWE a rounded hillock [n]
Other moves: KNEW 12A 46, KNOW 12A 46, HOWK 8L 42, TWEAK F2 42, KETONE N10 40
KNOW 12A 46 PIThompson, ksong
TAK F4 35 kellybelly
HONK 8L 33 una
HOVE 8L 30 Cruiser
VOTES O11 9 ding

On 13th draw, THEEKS A8 39 --- THEEK to thatch [v]
Other moves: EYES 11B 38, SKYTE A11 36, THEEK A8 36, THIGS J3 36, SHY M2 35
KEYS A12 33 kellybelly, PIThompson, una, Cruiser
THEY M6 32 ksong
TYES 3J 14 ding

On 14th draw, NAM 11C 33 --- NAM legal distraint [n] --- NIM to steal [v]
Other moves: MAN 11C 31, MEN 11C 31, AMEN B9 29, NAAM B7 29, AIM B8 28
NAM 11C 33 kellybelly, PIThompson
AIM B8 28 ksong
HAME 8L 27 Hasni, annelhynz, una
NAMES O11 8 ding
TIME 8A 7 Cruiser

On 15th draw, OUTGAINS O8 80 --- OUTGAIN to gain more than [v]
Other moves: OUTGAIN B4 73, AHING 8K 27, GHAUT 8K 27, OHING 8K 27, THAGI 8K 27
THING 8K 27 kellybelly, PIThompson
HUNG 8L 24 annelhynz
GAIN M7 18 ksong

On 16th draw, PLIER B6 26 --- PLIER one that plies [n]
Other moves: RIPE F12 25, LIPE M7 24, RIP F12 24, RIPE M7 24, PLIE N12 22
PLIER B6 26 PIThompson, ksong
REP M7 21 kellybelly
LEPER 3K 14 ding

On 17th draw, PROULER 2C 65 --- PROULER a prowler [n]
Other moves: RIPE F12 25, LOPE M7 24, RIP F12 24, ROPE M7 24, POULE 2F 23
ROPE M7 24 kellybelly, PIThompson
PROLE 2F 23 annelhynz
PURE C3 16 ksong
PORE C3 16 Hasni
COPE E5 8 ding

On 18th draw, VEINY C5 39 --- VEINY full of veins [adj]
Other moves: FEY M2 32, FEY M7 31, FY M3 31, NIEF 3B 29, NIFE M7 28
FEY M2 32 kellybelly
FEY M7 31 PIThompson
FEE 3A 20 ksong
ENVY N5 17 suzie2150
PEN C2 10 ding

On 19th draw, FLUEY 1A 48 --- FLUEY infected with the flu [adj]
Other moves: FLUEY 3I 40, FEY M2 32, FLY M2 32, FEY M7 31, FLUE 1A 31
FLUEY 1A 48 PIThompson
FEY M2 32 kellybelly
FLUE 1A 31 ksong
LEVY 3K 20 ding
TINY 8A 11 annelhynz

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