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Game of July 3, 2011 at 11:35, 7 players
1. 530 pts yab
2. 470 pts Klonimous
3. 328 pts Stranger

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eopsvwy   H8    34    34   spewy
 2. ?aeelno   8A    74   108   enolases
 3. abhilno   F1    66   174   hobnails
 4. ?aailst   1F    83   257   halakist
 5. adefrsw   3F    94   351   bedwarfs
 6. adggosv  12D    22   373   doggy
 7. eeimnot   M3    62   435   semitone
 8. iinortu   5E    28   463   rainout
 9. abkorvz   8L    75   538   zobo
10. aefhjny  N10    51   589   fayne
11. aceijps  15L    75   664   jasp
12. deikrru  11B    33   697   drek
13. cegtuux   9A    39   736   tex
14. aehotuv   7A    42   778   hove
15. adegirv   L8    38   816   zerda
16. elorrtu  K10    23   839   tolu
17. aciinru   6I    24   863   uranic
18. iiiqrtu  12A    24   887   qi
19. cegimrv   4A    28   915   crimen
20. giiituv  A12    39   954   quit

Remaining tiles: giiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6720 Fileyab         3 21:40  -424  530     1.6720 yab         3 21:40  -424  530 
  2.6062 FileKlonimous   2 18:34  -484  470     2.6062 Klonimous   2 18:34  -484  470 
  3.6417 FileStranger    3 10:18  -626  328     3.6417 Stranger    3 10:18  -626  328 
  4.4376 Fileremij       1 26:54  -664  290     4.6591 SuperH      0  7:43  -760  194 
  5.6591 FileSuperH      0  7:43  -760  194            Group: novice
  6.5580 FileJennyB      1  9:37  -764  190     1.5580 JennyB      1  9:37  -764  190 
  7.5663 FileHasni       0  4:36  -889   65     2.5663 Hasni       0  4:36  -889   65 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4376 remij       1 26:54  -664  290 

On 1st draw, SPEWY H8 34 --- SPEWY boggy [adj]
Other moves: YOWES H4 30, POESY H8 28, POSEY H8 28, SEPOY H8 28, SPEWY H4 28
SPEWY H8 34 Klonimous
YOWES H4 30 yab, Stranger
POSEY H8 28 SuperH
SWOP H6 18 remij

On 2nd draw, ENOLA(S)ES 8A 74 --- ENOLASE an enzyme [n]
Other tops: EN(H)ALOES 8A 74
Other moves: AN(T)ELOPE 9B 62, OPENA(B)LE 9G 62, PE(R)ONEAL 9H 61, (B)EANPOLE 9D 61, ENOLA(S)E G2 59
LEAN I10 17 Klonimous
(B)ONE G10 15 yab
WALE 11H 14 Hasni
PLANE 9H 8 remij

On 3rd draw, HOBNAIL(S) F1 66 --- HOBNAIL to put hobnails (short nails with a broad head) on a shoe sole [v]
Other moves: HOBNAIL C7 38, HALON 7C 30, LOHAN 9A 29, BAH 7A 27, BOH 7A 27
HOBNAIL E4 24 yab
HAN G10 21 Klonimous
BIN B6 11 remij

On 4th draw, HALA(K)IST 1F 83 --- HALAKIST a halakic writer [n]
Other moves: LATA(K)IAS 5E 78, SALA(R)IAT 5E 78, SALI(V)ATE A1 74, SATIA(B)LE A1 74, SA(X)ATILE A1 74
HALA(K)IST 1F 33 yab
HAILS 1F 24 Klonimous
SHALT 1E 24 remij

On 5th draw, BEDWARFS 3F 94 --- BEDWARF to cause to appear small by comparison [v]
Other moves: SWARFED N1 93, SELFWARD D6 80, SWEARD N1 39, FORESAW C7 36, SAWDER N1 35
SWARF N1 33 yab
WAFERS G10 31 Klonimous
SERF N1 25 Stranger
WANED B6 21 remij

On 6th draw, DOGGY 12D 22 --- DOGGY a small dog [n] --- DOGGY resembling or suggestive of a dog [adj]
Other tops: AVOWS 11E 22, DAGGY 12D 22, SAVOY 12D 22
Other moves: AVOW 11E 20, SAGGY 12D 20, SOGGY 12D 20, VANGS B6 19, ADO E4 18
AVOWS 11E 22 yab
WAGS 11H 16 Klonimous
VAN B6 14 remij

On 7th draw, SEMITONE M3 62 --- SEMITONE a type of musical tone [n]
Other tops: MEIONITE 6A 62, MEIONITE 6D 62
Other moves: MATINEE 5E 36, MENTION 4D 33, MEET 4J 30, NOMINEE B8 30, MEE 4J 26
MEE 4J 26 Klonimous
T*M 13C 17 yab
MINE B6 12 remij

On 8th draw, RAINOUT 5E 28 --- RAINOUT atomic fallout occurring in precipitation [n]
Other moves: TORII 13C 24, NOTOUR 8J 21, RUTIN N4 21, TURION L8 21, UNROOT 8J 21
UNROOT 8J 21 yab
TORN 8L 15 Klonimous
TOON 8L 15 Hasni
GRIN F12 7 remij

On 9th draw, ZOBO 8L 75 --- ZOBO a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: BOZO 8L 54, AZO L7 47, ZA 11E 47, ZOA L8 47, KOBO 8L 45
ZOA L8 47 yab
ZA 11E 47 Klonimous
BANK B6 16 remij

On 10th draw, FAYNE N10 51 --- FAYNE to feign [v]
Other tops: HYENA N10 51
Other moves: HAJ 11C 47, HAJ 7A 45, YEAH 4L 44, JA 11E 39, JANNY B6 39
JA 11E 39 yab, Klonimous, SuperH
JA 7C 36 Hasni
JOY C7 25 remij

On 11th draw, JASP 15L 75 --- JASP a precious stone [n]
Other moves: CASE 15L 39, JA 11E 39, PASE 15L 39, PISE 15L 39, JA 7C 36
JASP 15L 75 Stranger, JennyB
JA 11E 39 yab, SuperH, Klonimous
PEACE A7 9 remij

On 12th draw, DREK 11B 33 --- DREK rubbish [n]
Other moves: DIKE 7A 32, DUKE 7A 32, REIK 11B 31, EIK 11C 29, IRKED 11A 29
DREK 11B 33 yab
KID L10 26 Stranger
KEN 4D 16 JennyB
KORE E11 16 Klonimous
KOR C7 13 remij

On 13th draw, TEX 9A 39 --- TEX a unit of linear density of yarn, 1 gm per kilometre [n]
Other tops: TUX 9A 39
Other moves: EX 9B 36, TEX L10 26, TIX 6L 26, TUX L10 26, XU O11 25
TEX 9A 39 Stranger, Klonimous
EX 9B 36 yab, SuperH
TIX 6L 26 JennyB
TEX A7 10 remij

On 14th draw, HOVE 7A 42 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v] --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other tops: HAVE 7A 42
Other moves: TAV 7A 33, AVE 7B 32, HEAL 7C 32, OVA 7B 32, VEAL 7C 32
VEAL 7C 32 Klonimous
HEAL 7C 32 SuperH
AH 7B 29 Stranger
HA 7C 28 yab
WHAT 11H 20 JennyB
HOX C7 17 remij

On 15th draw, ZERDA L8 38 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: GAZED L6 30, DAZER L6 28, DEAVING 13I 28, GAZER L6 28, VERDIN 13I 28
WAVED 11H 24 Klonimous
GRAVY 12J 24 JennyB
DIVE L10 23 Stranger
DIVED B11 20 SuperH
RIDGY 12J 20 yab
GAVE F12 16 remij

On 16th draw, TOLU K10 23 --- TOLU a fragrant resin [n]
Other tops: TOLE K10 23
Other moves: ROOTLE O7 22, TRUE O10 22, OUTRE O8 21, OUTRO O8 21, TEL K10 21
ORE I9 16 Klonimous
FE L3 14 Stranger
OLE K11 14 yab
TOE O11 14 JennyB
TIRE 6L 6 remij

On 17th draw, URANIC 6I 24 --- URANIC pertaining to uranium [adj]
Other moves: NARIC 6J 21, RICIN 6J 17, CAN J11 16, DARIC B11 16, DINIC B11 16
DARIC B11 16 yab
RAN N4 15 JennyB
FA L3 14 Stranger, Klonimous
GAIN G12 6 remij

On 18th draw, QI 12A 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: SIFT L1 18, ELT D7 14, TEXT 9A 14, ITA M13 12, TUI 7M 12
QI 12A 24 yab, remij
TONE B6 6 Klonimous

On 19th draw, CRIMEN 4A 28 --- CRIMEN a crime [n]
Other moves: VIMEN 4B 22, GIVEN 4B 20, REV 7I 20, COVE 2E 19, GROVE 2D 19
VIMEN 4B 22 yab
GIVE F12 16 remij
ME 13B 14 Klonimous
FE L3 14 Stranger

On 20th draw, QUIT A12 39 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: SIFT L1 18, IT 13A 17, DIVI B11 16, GELT D6 16, GU 3C 16
QUIT A12 39 Stranger
IT 13A 17 yab, remij

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