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Game of July 3, 2011 at 12:23, 10 players
1. 516 pts yab
2. 449 pts siuyee
3. 398 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?addefu   H2    80    80   defraud
 2. adeorsz   9C    39   119   zerdas
 3. aimorss   7B    65   184   ossarium
 4. aeilmos   8H    90   274   damoisel
 5. beirwxy   8A    63   337   brey
 6. ehilnoo   G2    27   364   oho
 7. aeilotv   A8    92   456   bloviate
 8. eooptuy   M3    30   486   tepoys
 9. aeiknow   L1    44   530   knew
10. aeiorrr   1J    30   560   oakier
11. aabeiit   N4    31   591   tab
12. fgilnor   K5    98   689   flooring
13. aaegjpt   O3    34   723   jape
14. ?egirtw  12G    82   805   twiggier
15. aeiinux   J8    55   860   mux
16. deginnt   3C    28   888   neighed
17. acnttuu  N10    26   914   curat
18. cehlnuv  H12    30   944   when
19. ciilqtu  14C    37   981   clique

Remaining tiles: inntv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6710 Fileyab         0 22:05  -465  516     1.6710 yab         0 22:05  -465  516 
  2.5142 Filesiuyee      0 18:29  -532  449     2.6435 Stranger    1 13:45  -601  380 
  3.5327 Fileannelhynz   1 17:50  -583  398     3.6156 reyna       3 12:29  -708  273 
  4.4354 Fileremij       1 24:22  -594  387            Group: novice
  5.6435 FileStranger    1 13:45  -601  380     1.5142 siuyee      0 18:29  -532  449 
  6.  -  FileMcKjartney  1 24:26  -701  280     2.5327 annelhynz   1 17:50  -583  398 
  7.6156 Filereyna       3 12:29  -708  273     3.5667 Hasni       0  2:00  -932   49 
  8.  -  Filezarelle     0 17:22  -767  214            Group: not rated
  9.5667 FileHasni       0  2:00  -932   49     1.4354 remij       1 24:22  -594  387 
 10.  -  Filevalveamp    0  2:51  -947   34     2.  -  McKjartney  1 24:26  -701  280 
                                             3.  -  zarelle     0 17:22  -767  214 
                                             4.  -  valveamp    0  2:51  -947   34 

On 1st draw, DEF(R)AUD H2 80 --- DEFRAUD to swindle [v]
Other tops: U(N)FADED H2 80
Other moves: DEF(R)AUD H4 76, DEF(R)AUD H6 76, U(N)FADED H6 76, U(N)FADED H8 76, DEF(R)AUD H3 74
DEF(R)AUD H2 30 yab
FADD(L)E H4 28 Stranger
FADED H4 28 remij
FADE(S) H4 24 Hasni
FADED H7 20 siuyee
DEAF H7 16 McKjartney

On 2nd draw, ZERDAS 9C 39 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: ZOAEAS 6F 37, ADZED 2D 36, DAZED 2D 36, DAZED 2H 36, DAZERS 2H 36
DOZED 2H 36 Stranger
DOZERS 2H 36 yab
DAZED 2H 36 McKjartney
ZEAS 6F 33 remij
ZEROS 9D 27 siuyee

On 3rd draw, OSSARIUM 7B 65 --- OSSARIUM an urn for bones of the dead [n]
Other moves: ZIRAMS C9 34, ZOISMS C9 34, ZIRAM C9 32, ZOISM C9 32, ZORIS C9 28
ZIRAMS C9 34 yab
MAR 10B 24 annelhynz
MOR 10B 24 Stranger
FORMS 4H 20 siuyee
MORRIS E7 16 McKjartney
DAMS 2H 13 remij

On 4th draw, DAMOISEL 8H 90 --- DAMOISEL a young woman [n]
Other moves: DAMOISEL 2H 84, MO(R)ALISE 5F 68, MELODIAS 2D 65, SMOILE 6A 36, MAILE 6B 35
ZEALS C9 28 siuyee
ZOEAL C9 28 yab
MASE 10B 27 annelhynz
LOME 10B 25 Hasni
OSE 8A 23 Stranger
MILES D3 14 zarelle
MADE 2F 13 remij
MEALS 3G 11 McKjartney

On 5th draw, BREY 8A 63 --- BREY (South Africa) to pronounce r sound at the back of the throat [v]
Other moves: WYE 8A 44, BYE 8A 41, WEX I1 41, YEX I1 41, WEY 8B 40
WEX I1 41 Stranger, yab
EX 8A 36 annelhynz
DEXY 2H 31 remij
WEX 3G 25 siuyee
BER(R)Y 5E 18 McKjartney
BIER N6 12 zarelle

On 6th draw, OHO G2 27 --- OHO used to express surprise or exultation [interj]
Other moves: SHOOLE M8 26, HIE G3 25, HOE G3 25, HOO G3 25, HE G3 23
HI G3 23 siuyee
HE G3 23 Stranger
FOEHN 4H 22 yab
HE 6E 16 remij
HOD 2F 15 annelhynz
HE 3G 9 McKjartney

On 7th draw, BLOVIATE A8 92 --- BLOVIATE to speak pompously [v]
Other moves: VIOLATES M1 74, VOLATILE O2 62, VOLATILE O6 62, VIOLATOR B1 26, ALTO F1 24
MOVIE J8 18 siuyee
MOVE J8 17 zarelle
VOLATILE O2 12 yab
TIL 9L 11 remij
TE I4 9 annelhynz
TEAL N7 6 McKjartney

On 8th draw, TEPOYS M3 30 --- TEPOY a small table used in serving tea [n]
Other moves: OPT F1 29, OY F1 28, SPOUTY M8 28, UEY I1 27, YEP I1 26
YEP I1 26 yab
YET B13 23 annelhynz
MOPEY J8 18 zarelle
(R)OPEY 5H 18 remij
ROOTY E9 16 siuyee
POET N6 12 McKjartney

On 9th draw, KNEW L1 44 --- KNOW to have a true understanding of [v]
Other moves: WOK L4 40, AWEE N5 37, WEEK N6 37, ANEW N3 36, ANOW N3 36
WEAK 4L 32 siuyee
AWOKEN K6 26 yab
AWAKEN 13A 26 annelhynz
KNEW 4K 22 Stranger
KNOWE 6K 20 remij
MOKE J8 20 zarelle

On 10th draw, OAKIER 1J 30 --- OAKY tasting of oak sap [adj]
Other tops: ROKIER 1J 30
Other moves: KAIE 1L 24, KARO 1L 24, KEIR 1L 24, KERO 1L 24, KIER 1L 24
KORE 1L 24 reyna, yab
RARE K3 17 Stranger
RORE K3 17 siuyee
OR K4 10 annelhynz
RAKER 1J 9 zarelle
TEAR 14A 8 remij
ROD 2F 6 McKjartney

On 11th draw, TAB N4 31 --- TAB to provide with an identifying mark [v]
Other moves: BEET N6 27, BEE N6 26, AB N5 24, BAIT K3 23, BAN 2J 23
TAB N4 31 reyna
BAIT K3 23 Stranger
BETA K3 23 siuyee
AB 6A 21 yab
BET B13 20 annelhynz
BOD 2F 12 remij
TAB 14A 10 zarelle

On 12th draw, FLOORING K5 98 --- FLOORING a floor [n]
Other moves: FLOORING K6 74, FOILING L6 35, FIN 2J 29, FILING L7 28, FIRING L7 28
FLOORING K5 48 siuyee, yab
FIN 2J 29 reyna
FRO B12 23 annelhynz
GRID F6 10 remij
LINO O8 4 McKjartney

On 13th draw, JAPE O3 34 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: JAGA 6E 30, APT F1 29, APT I2 29, GAPE O3 28, JAP O3 28
JIG 10J 27 siuyee, remij, McKjartney
JOR B6 26 yab, annelhynz, Stranger
JA 6E 24 reyna
JAGG 12H 21 zarelle

On 14th draw, TWIGG(I)ER 12G 82 --- TWIGGY twiglike [adj]
Other tops: TWIGGER(S) 12G 82, TW(I)GGIER 12G 82
Other moves: TWIGG(I)ER 12H 78, TW(I)GGIER 12H 78, TWIGGER(S) 12H 76, TWE(E)RING 11E 72, TW(E)ERING 11E 72
TWIGG(I)ER 12H 28 yab
WET B13 23 annelhynz
W(A)TERING 11E 22 reyna
REWRIT(E) E9 18 siuyee
GREW 12K 16 McKjartney
FLOORING(S) K5 12 remij
AWE G9 6 zarelle

On 15th draw, MUX J8 55 --- MUX to spoil [v]
Other tops: MAX J8 55
Other moves: AX I2 42, EX I2 42, NIX B13 35, AX B14 31, EX B14 31
MAX J8 55 reyna
EX I2 42 Stranger
XI B13 31 annelhynz
VIXEN 11A 30 remij
OX 10A 25 yab
TAXI 14A 22 siuyee
REX N12 20 McKjartney
WAX H12 13 zarelle
AXE M10 10 valveamp

On 16th draw, NEIGHED 3C 28 --- NEIGH to utter the cry of a horse [v]
Other moves: DWINE H11 27, GWINE H11 27, DERING N10 24, GIRNED N10 24, GIRTED N10 24
WING H12 24 siuyee, valveamp
DERING N10 24 reyna
WIND H12 24 yab
WEND H12 24 remij
WIDE H12 24 annelhynz, zarelle, Stranger, McKjartney

On 17th draw, CURAT N10 26 --- CURAT a breastplate [n]
Other moves: WANT H12 21, WATT H12 21, CANT 4B 20, C*NT 4B 20, TAUNT 4A 20
WANT H12 21 Stranger, annelhynz, reyna, McKjartney, remij
WATT H12 21 yab
ACTANT 13A 16 zarelle
CART N10 12 siuyee

On 18th draw, WHEN H12 30 --- WHEN the time in which something is done or occurs [n]
Other moves: HEN 2J 29, CHIVE E1 26, CLEVE D1 26, HEN 15M 26, LEV 15M 26
WHEN H12 30 Stranger, McKjartney, annelhynz, reyna, remij
HEN 15M 26 yab
HEN O13 25 siuyee

On 19th draw, CLIQUE 14C 37 --- CLIQUE to form a clique (an exclusive group of persons) [v]
Other moves: ACQUIT 13A 34, QUILT 14J 34, QUOD 2E 32, QUIT 1D 30, QUIT 2A 30
QUILT 14J 34 zarelle
QUIT 2A 30 remij, annelhynz
QUA E5 24 siuyee
QUINTIC 15E 18 yab
QUIT E1 13 reyna
CUTE 14E 8 McKjartney

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