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Game of July 3, 2011 at 16:55, 9 players
1. 585 pts mylover81
2. 577 pts musdrive
3. 576 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aefnou   H4    24    24   furane
 2. acdeort   8H    92   116   notecard
 3. aaklnsu   M3    30   146   alaska
 4. agnoruy   J4    68   214   nugatory
 5. deinorr   L8    74   288   cordiner
 6. beegoty  K11    43   331   obey
 7. ?eeeelp   N8    28   359   replete
 8. aeeijot   L1    44   403   jete
 9. aginrrt   G9    63   466   tarring
10. amosstt  13B    72   538   somatist
11. aefiinu  O12    45   583   fini
12. aeimqtu  B10    68   651   quasi
13. denosux   1L    54   705   jeux
14. bdeehis  15C    98   803   besighed
15. aciilno  12A    32   835   canal
16. dgilowz  F10    64   899   zo
17. giilopt   2N    25   924   pi
18. dgiloot  E11    22   946   glads
19. iilootw   4B    26   972   witloof

Remaining tiles: himvvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6957 Filemylover81   3 18:20  -387  585     1.7065 musdrive    5 20:07  -395  577 
  2.7065 Filemusdrive    5 20:07  -395  577            Group: intermediate
  3.6397 Filejeff        3 25:15  -396  576     1.6957 mylover81   3 18:20  -387  585 
  4.5724 Filemichele     1 22:51  -473  499     2.6397 jeff        3 25:15  -396  576 
  5.6139 Filemargalang   3 20:03  -484  488     3.6139 margalang   3 20:03  -484  488 
  6.5320 Filenaomiari    2 17:53  -522  450     4.6451 rn.roselle  3 10:01  -535  437 
  7.5221 Fileworsie      1 22:23  -523  449            Group: novice
  8.6451 Filern.roselle  3 10:01  -535  437     1.5724 michele     1 22:51  -473  499 
  9.5617 Filesherrymoon  1  0:22  -908   64     2.5320 naomiari    2 17:53  -522  450 
                                             3.5221 worsie      1 22:23  -523  449 
                                             4.5617 sherrymoon  1  0:22  -908   64 

On 1st draw, FU(R)ANE H4 24 --- FURANE a chemical used in tanning [n]
Other tops: FAUN(A)E H4 24, FOE(M)AN H4 24, FON(D)UE H4 24, FO(R)ANE H4 24, F(A)UNAE H4 24, F(L)AUNE H4 24, UN(D)EAF H7 24, UN(S)AFE H8 24
Other moves: FAEN(A) H4 22, FANE(S) H4 22, FANO(N) H4 22, FANO(S) H4 22, FANU(M) H4 22
FON(D)UE H4 24 musdrive, naomiari
FOUN(D) H4 22 mylover81, margalang, worsie
FAUN(A) H4 22 jeff
FANE H8 14 michele

On 2nd draw, NOTECARD 8H 92 --- NOTECARD a card used for sending short messages [n]
Other moves: FACTORED 4H 82, REDCOAT I7 74, AERODUCT 5C 72, EDUCATOR 5F 72, OUTRACED 5G 72
FACTORED 4H 32 jeff, worsie
CARED I3 26 mylover81
FORCED 4H 24 musdrive
FACED 4H 22 naomiari, michele
RACE I1 14 margalang

On 3rd draw, ALASKA M3 30 --- ALASKA a heavy fabric [n]
Other tops: LAKSA 7G 30
Other moves: ANKUS 10D 28, FLANKS 4H 26, FLUNKS 4H 26, KAS 10F 26, RUSALKA N8 26
KAS 10F 26 musdrive
FLUNKS 4H 26 michele
AKA 7H 25 mylover81
SLUNK 10H 20 jeff
KAAS 10E 19 margalang
SNAKE K4 18 worsie
KAS M7 13 naomiari

On 4th draw, NUGATORY J4 68 --- NUGATORY having no power [adj]
Other moves: ROGUY G3 32, GEYAN 9G 28, ORANGEY 9C 27, ARGUFY 4D 26, GRAY N2 25
ORANGEY 9C 27 musdrive
GRAY N2 25 mylover81
YOUNG G9 24 worsie
NAY L3 23 jeff
GAY 7G 22 margalang
GAY N1 19 naomiari
GAY I2 16 michele

On 5th draw, CORDINER L8 74 --- CORDINER a shoemaker [n]
Other moves: DRONIER G9 66, ERODE K4 24, RIDER K5 24, DINERO K1 23, IRONED G2 23
ORDER K11 22 margalang, musdrive
DONE L1 20 michele
END K11 18 mylover81, worsie, naomiari
ODE K11 18 jeff

On 6th draw, OBEY K11 43 --- OBEY to follow the commands or guidance of [v]
Other moves: BOGEY G3 36, OBEYER 15G 33, YEBO L3 33, BYGONE 13H 32, GYBE L1 32
OBEYER 15G 33 musdrive
OYE M12 26 mylover81
BOYED 11H 22 worsie
BOY N1 21 michele
GREET 15K 18 margalang
ROBE 15L 18 naomiari, jeff

On 7th draw, REPLE(T)E N8 28 --- REPLETE a worker ant that serves as a living storehouse for liquid food [n] --- REPLETE abundantly supplied [adj] --- REPLETE to fill completely [v]
Other moves: ELPEE L1 26, (N)EP M12 26, (Z)EP M12 26, E(L)PEE L1 24, E(X)PEL L1 24
PE J14 24 mylover81, musdrive, jeff
PEE J13 20 margalang
PE J13 19 naomiari
L(A)P K3 17 michele
RE(A)P 15L 15 rn.roselle
PLE(A) G9 15 worsie

On 8th draw, JETE L1 44 --- JETE a ballet leap [n]
Other tops: JOTA L1 44
Other moves: JATO L3 39, JETE L3 39, AJEE L2 37, JEE L3 35, JET L3 35
JETE L3 39 musdrive
JET L3 35 rn.roselle, naomiari, mylover81
TAJ L3 35 jeff
JA(R) 6F 25 worsie, margalang
JOT N1 22 michele

On 9th draw, TARRING G9 63 --- TARRE to urge to action [v] --- TARRING the act of tarring [n]
Other moves: GITANO I3 26, RANG O12 24, RING O12 24, TANG O12 24, TING O12 24
TANG O12 24 musdrive, rn.roselle
TAG J13 17 margalang
TARRING G9 13 michele
RATING G9 12 jeff
NA J14 12 mylover81
JAG 1L 11 naomiari
RANGE 9D 8 worsie

On 10th draw, SOMATIST 13B 72 --- SOMATIST an adherent of somatism [n]
Other moves: JAMS 1L 39, MASS O12 37, MAST O12 37, MATS O12 37, MATT O12 37
JAMS 1L 39 naomiari, mylover81, rn.roselle, margalang, michele, worsie, jeff, musdrive

On 11th draw, FINI O12 45 --- FINI finished [adj]
Other tops: FANE O12 45, FENI O12 45, FINE O12 45
Other moves: FEIGN 15D 39, FUNGI 15D 39, AFIRE 12D 36, FANE 12A 34, FINE 12A 34
FINE O12 45 musdrive, jeff
FANE O12 45 mylover81
JANE 1L 33 naomiari
JEAN 1L 33 rn.roselle
FEAT F10 32 michele
FA O14 20 worsie

On 12th draw, QUASI B10 68 --- QUASI similar but not exactly the same [adj]
Other tops: QUEST B10 68, QUIST B10 68
Other moves: QUIM 12A 66, QUIET 12A 62, QUIM N1 38, MAQUIS B8 37, MATURE 12C 37
QUEST B10 68 worsie, jeff, margalang, rn.roselle
QUIM 12A 66 michele, mylover81
QUIM N1 38 musdrive
QUIM D10 30 naomiari

On 13th draw, JEUX 1L 54 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: JUDO 1L 36, JUDS 1L 36, XU A14 36, GOX 15G 33, JEON 1L 33
XU A14 36 rn.roselle, naomiari, mylover81
JUDO 1L 36 michele
JUDS 1L 36 margalang
DEX N1 32 musdrive, jeff
QUOD 10B 14 worsie

On 14th draw, BESIGHED 15C 98 --- BESIGH to sigh over [v]
Other moves: HEDGES 15D 45, HEDGE 15D 42, BASH 12A 40, BESIGH 15C 39, SADHE 12A 39
HEDGES 15D 45 mylover81, rn.roselle, worsie, jeff
HIDE K5 32 musdrive
HI 2N 29 michele
HE F10 28 margalang
HIS C9 23 naomiari

On 15th draw, CANAL 12A 32 --- CANAL to dig an artificial waterway through [v]
Other moves: CALO 12A 28, COLIN C7 24, ACINI C6 22, COLA I3 21, CONI C7 21
COLIN C7 24 jeff
COIN C8 20 worsie, rn.roselle, margalang
CLAIM D9 18 musdrive
LIN C9 17 mylover81
RIP 10L 5 michele

On 16th draw, ZO F10 64 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZA 10F 31, ZIG G3 31, ZOL I3 31, DZO I2 29, DZO G2 28
ZO F10 64 musdrive, michele, sherrymoon, mylover81, jeff, naomiari, rn.roselle, margalang
QI 10B 11 worsie

On 17th draw, PI 2N 25 --- PI a Greek letter [n] --- PI to jumble or disorder [v]
Other tops: PILE K5 25, POLE K5 25, POTE K5 25
Other moves: GI 2N 21, GITE K5 21, GOLE K5 21, PILI C7 21, PILI I3 21
PI 2N 25 mylover81, margalang, rn.roselle
PILE K5 25 musdrive
TOPI C7 21 jeff
GI 2N 21 michele
PI C9 18 worsie
PI A14 16 naomiari

On 18th draw, GLADS E11 22 --- GLAD to make glad [v]
Other moves: GITE K5 21, GOLE K5 21, TIDE K5 20, TIGE K5 20, TOGE K5 20
GLADS E11 22 musdrive
LOTI C7 17 jeff
DI C9 16 rn.roselle, margalang, mylover81, michele, worsie
GI C9 16 naomiari

On 19th draw, WITLOOF 4B 26 --- WITLOOF chicory [n]
Other moves: WILI C7 23, WILI I3 23, IWI C8 21, TAWA 7G 21, TWO N4 20
TWO N4 20 michele
WO I7 19 musdrive, mylover81
WOO G3 17 rn.roselle
LOTI C7 17 jeff
WOE 2J 14 naomiari
WO G3 14 worsie
OD J14 13 margalang

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