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Game of July 3, 2011 at 18:30, 11 players
1. 619 pts PIThompson
2. 543 pts jeff
3. 478 pts michele

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egimnnr   H8    76    76   ringmen
 2. aceisty  10E    73   149   cyanites
 3. ?adefsv   K5    40   189   defames
 4. beilmst  14H    86   275   nimblest
 5. ?inquuz   8K    69   344   azine
 6. iilopux   9G    47   391   pix
 7. delotuy   L8    37   428   zesty
 8. aiknorw  O10    42   470   kwaito
 9. aefgors   J4    36   506   safe
10. hijnotu   L1    44   550   junto
11. deginov   N2    80   630   dovening
12. aaaaint   1H    39   669   tinaja
13. agilrru   M5    20   689   ragi
14. ahopquv  11B    50   739   qoph
15. eehilou  12C    35   774   heel
16. acdelrr   4C    74   848   cradlers
17. aeeirtu   C2    20   868   eucrite
18. bdiloru  13A    32   900   brod
19. ailouuv   8A    36   936   laevo

Remaining tiles: ioouuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7352 FilePIThompson  3 17:37  -317  619     1.7352 PIThompson  3 17:37  -317  619 
  2.6401 Filejeff        2 20:26  -393  543     2.7075 musdrive    1  7:42  -662  274 
  3.5720 Filemichele     2 22:38  -458  478            Group: intermediate
  4.5602 FileJennyB      0 17:48  -467  469     1.6401 jeff        2 20:26  -393  543 
  5.4355 Fileremij       0 20:48  -516  420     2.6971 mylover81   2  6:42  -691  245 
  6.4103 Filemanfred     0 19:18  -577  359     3.6455 rn.roselle  0  9:57  -694  242 
  7.5743 Filenderera     0 13:03  -590  346            Group: novice
  8.7075 Filemusdrive    1  7:42  -662  274     1.5720 michele     2 22:38  -458  478 
  9.6971 Filemylover81   2  6:42  -691  245     2.5602 JennyB      0 17:48  -467  469 
 10.6455 Filern.roselle  0  9:57  -694  242     3.5743 nderera     0 13:03  -590  346 
 11.4765 Filejimbo       0  6:06  -850   86            Group: not rated
                                             1.4355 remij       0 20:48  -516  420 
                                             2.4103 manfred     0 19:18  -577  359 
                                             3.4765 jimbo       0  6:06  -850   86 

On 1st draw, RINGMEN H8 76 --- RINGMAN the ring finger [n]
Other moves: RINGMEN H2 72, RINGMEN H3 72, RINGMEN H4 72, RINGMEN H6 72, RINGMEN H7 72
MINGER H4 24 remij, musdrive, PIThompson, michele, jimbo, jeff
MINER H4 20 manfred
ERNING H7 18 JennyB

On 2nd draw, CYANITES 10E 73 --- CYANITE a mineral [n]
Other tops: CYANITES 14E 73
Other moves: CYSTEIN 14B 28, AYES G12 26, EYAS G12 26, MYSTIC 12H 26, AYE G12 25
AYES G12 26 musdrive, PIThompson, michele
MYSTIC 12H 26 jeff
MATEYS 12H 22 jimbo
STAGEY 11E 20 manfred
MATEY 12H 20 remij

On 3rd draw, DEFA(M)ES K5 40 --- DEFAME to destroy the reputation of [v]
Other tops: ADVE(N)ES K5 40, ADV(I)SEE K5 40, DEFA(C)ES K5 40, FEAS(T)ED K5 40, SAVE(Y)ED K5 40, S(H)EAFED K5 40, S(H)EAVED K5 40, S(L)EAVED K5 40
Other moves: DEFAS(T)E 13G 32, DEFA(C)ES 13G 32, DEFA(M)ES 13G 32, DEFEA(T)S 13G 32, DEF(L)EAS 13G 32
F(I)VES 11K 31 PIThompson
FIDS 9G 30 musdrive
FESS(E)D L8 26 manfred
DEFAC(E)S E6 24 jimbo
CAVED E10 22 jeff, remij
SAVED L10 18 JennyB

On 4th draw, NIMBLEST 14H 86 --- NIMBLE agile [adj]
Other moves: EMBLICS E5 52, LIMBECS E5 52, LAMBIE 8J 39, AMBIT 8K 36, AMBLE 8K 36
LAMBIE 8J 39 musdrive
AMBLE 8K 36 PIThompson
SLIME J3 31 jeff
MISTS L8 30 JennyB
MISTLE 6F 16 jimbo
BEST 6J 12 remij
SILTS L10 12 manfred
MISTER 8C 9 michele

On 5th draw, AZIN(E) 8K 69 --- AZINE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other tops: AZU(K)I 8K 69, AZU(R)N 8K 69, QUINZE(S) 13C 69
Other moves: QUINZE 13C 68, QUI(N)ZE 13C 66, QU(I)NZE 13C 66, Q(U)INZE 13C 66, ZIT(E) O12 66
ZIT(S) O12 66 remij, jeff, PIThompson
Z(A)TI O12 66 mylover81
ZI(G) 9G 43 musdrive
QUIT(E) O11 42 JennyB, manfred, michele

On 6th draw, PIX 9G 47 --- PIX a container for communion bread [n]
Other moves: EXO 13H 39, PLEX 13F 39, ILEX 13F 37, ULEX 13F 37, LEX 13G 36
PIX 9G 47 PIThompson, michele, jeff, mylover81, musdrive
PLEX 13F 39 nderera
POX L4 36 JennyB
PIX M7 23 remij
SIX L10 22 manfred

On 7th draw, ZESTY L8 37 --- ZESTY marked by zest [adj]
Other moves: OYE J5 35, YETT O12 33, DEY J4 31, DOY J4 31, TOEY J3 31
OYE J5 35 PIThompson, jeff
DEY J4 31 mylover81
DOY J4 31 musdrive
DUTY O12 30 JennyB, nderera
DOTY O12 30 remij
(M)ODEL 9K 27 michele
DOT L4 13 manfred

On 8th draw, KWAITO O10 42 --- KWAITO a type of South African pop music [n]
Other moves: KATI O12 39, KNOW J3 35, WEKA 13G 35, KAW J4 34, KOW J4 34
KATI O12 39 PIThompson
KNOW J3 35 JennyB, mylover81
KOW J4 34 musdrive
KAW J4 34 rn.roselle
WO J6 31 jeff
WANKER 6G 23 michele
WORKS N10 20 nderera
KERN 6J 18 remij
COW E10 16 manfred

On 9th draw, SAFE J4 36 --- SAFE a metal receptacle for storing valuables [n] --- SAFE free from danger [adj] --- SAFE to make secure [v]
Other moves: FORGES L1 33, GOAF J3 32, FE J6 31, FORAGES 13C 31, OAF J4 30
SAFE J4 36 jeff, mylover81
FORGES L1 33 JennyB
FE J6 31 rn.roselle, nderera
REF J4 30 michele, PIThompson
FEN N6 14 remij

On 10th draw, JUNTO L1 44 --- JUNTO a political faction [n]
Other moves: THONG 11D 42, HONG 11E 40, HUNG 11E 40, JEHU 13G 39, THO 11D 31
JUNTO L1 44 PIThompson
JOT L4 30 mylover81
JIN N6 26 michele, rn.roselle, JennyB
JUN N6 26 remij
OH 11D 24 jeff
COIN E10 12 manfred
JA 12N 9 nderera

On 11th draw, DOVENING N2 80 --- DOVEN to utter Jewish prayers [v]
Other moves: JIVE 1L 42, JEDI 1L 36, JONG 1L 36, VOUGE 2J 34, JEON 1L 33
JIVE 1L 42 JennyB, nderera, remij, PIThompson, jeff, rn.roselle, michele
JONG 1L 36 manfred

On 12th draw, TINAJA 1H 39 --- TINAJA an earthenware jar [n]
Other moves: AIA 15J 15, ACTIN E9 14, AIN O1 14, TACAN E8 14, TAI O1 14
TAN O1 14 manfred, jeff, PIThompson, rn.roselle, JennyB
TIN O1 14 nderera
TACAN E8 14 michele
CAIN E10 12 remij

On 13th draw, RAGI M5 20 --- RAGI an East Indian cereal grass [n]
Other moves: GARLIC E5 18, GURAMI 12D 18, GAR O1 17, GAU O1 17, ALGUM 12D 16
GAR O1 17 manfred, jeff, nderera, JennyB, michele, PIThompson
CAR E10 10 remij

On 14th draw, QOPH 11B 50 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: PUHA 11C 37, OPAQUE 13C 36, UPHOVE 13C 36, PHO 11D 35, QUA 2F 34
QOPH 11B 50 PIThompson, michele
QUA 2F 34 jeff, rn.roselle, JennyB
HOP O1 31 nderera
CHAP E10 22 remij
HO O1 18 manfred

On 15th draw, HEEL 12C 35 --- HEEL to supply with a heel (the raised part of a shoe) [v]
Other tops: HEIL 12C 35
Other moves: HIE 12C 33, HOE 12C 33, HOI 12C 33, HOOLIE C9 26, HOI 13M 24
HOI 12C 33 jeff
HIE 12A 23 PIThompson
HOE O1 23 nderera, michele
HE 12C 23 rn.roselle
HI 12A 20 JennyB
HE O1 18 manfred
PIE D11 10 remij

On 16th draw, CRADLERS 4C 74 --- CRADLER one that cradles [n]
Other moves: RACED 13E 29, CRARE 13D 26, CLADE 2F 25, RARED 13E 25, CAD O1 24
CLADE 2F 25 nderera
CAD O1 24 michele, rn.roselle
CARDERS 4D 22 PIThompson
RED O1 18 remij
LACED 2E 15 JennyB
CHEER E10 10 manfred

On 17th draw, EUCRITE C2 20 --- EUCRITE a type of meteorite [n]
Other moves: ERA 13D 19, RAIT 5E 19, TEAR 5E 19, TIAR 5E 19, ACTURE C3 18
TEAR 5E 19 PIThompson
RATE 13E 16 jeff
TRACE C1 14 JennyB, rn.roselle
TERCE C1 14 nderera
RACE C2 12 michele
ACRE C3 12 manfred
TI O1 9 remij

On 18th draw, BROD 13A 32 --- BROD to prod [v]
Other moves: BOD 13B 30, DIEB 8A 30, ROBED 13E 29, BUDI B6 28, BUDO B6 28
BRED 8A 27 manfred, nderera
BLED 8A 27 remij
BID B6 27 JennyB, jeff
BIRD B6 27 PIThompson
BID O1 24 michele

On 19th draw, LAEVO 8A 36 --- LAEVO turning towards the left [adj]
Other moves: UVEAL 8A 27, AVEL 8A 24, OVEL 8A 24, UVEA 8A 24, VLEI 8A 24
UVEAL 8A 27 PIThompson
VLEI 8A 24 manfred
OVEL 8A 24 nderera
VOE 8A 18 JennyB
VIE 8A 18 jeff, michele
BOA A13 15 remij

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