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Game of July 3, 2011 at 21:34, 14 players
1. 537 pts woofy1
2. 529 pts jeff
3. 523 pts musdrive

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. fiorssu   H4    24    24   fours
 2. ?jooorr   4H    28    52   fjord
 3. iiottux   K1    26    78   tutrix
 4. cegintw   1K    42   120   twice
 5. ?adeeen   8A    77   197   demeanes
 6. deiinsy   M4    31   228   snidey
 7. aadelty   N8    96   324   daytale
 8. aaeirtv   A1    89   413   variated
 9. ailprst   E5    90   503   triapsal
10. adhimrw  O12    52   555   harm
11. ghlnotu   O4    51   606   lough
12. enpstuz  D11    45   651   zeps
13. adeimnn   2A    76   727   amandine
14. bilnoov   1F    34   761   lobo
15. gginort   J6    22   783   oggin
16. abcfort  M12    38   821   baft
17. ceinovw  15H    36   857   covent
18. eeikoru   I9    28   885   kiore

Remaining tiles: eiquw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6625 Filewoofy1      3 22:27  -348  537     1.7075 musdrive    3 15:27  -362  523 
  2.6432 Filejeff        2 18:54  -356  529            Group: intermediate
  3.7075 Filemusdrive    3 15:27  -362  523     1.6625 woofy1      3 22:27  -348  537 
  4.4685 FileAndy1990    2 18:41  -474  411     2.6432 jeff        2 18:54  -356  529 
  5.5728 Filemichele     2 20:08  -491  394     3.6105 shanice     4 13:56  -561  324 
  6.6105 Fileshanice     4 13:56  -561  324     4.6592 SuperH      0  1:52  -838   47 
  7.5333 Filenarisa      0 11:04  -609  276            Group: novice
  8.5617 Filesherrymoon  0  8:03  -678  207     1.5728 michele     2 20:08  -491  394 
  9.4160 Filepickrose    0 10:38  -697  188     2.5333 narisa      0 11:04  -609  276 
 10.4400 Filetonikay     0  8:31  -724  161     3.5617 sherrymoon  0  8:03  -678  207 
 11.  -  FileBouncingS   0  9:53  -780  105     4.5609 scrablehed  0  0:37  -863   22 
 12.  -  FileLESILES     0  5:13  -835   50            Group: not rated
 13.6592 FileSuperH      0  1:52  -838   47     1.4685 Andy1990    2 18:41  -474  411 
 14.5609 Filescrablehed  0  0:37  -863   22     2.4160 pickrose    0 10:38  -697  188 
                                             3.4400 tonikay     0  8:31  -724  161 
                                             4.  -  BouncingS   0  9:53  -780  105 
                                             5.  -  LESILES     0  5:13  -835   50 

On 1st draw, FOURS H4 24 --- FOUR a number [n]
Other moves: FOURS H8 18, SURFS H4 18, SURFS H8 18, FOURS H5 16, FOURS H6 16
FOURS H4 24 musdrive, michele, woofy1, jeff, shanice
SURFS H4 18 Andy1990
RIFS H5 14 pickrose
FROS H5 14 sherrymoon

On 2nd draw, FJOR(D) 4H 28 --- FJORD a narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs [n]
Other tops: JOUR(N)O 6F 28
Other moves: JOUR 6F 27, JOUR(S) 6F 27, JOU(K) 6F 26, JOU(R) 6F 26, JO(M)O G3 26
JOUR(N)O 6F 28 michele
JOUR(S) 6F 27 Andy1990
JOUR 6F 27 SuperH, narisa, sherrymoon
JO(L) G3 23 musdrive
JO(G) G3 23 woofy1
JO G3 22 scrablehed, jeff, shanice
JOR(S) 7F 11 pickrose

On 3rd draw, TUTRIX K1 26 --- TUTRIX a female tutor [n]
Other moves: ROUX K4 22, XU G6 22, OX G5 20, OX 3L 19, OX G8 19
ROUX K4 22 Andy1990
OX G5 20 musdrive, SuperH, michele
OX I8 19 woofy1
OX 3L 19 jeff
JO I4 11 sherrymoon
TUX 6G 10 pickrose
TROT K3 8 narisa

On 4th draw, TWICE 1K 42 --- TWICE two times [adv]
Other moves: TWINE 1K 36, TWITE 1K 36, WETTING 1H 36, WETTING 1I 36, CUEING 2J 30
TWICE 1K 42 musdrive, shanice
TWINE 1K 36 pickrose, woofy1, narisa
WETTING 1H 36 jeff
WENT 1H 21 sherrymoon, Andy1990

On 5th draw, DE(M)EANES 8A 77 --- DEMEANE treatment [n]
Other tops: SE(R)ENADE 8H 77
Other moves: CA(R)EENED N1 74, ENDEARE(D) 7C 61, EN(D)EARED 7C 61, EN(S)EARED 7C 61, DEA(D)ENER 7A 60
SE(R)ENADE 8H 27 musdrive
CAN(N)ED N1 24 jeff
ODE(O)N J4 21 woofy1
END J6 17 michele
AXED 6J 14 Andy1990
C(R)EED N1 14 sherrymoon, pickrose

On 6th draw, SNIDEY M4 31 --- SNIDEY maliciously derogatory [adj]
Other moves: DYES 9B 27, DYNE 9B 27, NYED 9B 27, SYED 9B 27, SYND 9B 27
IDES M1 25 jeff
NYES 9B 25 musdrive
SEND M4 22 narisa
DYE 9E 19 woofy1
INDIES L6 18 michele
DENY F6 12 pickrose
YENS B7 9 Andy1990

On 7th draw, DAYTALE N8 96 --- DAYTALE a daily reckoning [n]
Other moves: DAYTALE L8 86, DELAY N6 38, YEAD 8L 36, YEDE 8L 36, YEED 8L 36
YELD 8L 36 jeff, narisa, sherrymoon, Andy1990
YEAD 8L 36 musdrive, michele
DAY N8 23 woofy1
DEAL 8L 21 pickrose
DAY L8 19 shanice

On 8th draw, VARIATED A1 89 --- VARIATE to vary [v]
Other moves: VARIETAL 13G 82, AVERT 15K 48, VARA 15L 45, VARE 15L 45, VERA 15L 45
AVERT 15K 48 woofy1
VARE 15L 45 jeff, sherrymoon
VERT 15L 45 narisa
VIRE 15L 45 shanice
VARIATE E4 20 musdrive
VITAL 13J 16 michele
EVIL 13K 14 pickrose
ART O13 13 Andy1990

On 9th draw, TRIAPSAL E5 90 --- TRIAPSAL with three apses [adj]
Other moves: TRIAPSAL 12H 74, PARTIALS E3 70, PARTIALS E7 70, PATRIALS E3 70, PATRIALS E7 70
PARTS O4 42 jeff, musdrive
SPART 15K 42 woofy1
PAILS O4 42 shanice
SPA O8 40 michele
PAST 15L 39 narisa, BouncingS
PLAST 15K 36 Andy1990
PIS 15L 20 tonikay
PARTS 11K 14 pickrose
DAYTALES N8 12 sherrymoon

On 10th draw, HARM O12 52 --- HARM to injure [v]
Other tops: WARM O12 52
Other moves: HARM 15L 51, WARM 15L 51, HM O8 50, MIHA O12 50, WADI O12 50
WARM O12 52 shanice
WARM 15L 51 musdrive
HARM 15L 51 jeff
WADI O12 50 woofy1
WARD 15L 48 narisa
WHAM 12L 30 Andy1990
HAW D11 27 sherrymoon
HAM O12 27 tonikay
WHAT 11K 20 pickrose, michele

On 11th draw, LOUGH O4 51 --- LOUGH a lake [n]
Other tops: TOUGH O4 51
Other moves: GOTH O5 45, LOTH O5 42, UGH O6 42, NOH O6 39, NTH O6 39
NOH F8 31 woofy1, musdrive
OHO J4 24 michele
SHOUT 10E 16 pickrose
HOLT 12C 14 Andy1990
HULL 12C 14 jeff
GLUT 12D 10 narisa
HOST 10C 9 tonikay
(M)OUTH C8 8 BouncingS

On 12th draw, ZEPS D11 45 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other moves: ZEP D11 43, PUTZES L9 42, ZEST D11 41, PUZELS 12A 40, PUTZ L9 38
ZEPS D11 45 jeff, woofy1
CUZ N1 28 Andy1990
PREZ 7G 26 musdrive
UP 3N 16 michele
ZA 11D 11 tonikay
PAST 11D 6 pickrose
PET 5C 5 narisa

On 13th draw, AMANDINE 2A 76 --- AMANDINE a protein [n] --- AMANDINE prepared with almonds [adj]
Other moves: MEDIA B2 39, ANADEM 2A 30, MEND B2 29, DAMPEN 9B 27, AMPED 9C 26
MEND B2 29 woofy1
AMEND J6 25 michele
MASED 14B 24 musdrive
MAP 13B 14 Andy1990, jeff
(M)AD C8 4 tonikay

On 14th draw, LOBO 1F 34 --- LOBO the timber wolf [n]
Other tops: LOBI 1F 34
Other moves: LIB 1F 31, LOB 1F 31, BOOL 1F 30, BOON 1F 30, OBI 1G 29
LOBO 1F 34 musdrive, Andy1990
LOBI 1F 34 shanice
LOB 1F 31 michele
BOOL 1F 30 jeff
BIN 1F 27 tonikay
BOON C12 27 woofy1

On 15th draw, OGGIN J6 22 --- OGGIN the sea [n]
Other moves: GORM 15L 21, ROIN 3C 20, ROSTING 14B 20, ROTING L9 20, NORM 15L 19
GORM 15L 21 jeff
ROSTING 14B 20 woofy1
RIG 3A 18 musdrive
ORT J6 16 michele
STORING 14D 14 BouncingS
GRIP 13A 14 Andy1990
ZAG 11D 13 tonikay

On 16th draw, BAFT M12 38 --- BAFT a coarse fabric [n]
Other moves: RAFT M12 32, FACTOR K9 29, FORCAT K9 29, BOAT 3C 28, BOAR C12 27
FACTOR K9 29 jeff
BOAT C12 27 musdrive
FA M12 25 tonikay
FORB K9 25 Andy1990
FOB K9 23 michele
COSTA 14B 18 woofy1
FAST 14B 14 BouncingS

On 17th draw, COVENT 15H 36 --- COVENT a convent [n]
Other moves: COIN C12 27, WOE 3C 27, NOVICE K9 26, REW 3A 26, ROW 3A 26
COVENT 15H 36 Andy1990, woofy1
COIN C12 27 musdrive, jeff
WAVE C1 20 shanice
VOWS 14A 20 BouncingS
WINS 14A 14 michele

On 18th draw, KIORE I9 28 --- KIORE (Maori) a small brown rat native to New Zealand [n]
Other moves: KEIR I9 26, KERO I9 26, KIER I9 26, KNEE D1 26, KNUR D1 26
KEIR I9 26 musdrive
KORE I9 26 michele, woofy1
KIR I9 25 tonikay, jeff
KI I9 24 shanice
REEK B7 20 Andy1990
SEEK 14D 10 BouncingS

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