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Game of July 3, 2011 at 22:18, 9 players
1. 546 pts musdrive
2. 511 pts jeff
3. 361 pts pandora1._

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaenop   H4    72    72   paesano
 2. filnort   5D    94   166   inflator
 3. ehinnot   D3    74   240   thionine
 4. deeiosu   2B    28   268   suede
 5. ?cehioz   1F   114   382   echoize
 6. eillnpv   6J    28   410   penill
 7. egmostu   2J    37   447   tomes
 8. aaeimos   3K    39   486   semi
 9. anorrtu   3A    23   509   rottan
10. adeoruv   F5    69   578   favoured
11. bdgjruy   O4    42   620   bulgy
12. adeksuw  E11    39   659   waked
13. ailqrtv   1A    36   695   qi
14. afgirtt  14B    34   729   grief
15. beiotuw  15E    29   758   debit
16. aaglrsy   B8    65   823   graylags
17. aciortu   L6    76   899   nocturia
18. adejvwx   K9    42   941   axed

Remaining tiles: jvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7077 Filemusdrive    3 18:37  -395  546     1.7077 musdrive    3 18:37  -395  546 
  2.6450 Filejeff        2 18:49  -430  511            Group: intermediate
  3.5682 Filepandora1._  0 21:12  -580  361     1.6450 jeff        2 18:49  -430  511 
  4.6606 Filesunshine12  1 15:37  -605  336     2.6606 sunshine12  1 15:37  -605  336 
  5.  -  FileBouncingS   0 20:35  -624  317            Group: novice
  6.4407 Filetonikay     0 19:07  -625  316     1.5682 pandora1._  0 21:12  -580  361 
  7.  -  FileLESILES     0  3:59  -867   74     2.5334 narisa      0  1:27  -895   46 
  8.5334 Filenarisa      0  1:27  -895   46     3.5602 sherrymoon  0  1:05  -905   36 
  9.5602 Filesherrymoon  0  1:05  -905   36            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  BouncingS   0 20:35  -624  317 
                                             2.4407 tonikay     0 19:07  -625  316 
                                             3.  -  LESILES     0  3:59  -867   74 

On 1st draw, PAE(S)ANO H4 72 --- PAESANO a fellow countryman [n]
Other tops: APNOEA(L) H3 72, APNOEA(S) H3 72, APO(G)EAN H3 72
Other moves: APNOEA(L) H2 68, APNOEA(L) H4 68, APNOEA(L) H7 68, APNOEA(L) H8 68, APNOEA(S) H2 68
PANE(S) H4 18 musdrive
PONE(S) H4 18 jeff
P(R)ONE H4 18 pandora1._
P(L)ANE H4 18 tonikay
AP(R)ON H4 14 BouncingS

On 2nd draw, INFLATOR 5D 94 --- INFLATOR one that inflates [n]
Other moves: FLATIRON 5F 72, FLATIRON 8F 62, INFLATOR 8D 62, FIRLOT I3 26, PROFIT 4H 22
PROFIT 4H 22 musdrive
FORT I3 19 jeff
FRONT 10F 18 pandora1._
TRIFLE 6C 17 BouncingS
FLINT I10 14 tonikay

On 3rd draw, THIONINE D3 74 --- THIONINE a violet dye [n]
Other moves: FENTHION F5 68, INTHRONE K1 61, THIO 4C 31, HENT 6J 30, HEN 6J 29
HENT 6J 30 musdrive
HOI 4D 29 jeff
HOE 4D 29 pandora1._
THIEF F1 19 BouncingS
HINT D4 14 tonikay

On 4th draw, SUEDE 2B 28 --- SUEDE to finish leather with a soft, napped surface [v]
Other tops: EPISODE 4G 28, IDEES 2B 28
Other moves: EIDOS L1 26, IDEES L1 26, DOUSE 11A 24, DOUSE L2 24, IDEES 2A 24
DOUSE L2 24 pandora1._, musdrive, jeff
DOSE L3 22 BouncingS
SEED 11D 22 sunshine12
DOES 11A 17 tonikay

On 5th draw, (E)CHOIZE 1F 114 --- ECHOIZE to repeat another person's words [v]
Other moves: ECHOIZ(E) 1F 112, CHRO(M)IZE K3 71, (S)CHIZO 8A 57, EPIZO(I)C 4G 55, EP(I)ZOIC 4G 54
H(A)ZE 1F 50 jeff, musdrive
ZHO 10F 35 sunshine12
ZOO 10F 32 narisa, BouncingS, LESILES
Z(A) 1A 31 tonikay, pandora1._

On 6th draw, PENILL 6J 28 --- PENILL a verse [n]
Other moves: PENILL C8 27, ILLIPE 8A 24, LEVIN 8A 24, PEIN 6J 24, PELL 6J 24
PENI 6J 24 musdrive
PELL 6J 24 jeff
PEN 1A 19 sunshine12
PIN 1A 19 pandora1._
PE 1A 14 tonikay
VIE 10B 14 narisa

On 7th draw, TOMES 2J 37 --- TOME a large book [n]
Other moves: SMOG M1 35, SMUG M1 35, GOLEMS O4 33, MOLEST O4 33, SMUT M1 33
SMOG M1 35 sunshine12
SOME M1 33 jeff
GOLEMS O4 33 musdrive
GLOST O5 18 tonikay
LEGS O6 15 pandora1._

On 8th draw, SEMI 3K 39 --- SEMI a freight trailer [n]
Other moves: AMELIAS O3 36, MALAISE O4 36, SOM 3K 35, AMELIA O3 33, AMOLES O3 33
MALAISE O4 36 musdrive
SOM 3K 35 sunshine12
MOLIES O4 33 jeff
MAILES O3 27 BouncingS
SAME 11D 25 pandora1._
MAES 11E 21 tonikay

On 9th draw, ROTTAN 3A 23 --- ROTTAN a rat [n]
Other moves: OUTRAN C8 21, TORTA 3A 19, AROINT 8A 18, LATRON O6 18, OUTRAN E8 18
RATION 8A 18 musdrive
TRAIN 8A 15 sunshine12, BouncingS
RAN 1A 13 pandora1._
LOUT O6 12 jeff
RATER 10A 7 tonikay

On 10th draw, FAVOURED F5 69 --- FAVOUR to regard with goodwill [v]
Other moves: VALUED O4 42, LOUVRED O6 39, VALOUR O4 39, VALUER O4 39, VELOUR O4 39
VALUED O4 42 musdrive
VOLED O4 39 jeff
LOUVER O6 27 pandora1._
LAVED O6 27 tonikay
LOVED O6 27 BouncingS

On 11th draw, BULGY O4 42 --- BULGY bulging [adj]
Other moves: BLUDY O5 33, BUDDY 12D 32, DEMY M1 32, JUDY 12D 30, RUDDY 12D 28
BULGY O4 42 musdrive, jeff

On 12th draw, WAKED E11 39 --- WAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: ASKEW 11C 37, WAKES E11 37, WAUKS E11 37, WEKAS E11 37, WAUKED 12A 36
WAKED E11 39 musdrive
SEEK 11D 29 sunshine12
WAKED 12B 26 BouncingS
SAKE 11H 25 jeff
SEED 11D 23 pandora1._
KA C8 16 tonikay

On 13th draw, QI 1A 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VALID 15A 30, QAT C8 29, QADI 12D 28, DAVIT 15E 27, QAT I3 26
QI 1A 36 sunshine12
VALID 15A 30 musdrive
QAT C8 29 jeff
QI C8 26 tonikay
TRAVEL 14A 22 BouncingS

On 14th draw, GRIEF 14B 34 --- GRIEF intense mental distress [n]
Other moves: ADRIFT 15D 33, FA F14 29, DRAFT 15E 27, DRIFT 15E 27, AFRIT C9 26
FA F14 29 musdrive
DRAFT 15E 27 jeff, sunshine12
DRIFT 15E 27 pandora1._
RAFT I8 18 tonikay
DART 15E 15 BouncingS

On 15th draw, DEBIT 15E 29 --- DEBIT to charge with a debt [v]
Other tops: DEBUT 15E 29
Other moves: BOUTADE 12A 26, DEBT 15E 26, BOWET N8 25, BOWIE N8 25, OBITER C9 25
DEBIT 15E 29 jeff
DEBUT 15E 29 musdrive
DEBT 15E 26 tonikay
WOE 15A 23 pandora1._, sunshine12
WIRE C12 14 BouncingS

On 16th draw, GRAYLAGS B8 65 --- GRAYLAG a wild goose [n]
Other moves: GYRAL I8 27, SALARY 11H 27, GRAYS J11 26, SADLY 12D 26, ALAYS J11 25
SALARY 11H 27 BouncingS
GRAYS J11 26 musdrive, pandora1._, jeff
SWEY 11D 23 sunshine12
GALAS J11 17 tonikay

On 17th draw, NOCTURIA L6 76 --- NOCTURIA excessive urination at night time, a problem of old men [n]
Other moves: CUATRO C10 34, AUTO A8 30, CIAO A6 29, OCTA A5 27, ORCA A5 27
ROTA A5 21 jeff
RECRUIT K5 18 musdrive
TA A7 15 pandora1._
AG 8A 9 sunshine12
(S)AT 7H 8 tonikay
COURT I11 8 BouncingS

On 18th draw, AXED K9 42 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AXED K11 39, DEWAX 13I 36, JA A7 36, WAX M13 36, WEX M13 36
JA A7 36 musdrive, sherrymoon
WAXED 13K 32 BouncingS
AX K11 31 jeff
AXE 14I 28 pandora1._, sunshine12
JADE 13K 24 tonikay

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