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Game of July 4, 2011 at 00:34, 5 players
1. 396 pts tonikay
2. 322 pts pickrose
3. 177 pts drabble

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?fiirty   H7    82    82   nitrify
 2. deeegir  10A    64   146   greedier
 3. aeknoot  G12    32   178   okta
 4. einopsu   A7    86   264   epigonus
 5. ?abentx  15F    69   333   bateaux
 6. ammnopu  14I    39   372   ammon
 7. aaelnnv  13K    37   409   avale
 8. aaeilot  N11    30   439   allot
 9. ejnoruy   O5   106   545   journey
10. addinrw   9C    29   574   waid
11. adgnstu  F13    21   595   sub
12. enotuvw   B2    42   637   unwove
13. aceghrs   I2    72   709   charges
14. dioqrst   4H    50   759   qadis
15. eefiprt   2D    69   828   perfecti
16. adeortz   1K    74   902   azote
17. cdghino   1G    35   937   oh
18. bcdiiln   5H    30   967   irid

Remaining tiles: bcgllnnr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.4432 Filetonikay     0 23:29  -571  396     1.5040 drabble     1 15:25  -790  177 
  2.4150 Filepickrose    0 16:40  -645  322     2.5767 Faeythe     0  3:21  -904   63 
  3.5040 Filedrabble     1 15:25  -790  177            Group: not rated
  4.5767 FileFaeythe     0  3:21  -904   63     1.4432 tonikay     0 23:29  -571  396 
  5.  -  Filedgay1952    0  3:23  -906   61     2.4150 pickrose    0 16:40  -645  322 
                                             3.  -  dgay1952    0  3:23  -906   61 

On 1st draw, (N)ITRIFY H7 82 --- NITRIFY to combine with nitrogen [v]
Other tops: (N)ITRIFY H6 82, (V)ITRIFY H6 82, (V)ITRIFY H7 82
Other moves: (N)ITRIFY H2 76, (N)ITRIFY H3 76, (N)ITRIFY H8 76, (V)ITRIFY H2 76, (V)ITRIFY H3 76
F(L)IRTY H7 30 pickrose
F(L)IRTY H4 30 tonikay

On 2nd draw, GREEDIER 10A 64 --- GREEDY marked by greed [adj]
Other tops: GREEDIER 10G 64
Other moves: GREEDY 13C 26, FRIDGE 12H 22, DEERE I11 21, DEER I11 20, FEEDER 12H 20
GREEDY 13C 26 pickrose
FRIDGE 12H 22 Faeythe
GRIEF 12D 18 tonikay

On 3rd draw, OKTA G12 32 --- OKTA a unit of measure of cloud cover [n]
Other moves: OKA G12 31, OKE G12 31, KETONE C9 30, KEENO C9 28, KEENO D8 28
KANG A7 27 Faeythe
KEG A8 24 tonikay, pickrose

On 4th draw, EPIGONUS A7 86 --- EPIGONUS an inferior imitator [n]
Other moves: UNPOISED E3 72, SPINODE E5 40, UNIPEDS E5 40, UNIPODS E5 40, UNSPIDE E5 40
PONGS A7 24 pickrose
PAINS 15F 21 tonikay

On 5th draw, BATEA(U)X 15F 69 --- BATEAU a flat bottomed river-boat [n]
Other moves: S(U)BTEXT 14A 62, AXE(M)AN 15C 60, BATEA(U)X 15C 48, TAXAB(L)E 15D 48, TAXAB(L)E 15F 48
TAXE(S) 15F 33 tonikay
AXE 15G 30 pickrose
TAX 15F 30 dgay1952

On 6th draw, AMMON 14I 39 --- AMMON Asian wild sheep [n]
Other moves: AMMO 14I 38, MOAN 14J 32, MNA 14J 31, MOA 14J 31, POA 14J 31
MOA 14J 31 dgay1952
MAM 14K 19 tonikay
MAX L13 12 pickrose

On 7th draw, AVALE 13K 37 --- AVALE to doff [v]
Other moves: AVAL 13K 35, AVEL 13K 35, AVA 13K 33, AVE 13K 33, VALE 13L 31
VALE 13L 31 tonikay
SAVE 14A 14 pickrose
VAT 14E 14 Faeythe

On 8th draw, ALLOT N11 30 --- ALLOT to give as a share or portion [v]
Other tops: TELOI N11 30
Other moves: ALOE N12 28, AMMONAL 14I 28, AMMONIA 14I 28, LILO N11 28, LOT N13 26
LEAT O12 15 pickrose
TEEL O12 15 tonikay

On 9th draw, JOURNEY O5 106 --- JOURNEY to travel [v]
Other moves: JOURNEY I1 80, JOURNEY M5 74, ENJOY O7 50, JOEY O8 47, JURY O8 47
ENJOY 7A 23 drabble
JOINERY 8F 21 pickrose
JOT 14E 18 tonikay

On 10th draw, WAID 9C 29 --- WEIGH to determine the weight of [v]
Other moves: INWARD B2 27, DRAD 11C 26, WEIRD C9 26, AIRWAY 11J 24, DEWANI C9 24
SWAIN 14A 16 drabble
WADER D7 10 pickrose
WE C9 9 tonikay

On 11th draw, SUB F13 21 --- SUB to act as a substitute [v]
Other tops: SAB F13 21
Other moves: AND 8C 20, DAUNTS B2 20, GANOFS 12D 20, GAUNTS B2 20, GUANAY 11J 20
DA 8D 15 tonikay
STUNG 14A 12 pickrose
UNWED C7 10 drabble

On 12th draw, UNWOVE B2 42 --- UNWEAVE to undo something woven [v]
Other moves: WOE N6 31, EWT 8C 30, OWN 8C 30, OWT 8C 30, WO N6 28
SOWN 14A 14 pickrose
STOW 14A 14 tonikay
WENT C9 7 drabble

On 13th draw, CHARGES I2 72 --- CHARGE to accuse formally [v]
Other tops: CHARGES G2 72, CHARGES M5 72, CREAGHS M5 72
Other moves: CHA(N)GERS 7E 66, RACHIDES E5 56, HAGRIDES E5 52, HAGRIDE E5 48, RACHE 10K 35
WHARES 4B 24 drabble
AWES 4A 16 tonikay
SHAG 14A 16 pickrose

On 14th draw, QADIS 4H 50 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAIDS 4H 50
Other moves: DROSKY 13C 28, QIS M9 28, STRAE I11 26, QADI 4H 24, QAID 4H 24
QAIDS 4H 50 drabble
QUITS 2A 14 pickrose
QIS 8G 12 tonikay

On 15th draw, PERFECTI 2D 69 --- PERFECTI a body of medieval Christians who lived strict lives [n]
Other moves: RIPTIDE E5 40, PREFIRE 5D 38, FRISKY 13C 32, REFIRE 5E 32, REFIT 5I 31
WEEPER C9 22 tonikay
WIPER 4B 20 pickrose
FUR 2A 6 drabble

On 16th draw, AZOTE 1K 74 --- AZOTE nitrogen [n]
Other moves: ZOEA N6 70, ZOA N6 67, ZO N6 64, ADOZE 1K 53, ZOEA A1 52
ZOA N6 67 tonikay
DOZER 5A 30 pickrose
ZOO 5A 12 drabble

On 17th draw, OH 1G 35 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other tops: NICHE 10K 35
Other moves: OCHE 10L 34, CHE 10M 33, CHOIR 5E 31, GIRON 5G 30, HALLOT N10 30
WHIG 4B 22 drabble
HOD 1C 16 tonikay

On 18th draw, IRID 5H 30 --- IRID a plant of the iris family [n]
Other moves: BALLOT N10 24, BE 10N 24, BID 2M 23, BIN 2M 20, CEBID E1 20
NIB B13 16 tonikay
TIC N1 10 pickrose
WED C9 7 drabble

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