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Game of July 4, 2011 at 01:18, 7 players
1. 326 pts Hasni
2. 319 pts gmills0
3. 300 pts nderera

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. himstuv   H8    28    28   smith
 2. dejpttu  11F    28    56   jutted
 3. ?eloprr  13G    84   140   pyrrole
 4. beinnot   8B    61   201   bonniest
 5. ?ceinou  14A    82   283   nourice
 6. aegilsw   E2    74   357   swealing
 7. abeikmn  15G    62   419   embank
 8. filopsx  15A    42   461   ox
 9. aaioqrt   2B    26   487   qats
10. dfnorty  10J    43   530   forty
11. aadeelw   3C    40   570   wawaed
12. aeinuvy   4B    42   612   yeven
13. egiorsz   M6    71   683   ergotizes
14. defhilr   H1    39   722   fiddle
15. aadehot   N2    47   769   death
16. aegoosu  12K    33   802   saz
17. aagoopr   O1    42   844   pargo
18. acinoru  12A    31   875   cornua
19. eiiiluv   8K    30   905   vigil

Remaining tiles: eiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5666 FileHasni       1 18:34  -579  326     1.5666 Hasni       1 18:34  -579  326 
  2.3993 Filegmills0     0 20:48  -586  319     2.5761 nderera     3 10:29  -605  300 
  3.5761 Filenderera     3 10:29  -605  300     3.5009 drabble     0 17:16  -641  264 
  4.5009 Filedrabble     0 17:16  -641  264     4.5468 Bez         0  5:50  -808   97 
  5.4142 Filepickrose    0  7:07  -782  123            Group: not rated
  6.5468 FileBez         0  5:50  -808   97     1.3993 gmills0     0 20:48  -586  319 
  7.  -  Filekghdcm      0  2:00  -875   30     2.4142 pickrose    0  7:07  -782  123 
                                             3.  -  kghdcm      0  2:00  -875   30 

On 1st draw, SMITH H8 28 --- SMITH a worker in metals [n] --- SMITH to forge metal [v]
Other tops: MUSTH H8 28
Other moves: MUSTH H4 26, SHTUM H8 26, SHTUM H4 22, SMITH H4 22, MUIST H4 20

On 2nd draw, JUTTED 11F 28 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other tops: JUTTED 11E 28, UPJET 11D 28
Other moves: JEU G7 26, JUTTED I5 26, PHUTTED 12G 26, DEPTH 12D 22, JUMPED 9F 22

On 3rd draw, P(Y)RROLE 13G 84 --- PYRROLE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: PROL(L)ERS 8A 80, P(Y)RROLES 8A 80, PROLER(S) 13B 78, PRO(L)LERS 8A 77, PRO(U)LERS 8A 77

On 4th draw, BONNIEST 8B 61 --- BONNY pretty or healthy [adj]
Other moves: BONNET 10J 29, BONNIE 10J 29, BENNI 10J 28, BENTO 10J 28, BETON 10J 28

On 5th draw, NOU(R)ICE 14A 82 --- NOURICE a nurse [n]
Other tops: UN(V)OICE 14A 82
Other moves: BOUNCIE(R) B8 76, NEU(R)ONIC D8 74, (D)OUCINE 14A 74, COENU(R)I 14A 70, ICE(B)OUND K4 70
COUN(T) C7 10 gmills0

On 6th draw, SWEALING E2 74 --- SWEALING the act of swealing [n]
Other tops: SWEALING D2 74
Other moves: SLEWING A9 45, ASWING A10 42, LAWING A10 42, SAWING A10 42, SEWING A10 42
SWING A11 39 gmills0
WING A12 36 drabble
LAWS N10 18 Hasni

On 7th draw, EMBANK 15G 62 --- EMBANK to confine or protect with a raised structure [v]
Other moves: EMBANK A10 51, KINEMA 12A 43, BANK A12 39, BINK A12 39, KANE A12 39
MINK A12 39 gmills0
BAKES 2A 22 drabble
KANES 2A 18 Hasni

On 8th draw, OX 15A 42 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: FIX 9A 42, FOX 9A 42
Other moves: PIX 9A 41, POX 9A 41, FLIXES 4A 40, FOXIES 4A 40, LOX 9A 39
OX 15A 42 Hasni
FLEX 4C 28 drabble
FOX C7 25 gmills0

On 9th draw, QATS 2B 26 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: AORTA D2 25, RIATA D1 25, TIARA D1 25, QI D1 23, IOTA D2 21
TARS 2B 8 Hasni

On 10th draw, FORTY 10J 43 --- FORTY a number [n]
Other moves: DOWNY 3C 40, DOWRY 3C 40, FY 13B 39, ROWDY 3C 38, NOWTY 3C 36
FY 13B 39 Hasni
FOY 14M 23 drabble
FRO 12D 21 nderera
FORTY C7 16 gmills0

On 11th draw, WAWAED 3C 40 --- WAWA to speak (Chinook 19C) [v]
Other tops: WAWLED 3C 40
Other moves: WEDEL 14K 34, WEALD 14K 33, WAWA 3C 32, WAWE 3C 32, WAWL 3C 32
WAWLED 3C 40 nderera
WAW 3C 30 Hasni
TAW D2 27 drabble
WELT M7 12 gmills0

On 12th draw, YEVEN 4B 42 --- YEVE to give [v]
Other moves: VENEY 4B 39, VEENA 4D 38, VENAE 4D 38, YEVE 4B 38, NAEVE 4A 36
EYE 4C 30 nderera
VADE H1 27 Hasni, gmills0
Y*D H1 21 drabble

On 13th draw, ERGOTIZES M6 71 --- ERGOTIZE to affect with ergot [v]
Other moves: EMBANKERS 15G 51, ZIGS 10B 47, ZYGOSE N9 47, ZEDS H1 45, ZED H1 39
ZEDS H1 45 gmills0
BIZES B8 36 nderera
BIZ B8 34 Hasni
ZOOS C7 24 pickrose
ZEST I5 14 drabble

On 14th draw, FIDDLE H1 39 --- FIDDLE to play a violin [v]
Other tops: HIDDER H1 39
Other moves: RIFLED N1 35, DEIFY N6 33, FELID N2 33, FIELD N2 33, FILED N2 33
HIDED H1 33 Hasni
HIDER H1 30 pickrose, gmills0
RIFE N4 30 nderera
FLIER N2 24 drabble

On 15th draw, DEATH N2 47 --- DEATH the end of life [n]
Other tops: DOETH N2 47
Other moves: HOED 13B 37, AAHED N2 33, AHEAD N2 33, HATED N2 33, HOAED N2 33
DEATH N2 47 nderera
HATED L2 21 Bez
HAD L4 17 Hasni
LATHE 5H 16 pickrose
THE L4 14 drabble
DEATH 6G 11 gmills0

On 16th draw, SAZ 12K 33 --- SAZ a stringed instrument of the Middle East [n]
Other tops: SEZ 12K 33
Other moves: AZO 12L 28, GOAS 13B 28, GOES 13B 28, GOOS 13B 28, AGUISE 7B 26
GOES O1 26 nderera, Bez
EGOS 8L 18 pickrose, gmills0
GO O1 12 drabble
E(R)A D13 3 Hasni

On 17th draw, PARGO O1 42 --- PARGO a food fish [n]
Other moves: GOOP 13B 34, APGAR 8K 33, PARA O1 29, AGGRO 8K 27, POA 13B 27
PARA O1 29 Hasni, drabble
PRO 12D 19 nderera
GAP 8M 18 pickrose, gmills0
GROPE 3J 16 Bez

On 18th draw, CORNUA 12A 31 --- CORNU a hornlike bone formation [n]
Other moves: CIGAR 8K 27, ORGIC 8K 27, CONIA 12B 23, CORIA 12B 23, CURIA 12B 23
ARGON 8K 21 nderera
NA(R)C D12 16 Bez
ACO(R)N D11 14 drabble
RACER 3K 14 kghdcm
GIN 8M 12 gmills0
GON 8M 12 Hasni
ACORN C6 11 pickrose

On 19th draw, VIGIL 8K 30 --- VIGIL a period of watchfulness maintained during normal sleeping hours [n]
Other moves: GUV 8M 21, DEVIL 4H 18, EVILER 3J 18, IGLU 8L 18, LEVIER 3J 18
VIGIL 8K 30 nderera
VEILER 3J 18 Bez
VIBE B6 17 gmills0
LIVER 3K 16 kghdcm
VILER 3K 16 Hasni
LUGE 8K 6 pickrose

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