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Game of July 4, 2011 at 04:18, 6 players
1. 256 pts Bez
2. 253 pts slebbarc
3. 184 pts drabble

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?addopr   H4    24    24   padder
 2. ?aenoos  10F    70    94   alsoone
 3. ailnott   8A    74   168   tonalite
 4. egiorsv   5E    98   266   viragoes
 5. aloortw   L7    74   340   waterloo
 6. ccdenot  14J    28   368   cooed
 7. aaeortu   C4    60   428   aeronaut
 8. abehknu  15F    49   477   bekah
 9. aeesuwz   D1    50   527   zees
10. cejmnux   6H    55   582   dux
11. adnnpsu   1D    51   633   zupans
12. dgimtuw  B10    44   677   midgut
13. eeijmqy  13K    45   722   joy
14. aceefgt   B1    35   757   facete
15. befgimr   4J    38   795   brief
16. hiilmrw   3L    45   840   whim
17. egiilnn   A1    23   863   in
18. egiiiry   7H    29   892   dey
19. egilnrv   8K    27   919   ganev
20. iillnqr  11E    24   943   qi

Remaining tiles: iillnr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5484 FileBez         0 11:37  -687  256     1.6130 shanice     1  8:21  -841  102 
  2.5306 Fileslebbarc    0 11:43  -690  253            Group: novice
  3.5004 Filedrabble     0 10:17  -759  184     1.5484 Bez         0 11:37  -687  256 
  4.6130 Fileshanice     1  8:21  -841  102     2.5306 slebbarc    0 11:43  -690  253 
  5.4776 Filejohnny55    0  2:56  -896   47     3.5004 drabble     0 10:17  -759  184 
  6.5685 FileHasni       0  1:47  -918   25     4.5685 Hasni       0  1:47  -918   25 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4776 johnny55    0  2:56  -896   47 

On 1st draw, PADD(E)R H4 24 --- PADDER one that pads [n]
Other tops: PARD(E)D H4 24
Other moves: DRAP(E)D H4 22, DRAP(E)D H7 22, PADD(Y) H4 22, PARDO(N) H4 22, PARD(E)D H7 22
PAROD(Y) H4 22 Bez
DRO(O)P H8 20 slebbarc
PRO(U)D H8 18 shanice

On 2nd draw, A(L)SOONE 10F 70 --- ALSOONE as soon [adv]
Other moves: EPANO(D)OS 4G 68, (T)EASPOON 4D 68, E(P)ANODOS 6C 62, ODONA(T)ES 6G 62, A(L)SOONE G9 61
SEA(S)ON 10E 18 slebbarc
SOONE(R) 10H 17 johnny55
PA(R)SON 4H 14 Bez

On 3rd draw, TONALIT(E) 8A 74 --- TONALITE a coarse rock [n]
Other moves: TONALITE L3 68, AILANTO 5E 28, TALION I3 22, ALOIN I4 20, ANTIPOT 4D 18
LATINO I1 16 Bez
PLAIN 4H 14 johnny55
PAINT 4H 14 slebbarc
ANOINT K9 12 shanice

On 4th draw, VIRAGOES 5E 98 --- VIRAGO a noisy, domineering woman [n]
Other moves: VIRAGOES D5 74, VERTIGOS A5 63, GOVERNS K5 44, OVERING K5 44, RIVAGES 5E 44
GROOVES B6 23 slebbarc
VINES K8 16 johnny55

On 5th draw, WATERLOO L7 74 --- WATERLOO a decisive defeat [n]
Other moves: WROOT 6J 35, DOWL 6H 34, DOWT 6H 34, DOW 6H 31, WAT 6J 31
WOOL 4J 25 shanice
WART 4K 23 slebbarc
TWOS L2 14 Bez

On 6th draw, COOED 14J 28 --- COO to make the sound of a dove [v]
Other tops: CONCEDO B2 28
Other moves: COATED 8J 27, DEACON 8J 27, CONCENT C3 26, CONTEND C3 26, DECOCT 13I 26
CANED 8K 24 Bez
CODES L1 22 slebbarc

On 7th draw, AERONAUT C4 60 --- AERONAUT one who operates an airship [n]
Other moves: TOGAE I3 19, AORTA 4K 18, AURAE 4K 18, OATER 4K 18, ORATE 4J 18
RAT 15M 14 slebbarc
ROT 15M 14 Bez

On 8th draw, BEKAH 15F 49 --- BEKAH a half-shekel [n]
Other moves: BEKAH 4K 44, KANEH 15F 43, KUEH D1 42, KOHA 13K 41, ANKH 15G 40
HAKEA 8K 36 slebbarc
HUNKS L1 32 Bez

On 9th draw, ZEES D1 50 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other tops: ZEAS D1 50
Other moves: ZEAS 4A 46, ZOEAE 13K 46, ZOEAS 13K 46, ZOEA 13K 44, WAREZ 11J 43
WIZ F4 35 slebbarc
ZAS 4B 24 Bez

On 10th draw, DUX 6H 55 --- DUX the best academic performer in a class [n]
Other moves: XU B10 52, EXACUM 8J 51, JEUX 4J 51, AXMEN D8 43, CAJUN 8K 42
XU B10 52 Bez
EX 15N 30 slebbarc
EX M7 25 Hasni

On 11th draw, ZUPANS 1D 51 --- ZUPAN a governor of a zupa [n]
Other moves: ZUPAN 1D 48, ZUPAS 1D 48, SPAZ 1A 45, SNAP 15L 39, APOD 13J 32
PA 4J 18 slebbarc

On 12th draw, MIDGUT B10 44 --- MIDGUT the middle part of the embryonic digestive tract [n]
Other moves: MOW 13K 30, MIDGUT D10 28, DOW 13K 27, MODI 13K 27, TUMID 4K 26
MAW 8K 8 drabble

On 13th draw, JOY 13K 45 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: AJEE 8L 33, JOE 13K 33, EMERY 11I 30, MOY 13K 30, QI 13I 29
JOE 13K 33 drabble

On 14th draw, FACETE B1 35 --- FACETE witty [adj]
Other moves: FACETE 2A 34, FEAT 4J 33, FEET 4J 33, FACET 4K 31, FAE 4J 31
FACES L1 28 drabble

On 15th draw, BRIEF 4J 38 --- BRIEF short [adj] --- BRIEF to give instructions [v]
Other moves: FRIB 4J 37, EF A1 35, FR*G 4J 35, GRIEF 4J 35, IF A1 35
FIRMS L1 28 drabble

On 16th draw, WHIM 3L 45 --- WHIM an impulsive idea [n] --- WHIM to turn aside [v]
Other moves: WHIR 3L 41, HIM 15M 36, HIM 3M 31, HARIM 8K 30, HAWM D7 29
WE M3 10 drabble

On 17th draw, IN A1 23 --- IN to gather in harvest [v]
Other tops: EL A1 23, EN A1 23
Other moves: NEG 15M 21, GIEING 13B 20, GINGELI 13B 20, GEM O1 18, GI A14 18
IN A1 23 shanice
GEM O1 18 drabble

On 18th draw, DEY 7H 29 --- DEY a former North African ruler [n]
Other tops: DRY 7H 29
Other moves: EYRIR 11J 28, GAYER 8K 27, GYM O1 27, YAGER 8K 27, YE A14 26
AIRY 8L 21 drabble

On 19th draw, GANEV 8K 27 --- GANEV a thief [n]
Other tops: GAVEL 8K 27
Other moves: RIFLING N2 26, LAVER 8K 24, NAEVI 8K 24, NAIVE 8K 24, NAVEL 8K 24
VIM O1 24 drabble
LAVER 8K 24 shanice

On 20th draw, QI 11E 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: NIL 15M 18, QI 2K 18, NIM O1 15, RIM O1 15, NITRIL 11A 14
QUILL 14A 14 drabble

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