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Game of July 4, 2011 at 11:11, 7 players
1. 563 pts yab
2. 344 pts kellybelly
3. 171 pts ksong

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. iinprsu   H8    22    22   unrips
 2. ?ehinop  13H    80   102   sphenoid
 3. ?efghoz  N10    66   168   zowie
 4. aeklsvy   O6    49   217   sylvae
 5. ceiinoy   N2    28   245   yince
 6. agilmtt   M1    27   272   magi
 7. eiorttw   L4    32   304   witter
 8. eelnors  11E    82   386   eloiners
 9. aahortu  12A    87   473   autoharp
10. deilnor   O1    41   514   lend
11. defimou   1H    36   550   medium
12. bdiortw  B10    38   588   woubit
13. abeortu  15B    89   677   tabouret
14. acddnot   A7    26   703   coda
15. efikrst   2C    72   775   frisket
16. aaefnvx   1A    35   810   axe
17. aggijnq   K5    46   856   qi
18. aadfgno   9C    70   926   fandango

Remaining tiles: gjlv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6715 Fileyab         6 22:06  -363  563     1.7181 kellybelly  3  6:27  -582  344 
  2.7181 Filekellybelly  3  6:27  -582  344            Group: intermediate
  3.6215 Fileksong       1  8:05  -755  171     1.6715 yab         6 22:06  -363  563 
  4.5306 Fileslebbarc    0  6:00  -783  143     2.6215 ksong       1  8:05  -755  171 
  5.4128 FileJudyS       1  6:09  -838   88     3.6266 dannyboy    0  1:36  -905   21 
  6.4907 Filevictor      0  2:15  -885   41            Group: novice
  7.6266 Filedannyboy    0  1:36  -905   21     1.5306 slebbarc    0  6:00  -783  143 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4128 JudyS       1  6:09  -838   88 
                                             2.4907 victor      0  2:15  -885   41 

On 1st draw, UNRIPS H8 22 --- UNRIP to rip open [v]
Other tops: PURINS H4 22
Other moves: PIRNS H4 20, PURIN H4 20, PURIS H4 20, SIRUP H8 20, UNRIP H8 20
PURINS H4 22 JudyS, yab

On 2nd draw, SPHENOI(D) 13H 80 --- SPHENOID a bone of the skull [n]
Other moves: HO(R)NPIPE 12B 78, HO(R)NPIPE 12D 78, ISOPH(O)NE 13G 78, HIP(B)ONES 13A 76, HOP(B)INES 13A 76
HO(R)NPIPE 12D 28 yab
HIP(B)ONE 12F 22 JudyS

On 3rd draw, ZO(W)IE N10 66 --- ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj]
Other moves: H(A)FIZ N10 54, (C)HEZ 12J 54, FEZ 12K 50, FOZIE(R) N10 50, F(E)Z 12K 46
F(R)OZEN L8 42 yab

On 4th draw, SYLVAE O6 49 --- SYLVA the forest trees of an area [n]
Other moves: KVAS O8 46, SLAYE(D) O8 45, SYLVA O6 44, KEAS O8 37, SLAY O8 37
SYLVAE O6 49 yab

On 5th draw, YINCE N2 28 --- YINCE once [adv]
Other tops: CONEY L11 28
Other moves: OYE 12J 26, YONIC L11 26, CONEYS 6J 25, CONY I6 25, CONIINE L8 24
YONIC L11 26 yab
YONI 11E 14 JudyS

On 6th draw, MAGI M1 27 --- MAGUS a magician [n]
Other tops: AM 14I 27
Other moves: MALTING L8 26, MATTING L8 26, AMI M2 25, GAM M1 25, MA 14J 25
MAT O1 22 yab, slebbarc
GLINT 4K 14 JudyS

On 7th draw, WITTER L4 32 --- WITTER to mutter peevishly [v]
Other moves: WRITE L4 30, WROTE L4 30, WET O1 28, OWE 12J 26, TOWIER L4 26
WRITE L4 30 yab
WET O1 28 slebbarc
ROWER 10H 16 JudyS

On 8th draw, ELOINERS 11E 82 --- ELOINER one that eloins [n]
Other moves: ESNE O1 33, LEES O1 33, LENO O1 33, LENS O1 33, REEN O1 33
LENS O1 33 yab
SORREL 10F 10 slebbarc

On 9th draw, AUTOHARP 12A 87 --- AUTOHARP a kind of zither [n]
Other moves: RATHA K2 35, AUTO O1 33, ROUTH K1 33, OATH K2 31, RATH K2 31
OATH K2 31 ksong
RAH 10H 29 kellybelly
HUT O1 28 slebbarc, yab
TORAH 12A 23 victor

On 10th draw, LEND O1 41 --- LEND to give the temporary use of [v]
Other tops: REND O1 41
Other moves: REDO O1 37, LENO O1 33, END O2 26, DEI 12J 24, DOE 12J 24
LEND O1 41 kellybelly
ORDINAL A7 24 yab
DEN O1 22 slebbarc
DIALER A10 21 dannyboy
RADON A11 18 victor

On 11th draw, MEDIUM 1H 36 --- MEDIUM a surrounding environment in which something functions and thrives [n]
Other tops: DEFOAM A8 36, FOAMED A10 36
Other moves: FAMED A11 33, FROM 10G 33, DROME 10G 32, RIFE 10H 32, DEIF K5 31
FOAMED A10 36 kellybelly
MEDIUM 1H 36 yab
FAMED A11 33 slebbarc

On 12th draw, WOUBIT B10 38 --- WOUBIT a hairy caterpillar [n]
Other moves: BROW 10G 37, DROW 10G 35, BROW 13A 33, TOWBAR A8 33, TROW 10G 33
BROW 10G 37 kellybelly
TARDO A11 18 yab

On 13th draw, TABOURET 15B 89 --- TABOURET a small drum [n]
Other moves: TABOURET 6E 64, TABORET 15B 36, OUTATE C10 31, AROBA A8 30, AEROBE 14I 29
TABOURET 15B 39 yab
ROBE 10H 26 kellybelly
TOTE C12 20 ksong

On 14th draw, CODA A7 26 --- CODA a passage at the end of a musical composition [n]
Other tops: CANTO A6 26
Other moves: DADO A7 23, DRAD 10G 23, OCTA A7 23, TACO A7 23, ANODE 14J 22
CANTO A6 26 yab
DRAD 10G 23 kellybelly
COAT 2F 18 ksong

On 15th draw, FRISKET 2C 72 --- FRISKET a frame used to protect paper in a printing press [n]
Other moves: KIEF K5 43, KEIR K5 34, KEST K5 34, KIER K5 34, KIST K5 34
KIEF K5 43 kellybelly
SKIER 2E 25 yab

On 16th draw, AXE 1A 35 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: VEXT C9 33, AXE 14J 30, AXE 3A 30, VIXEN E1 30, REF 10H 29
AXE 1A 35 yab
(D)EX O13 29 kellybelly
AXE J9 26 ksong

On 17th draw, QI K5 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAT 6J 32, AGRIN 10F 25, ANTI C10 24, QI 1E 24, JA C9 23
QI K5 46 kellybelly, ksong, yab

On 18th draw, FANDANGO 9C 70 --- FANDANGO a lively Spanish dance [n]
Other moves: DRAGON D1 34, DOF 3A 32, DRAG D1 30, FADO J6 30, FAND J6 30
DRAGON D1 34 kellybelly, yab
FANG J6 30 ksong

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