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Game of July 4, 2011 at 11:55, 6 players
1. 554 pts yab
2. 456 pts margalang
3. 290 pts ksong

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeelopt   H4    22    22   pelota
 2. efimnsx   I7    55    77   fixes
 3. anrstuw   5C    72   149   unwaters
 4. ?ekrvvz   G9    56   205   zerk
 5. abchoov   6J    40   245   havoc
 6. adeinor   C3    72   317   douanier
 7. ?aeimrr   O6    90   407   simarre
 8. adlnstu   M6    72   479   outlands
 9. beelmoy  H12    52   531   yebo
10. eijlotu   B6    58   589   jute
11. deilopt   A9    88   677   piloted
12. abfgimo   D2    34   711   boing
13. ?eiinnw  F10    28   739   we
14. acfgint  J10    35   774   finca
15. aegmort   2D    67   841   bergamot
16. ?aehlnn   1H    49   890   hansel
17. dgiinoy  12D    32   922   dinky
18. egiouvy   3J    31   953   gyve

Remaining tiles: iioqsu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6716 Fileyab         2 20:03  -399  554     1.6716 yab         2 20:03  -399  554 
  2.6137 Filemargalang   1 17:55  -497  456     2.6137 margalang   1 17:55  -497  456 
  3.6222 Fileksong       1 10:03  -663  290     3.6222 ksong       1 10:03  -663  290 
  4.5321 Fileannelhynz   1  5:26  -797  156            Group: novice
  5.5307 FileWordWizard  0  7:20  -844  109     1.5321 annelhynz   1  5:26  -797  156 
  6.4119 Filemanfred     0  2:37  -907   46     2.5307 WordWizard  0  7:20  -844  109 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4119 manfred     0  2:37  -907   46 

On 1st draw, PELOTA H4 22 --- PELOTA a court game of Spanish origin [n]
Other tops: PELTAE H4 22
Other moves: PALET H4 20, PELTA H4 20, PETAL H4 20, PLATE H4 20, PLEAT H4 20
PELOTA H4 22 yab
PLEAT H4 20 ksong

On 2nd draw, FIXES I7 55 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other moves: FIX I7 53, FIXES I5 53, MIXENS I5 52, MIXENS I7 52, MIXEN I5 51
FIXES I7 55 ksong
MINXES 10C 40 yab

On 3rd draw, UNWATERS 5C 72 --- UNWATER to drain [v]
Other moves: WAURST G9 31, WANTS G9 30, WARNS G9 30, WARST G9 30, WARTS G9 30
WURST G9 30 ksong
WARTS G9 30 yab
WANTS G9 30 margalang

On 4th draw, ZERK G9 56 --- ZERK a grease fitting [n]
Other tops: ZERK(S) G9 56
Other moves: ZEK G9 55, ZEK(S) G9 55, ZE(R)K G9 55, Z(E)RK G9 55, Z(E)K G9 54
ZERK G9 56 yab
ZE(E) G9 50 ksong
Z(A) G9 49 margalang

On 5th draw, HAVOC 6J 40 --- HAVOC to destroy [v]
Other moves: AVOUCH C2 36, OOH 6D 34, VAUCH C3 34, VOUCH C3 34, HOBO J10 32
HOB J10 31 margalang, ksong
CHOOK 12C 28 yab

On 6th draw, DOUANIER C3 72 --- DOUANIER a custom-house officer [n]
Other moves: AIDER H11 31, AIRED H11 31, POINDER 4H 28, DANIO 4A 27, INVADER L4 26
ORAD H12 25 yab
DONE J10 18 margalang
AIRED 4J 18 ksong

On 7th draw, (S)IMARRE O6 90 --- SIMARRE a loose coat [n]
Other moves: (S)IMARRE 13G 89, MARRIE(S) 13A 83, MARI(N)ER B9 78, MARRIE(D) B9 78, MARRIE(R) B9 78
AMIR H12 28 yab
(S)AME O6 28 margalang
MAL 6F 23 ksong

On 8th draw, OUTLANDS M6 72 --- OUTLAND a foreign land [n]
Other moves: ADULTS 13B 35, DAULTS 13B 35, DAUNTS 13B 35, LAUNDS 13B 35, DALTS 13C 33
DAUNTS 13B 35 yab
DALTS 13C 33 ksong
LANDS 13C 33 margalang

On 9th draw, YEBO H12 52 --- YEBO yes [interj]
Other tops: YELM H12 52, YLEM H12 52
Other moves: BLIMEY 8A 48, BLIMY 8A 45, MOBY B6 38, YEBO B6 38, YELM B6 38
BLIMEY 8A 48 yab
MOYLE J10 30 ksong
YO F10 28 margalang

On 10th draw, JUTE B6 58 --- JUTE a strong, coarse fiber [n]
Other tops: JILT B6 58, JOLE B6 58, JOLT B6 58
Other moves: JET B6 55, JOL B6 55, JOT B6 55, JUT B6 55, JO B6 52
JOT B6 55 margalang
JO B6 52 yab

On 11th draw, PILOTED A9 88 --- PILOT to control the course of [v]
Other moves: PILOTED G1 28, POTED G3 28, PIOTED G2 27, PLEON D1 27, DIPLOE J10 24
PILOTED A9 38 yab
PO F10 22 margalang
POD 12K 12 WordWizard

On 12th draw, BOING D2 34 --- BOING the sound of reverberation or vibration [n] --- BOING to reverberate by bouncing [v] --- BOING used to express the sound of reverberation or vibration [interj]
Other moves: BIMA B12 33, BOMA B12 33, FOAM J10 32, FIB J10 31, FIGO J10 31
MOB J10 25 margalang
MO F10 22 yab
MID 12K 12 WordWizard

On 13th draw, WE F10 28 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other tops: EN(S)EW 13E 28, WINE B12 28, WI(C)KY 12D 28, W(A)NKY 12D 28, W(O)NKY 12D 28, (S)EWEN 13G 28, (S)EWIN 13G 28
Other moves: (S)EWN 13G 27, W(E) F10 26, W(O) F10 26, (S)EW 13G 26, TEW G5 25
WE F10 28 margalang
WINE B12 28 annelhynz
W(O) F10 26 yab
TWINE 13A 16 WordWizard

On 14th draw, FINCA J10 35 --- FINCA an estate in Spanish America [n]
Other moves: FITNA J10 33, FINCA E11 32, AFT E10 30, FACT E11 30, FAGIN E11 30
FAN B12 23 annelhynz
FAG E1 16 yab
FIND 12J 16 WordWizard
FER 11E 12 margalang
TAD 12K 8 manfred

On 15th draw, BERGAMOT 2D 67 --- BERGAMOT a citrus tree [n]
Other moves: GREAT D8 30, METRO K8 28, TREMA D8 28, ROMA B12 27, MARE B12 25
MORE B12 25 annelhynz
MAL 6F 23 margalang
OAR L12 14 manfred
TAMER 13A 14 WordWizard

On 16th draw, HAN(S)EL 1H 49 --- HANSEL to give a good luck gift to [v]
Other moves: HAL(S)E 1H 46, HAN(S)E 1H 46, HA(Z)EL 1H 46, HE(M)AL 1H 46, H(O)NAN 1H 46
HALE 1H 44 margalang, yab, annelhynz
HAN 1H 39 WordWizard

On 17th draw, DINKY 12D 32 --- DINKY a small locomotive [n] --- DINKY small, neat [adj]
Other moves: DYING 3J 29, YONI B12 28, Y*D B12 27, YOD B12 27, YOGI N12 25
YON B12 23 annelhynz
YOGIN 3K 23 yab
GAY F4 15 margalang
DINGO 15A 9 manfred

On 18th draw, GYVE 3J 31 --- GYVE to shackle [v]
Other moves: YOGI N12 25, IVY 4J 24, GOOFY 7F 22, VIVO L4 22, YOGIC N2 22
YOGI 3K 21 yab
GAY F4 15 manfred, margalang
YE 13C 13 annelhynz

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