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Game of July 4, 2011 at 12:38, 9 players
1. 466 pts slebbarc
2. 393 pts margalang
3. 365 pts manfred

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cjtuvw   H6    26    26   juve
 2. dglnoty   6H    21    47   joy
 3. eghiimo   5I    30    77   homie
 4. adinprt   M1    74   151   dipteran
 5. aellnop   L7    77   228   pallone
 6. aaenost   N1    34   262   anoas
 7. ?eiimnt   O3    98   360   intimae
 8. aabeegt  K10    30   390   atabeg
 9. abegrst  15H   176   566   braggest
10. eoorsuz  14H    70   636   ooze
11. aeiklot  N10    40   676   ketols
12. deorssv   7C    81   757   oversuds
13. cdehnux   8A    48   805   hex
14. aacefry   1I    45   850   faraday
15. deeirtu   2C    67   917   erudite
16. efginuw   1A    41   958   wife
17. cdeinqu   A3    74  1032   quinched
18. gilnruw   3I    24  1056   wig

Remaining tiles: cilnru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5309 Fileslebbarc    2 19:22  -590  466     1.6141 margalang   1 13:56  -663  393 
  2.6141 Filemargalang   1 13:56  -663  393     2.6600 sunshine12  0  3:32  -994   62 
  3.4119 Filemanfred     1 19:29  -691  365            Group: novice
  4.5331 Fileannelhynz   1 13:16  -698  358     1.5309 slebbarc    2 19:22  -590  466 
  5.5767 FileFaeythe     1 13:56  -786  270     2.5331 annelhynz   1 13:16  -698  358 
  6.  -  Filedirox       0  9:08  -885  171     3.5767 Faeythe     1 13:56  -786  270 
  7.4149 Filepickrose    1 10:31  -926  130            Group: not rated
  8.6600 Filesunshine12  0  3:32  -994   62     1.4119 manfred     1 19:29  -691  365 
  9.  -  FileRouge_red   0  6:45 -1017   39     2.  -  dirox       0  9:08  -885  171 
                                             3.4149 pickrose    1 10:31  -926  130 
                                             4.  -  Rouge_red   0  6:45 -1017   39 

On 1st draw, JUV(E) H6 26 --- JUVE a juvenile lead [n]
Other tops: JUV(E) H5 26, JUV(E) H7 26, JUV(E) H8 26
Other moves: JUC(O) H5 24, JUC(O) H6 24, JUC(O) H7 24, JUC(O) H8 24, J(A)W H6 24
JUT(E) H8 20 pickrose
C(O)W H8 14 manfred

On 2nd draw, JOY 6H 21 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other tops: DOG I5 21
Other moves: LOG I5 20, NOG I5 20, TOG I5 20, YOLD G9 20, YOND G9 20
JOY 6H 21 slebbarc, pickrose
YO G9 17 margalang
G(E)Y 9G 12 manfred

On 3rd draw, HOMIE 5I 30 --- HOMIE a member of a youth gang [n]
Other moves: HOME 5I 28, HOM 5I 26, MIHI 5J 25, HOG 5I 24, HOMIE G9 23
HOME 5I 28 margalang, annelhynz, slebbarc
HOMEY J2 21 manfred
G(E)M 9G 10 dirox, pickrose

On 4th draw, DIPTERAN M1 74 --- DIPTERAN a two-winged insect [n]
Other moves: DIPT(E)RAN 9D 62, DAP 4J 31, PADRI N2 31, ATRIP 4K 30, INDART N1 29
DAP 4J 31 margalang
TAP 4J 28 annelhynz
DRIP 4L 28 slebbarc
TUP 7G 20 sunshine12
PRIDE M1 16 pickrose
DINAR L4 14 manfred
PAINT L3 14 dirox
PIRAT(E) 9C 11 Rouge_red

On 5th draw, PALLONE L7 77 --- PALLONE an Italian ball game [n]
Other moves: PALLONE 4E 76, PALLONE G9 69, PLEONAL G9 69, LEPTON 4J 36, PLEAT 4I 36
PLANED 1H 30 margalang
PALLED 1H 30 slebbarc
PEDAL 1K 27 pickrose, sunshine12
PANEL 8K 24 dirox
OLDEN 1K 21 manfred
DOP 1M 18 annelhynz
LOVE 8F 7 Rouge_red

On 6th draw, ANOAS N1 34 --- ANOA a wild ox [n]
Other moves: VENTANAS 8H 33, NAOS N2 29, NOES N2 29, SENA N5 29, SENT N5 29
ATONED 1H 24 slebbarc
STONED 1H 24 manfred
ANODES 1J 24 pickrose
NODES 1K 21 dirox, margalang
TONE K11 16 annelhynz
TANAS 8K 15 sunshine12

On 7th draw, INTIM(A)E O3 98 --- INTIMA the innermost layer of an organ [n]
Other tops: INTE(R)IM O3 98
Other moves: ITEMIN(G) O4 93, TE(R)MINI O5 86, (P)IMIENTO 11E 86, NIMIET(Y) N8 81, INTE(R)IM 4C 76
TIME K11 22 annelhynz
MEANI(E) 8J 21 slebbarc
DAM 1M 18 manfred, margalang
JUV(E)NI(L)E H6 16 dirox
MOI(S)T 11K 12 pickrose

On 8th draw, ATABEG K10 30 --- ATABEG Turkish ruler [n]
Other moves: ABATE K10 28, TAUBE 7F 28, TUBE 7G 27, ABATE M10 26, ABET K10 26
BEET M11 22 annelhynz
BUG 7G 20 margalang
DAB 1M 18 slebbarc, dirox
DAG 1M 15 manfred
GATE 13I 7 Rouge_red

On 9th draw, BRAGGEST 15H 176 --- BRAG first-rate [adj]
Other moves: BRAGGEST 15G 89, BARGEST 10C 78, BARGEST 4C 78, BARGEST N9 78, BARGEST G9 70
BARGES 15H 30 slebbarc
GRABS 15K 27 margalang, dirox
BRAGS 15H 27 Faeythe
GEARS 15K 21 manfred
BEAST 13K 14 Rouge_red

On 10th draw, OOZE 14H 70 --- OOZE to flow or leak out slowly [v]
Other moves: REZ M11 58, ZEE M13 52, ZERDAS 1J 51, OOZES 10D 48, ORZOS 10D 48
OOZE 14H 70 slebbarc
ZOO 14F 36 annelhynz, Faeythe
ZOOS 10E 29 dirox
R(E)Z 9G 22 manfred

On 11th draw, KETOLS N10 40 --- KETOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: TALK 13F 31, ELK 13G 30, ILK 13G 30, KOLA 4H 29, TALKIES N9 28
TALK 13F 31 slebbarc
DAK 1M 24 annelhynz, Faeythe
KITES N11 18 manfred
KITS N12 16 margalang
TAK(E) 9E 12 dirox

On 12th draw, OVERSUDS 7C 81 --- OVERSUDS to form an excessive amount of suds [v]
Other moves: DROVES 10C 32, DOVES 10D 31, SERVOS 10C 31, ROVES 10D 30, EVOS 10E 29
DROVES 10C 32 margalang, slebbarc
DOSSER 13C 21 Faeythe
SO 10H 16 manfred
DAD 1M 15 annelhynz

On 13th draw, HEX 8A 48 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: DEX 8A 42, DUX 8A 42, XU I9 33, HEXED E4 32, HEX O11 31
HEX 8A 48 manfred, Faeythe
H(E)X 9G 24 margalang, annelhynz, slebbarc

On 14th draw, FARADAY 1I 45 --- FARADAY a unit of electricity [n]
Other moves: FYCE 9B 38, CARFOX C3 36, ARY 9A 34, FY 9B 34, RYFE 9B 33
FY 9B 34 annelhynz
DAY 1M 21 margalang
FRAY 13E 19 slebbarc
FRAY F6 18 Faeythe, manfred

On 15th draw, ERUDITE 2C 67 --- ERUDITE a learned person [n] --- ERUDITE scholarly [adj]
Other moves: OXTERED C7 32, RETIED 2E 25, TIERED 2E 25, TIRED 2F 24, TREED 2F 24
TRIED 2F 24 margalang
DERE 2H 18 manfred
DIET 2G 16 annelhynz
TREED 13D 13 Faeythe
DEER 13E 11 slebbarc

On 16th draw, WIFE 1A 41 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other tops: FEW 3G 41
Other moves: FEG 3G 33, FIG 3G 33, FEW 1A 32, NIFE 1A 32, WIFE 3A 32
WIFE 1A 41 annelhynz
FEW 1A 32 margalang, slebbarc, Faeythe
GIF 3A 24 manfred

On 17th draw, QUINCHED A3 74 --- QUINCHE to stir, move [v]
Other moves: DENI 3C 32, QUICHED A4 32, CIDE 3A 31, EQUID E7 30, EQUINE E7 30
QUICHE A4 30 Faeythe
QUEEN E4 28 manfred
QUEEN E5 28 margalang
QUEAN 12H 24 slebbarc
FEED C1 16 annelhynz

On 18th draw, WIG 3I 24 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other moves: URN 3C 23, WIN 3I 23, WRING 13E 23, WRING G9 23, WRUNG 13E 23
WIG 3I 24 margalang
WRUNG 13E 23 slebbarc
WRING F6 21 Faeythe
FEW C1 18 annelhynz
WOX C6 13 manfred

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