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Game of July 4, 2011 at 18:41, 15 players
1. 515 pts PIThompson
2. 513 pts yab
3. 475 pts jeff

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaekns   H8    80    80   anankes
 2. deilmvy   I7    30   110   emyd
 3. ?ehopuv  14F    73   183   pushover
 4. aeegoqr  11F    25   208   genera
 5. deenosu  N10    52   260   deens
 6. denrruw   O7    33   293   unwed
 7. aosstyz  L12    52   345   oyez
 8. ainortx  15A   101   446   triaxon
 9. abiortv   B8    88   534   vibrator
10. abeltuw  12D    29   563   waulk
11. cgioprt  M12    25   588   pir
12. agorstt   I7    25   613   emydes
13. acdelrr   G2    67   680   cradler
14. aefoqsu   2G    37   717   casque
15. eiimort   3I    36   753   timer
16. aefioot   1L    43   796   foot
17. achinno   8A    27   823   avion
18. ehiinot   E2    72   895   thionine
19. bciillt   C3    29   924   illicit

Remaining tiles: bfggj

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7357 FilePIThompson  3 21:29  -409  515     1.7357 PIThompson  3 21:29  -409  515 
  2.6731 Fileyab         5 21:48  -411  513            Group: intermediate
  3.6483 Filejeff        3 22:10  -449  475     1.6731 yab         5 21:48  -411  513 
  4.6463 Filern.roselle  1 23:24  -483  441     2.6483 jeff        3 22:10  -449  475 
  5.4518 Filetonikay     1 19:09  -540  384     3.6463 rn.roselle  1 23:24  -483  441 
  6.5724 Filemichele     1 22:57  -550  374     4.6132 margalang   2 12:29  -674  250 
  7.5233 Fileworsie      0 21:08  -561  363     5.6266 dannyboy    0  3:00  -892   32 
  8.3265 FileZEHAVARON   0 18:07  -630  294     6.6165 shanice     0  1:57  -904   20 
  9.6132 Filemargalang   2 12:29  -674  250            Group: novice
 10.4703 FileAndy1990    1  7:29  -764  160     1.5724 michele     1 22:57  -550  374 
 11.3509 Filekp10        0  2:55  -835   89     2.5233 worsie      0 21:08  -561  363 
 12.4124 Filemanfred     0  8:02  -845   79     3.5361 narisa      0  2:07  -877   47 
 13.5361 Filenarisa      0  2:07  -877   47            Group: not rated
 14.6266 Filedannyboy    0  3:00  -892   32     1.4518 tonikay     1 19:09  -540  384 
 15.6165 Fileshanice     0  1:57  -904   20     2.3265 ZEHAVARON   0 18:07  -630  294 
                                             3.4703 Andy1990    1  7:29  -764  160 
                                             4.3509 kp10        0  2:55  -835   89 
                                             5.4124 manfred     0  8:02  -845   79 

On 1st draw, A(N)ANKES H8 80 --- ANANKE a compelling necessity in ancient Greek religion [n]
Other tops: ANA(N)KES H8 80, ASKAN(C)E H2 80, A(L)KANES H2 80, SEA(B)ANK H6 80, (W)AKANES H2 80
Other moves: ANA(N)KES H2 72, ANA(N)KES H3 72, ANA(N)KES H4 72, ANA(N)KES H6 72, ANA(N)KES H7 72
A(L)KANES H2 30 yab
KNEA(D)S H4 28 michele
SNEAK(S) H8 28 jeff
S(T)ANK H8 26 PIThompson
SNEAK(S) H4 20 tonikay
SNAKE H4 20 worsie
SNAKE(S) H8 20 shanice

On 2nd draw, EMYD I7 30 --- EMYD a freshwater terrapin [n]
Other moves: LYME I8 29, DIMLY I5 28, EYELID 13H 28, DEMY I6 27, LIMEY I5 27
VEILY I5 26 PIThompson
KELIM 12H 22 yab
YE G13 20 jeff
VIDE I6 15 rn.roselle
MILKED 12E 13 worsie
SLIVED 14H 12 michele
MILE G6 12 tonikay

On 3rd draw, PUSHOVE(R) 14F 73 --- PUSHOVER an easily defeated person or team [n]
Other moves: VOU(C)HES 14B 40, POU(C)HES 14B 38, UPHE(A)VE 13B 36, UPHOVE 13C 36, UPH(O)VE 13C 34
HOPE G8 32 rn.roselle
PHON(S) 11E 28 tonikay
P(A)H G8 25 PIThompson
PUSHOVE(R) 14F 23 worsie
KHOU(M) 12H 22 yab
HOPE J4 17 michele

On 4th draw, GENERA 11F 25 --- GENUS a kind, sort, or class [n]
Other moves: GARE G8 24, GORA G8 24, GORE G8 24, RAGE G8 24, AGENE 11E 23
RAGE G8 24 PIThompson, yab
GORE G8 24 rn.roselle
RAG G8 21 michele
GREEK 12D 20 tonikay
GROVE K11 18 jeff
GRAVE K11 18 worsie

On 5th draw, DEENS N10 52 --- DEEN din, disruptive noise [n]
Other tops: DENES N10 52, DUNES N10 52
Other moves: DONEES N9 50, ENDUES N9 50, UNDOES N9 50, NEEDS N10 48, NODES N10 48
DUNES N10 52 jeff, PIThompson, yab
NODES N10 48 worsie
DENSE N11 44 ZEHAVARON, rn.roselle
DENS N11 42 tonikay
NEED 15L 22 michele

On 6th draw, UNWED O7 33 --- UNWED not wed [adj]
Other moves: ENDEW 12K 28, RENEW 12K 26, WREN O8 26, DRUNK 12D 25, DREW 12L 24
UNWED O7 33 jeff, yab
WREN O8 26 michele, PIThompson
WEND 13L 23 tonikay
WEED L12 20 ZEHAVARON, worsie
DUE O8 15 rn.roselle

On 7th draw, OYEZ L12 52 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: ZOA N6 36, AZO N5 34, ZA J6 33, ZO N6 33, OYES 13F 31
ZA J6 33 PIThompson, michele
ZOS M9 30 rn.roselle
ZOEA L12 28 jeff
AZO 12D 27 yab
ZA(N)Y 9F 16 worsie

On 8th draw, TRIAXON 15A 101 --- TRIAXON a sponge spicule with three axes [n]
Other moves: TRIAXON N1 84, TRIAXON M5 81, TRIAXON G2 71, TRIAXON J1 70, ORIXA J3 30
TAXI 12C 25 jeff
AX 15I 23 worsie
TAX N5 21 tonikay
TAX J5 21 rn.roselle
TOXIN 15C 19 PIThompson
AXION J3 16 yab

On 9th draw, VIBRATOR B8 88 --- VIBRATOR something that vibrates [n]
Other moves: VIBRATO N1 80, VIBRATO G3 79, VIBRATO M4 68, BI(R)O M12 38, BO(R)A M12 38
BO(R)A M12 38 jeff
BORE G8 24 rn.roselle
ROBE G8 24 yab
BRAVO 12B 23 PIThompson
RATE G8 20 margalang
VAIN 8L 11 worsie
ABORT J3 11 michele
ABORT A11 10 ZEHAVARON, tonikay

On 10th draw, WAULK 12D 29 --- WAULK to full cloth [v]
Other moves: BAULK 12D 27, E(R)A M13 27, TAUBE A9 27, UVEAL 8A 27, AUBADE 10E 26
UVEAL 8A 27 yab, PIThompson
E(R)A M13 27 jeff
BATE G8 24 margalang
AVE 8A 18 tonikay, Andy1990
TAW(N)Y 9E 14 worsie
BATE J4 10 michele
AW K11 10 rn.roselle

On 11th draw, PI(R) M12 25 --- PIR a Muslim title of honour [n]
Other moves: PICOT M7 23, GORP M9 22, PIROG M7 21, COP M9 20, ECO 13H 20
COP M9 20 PIThompson
PO G8 18 rn.roselle
POT M9 16 michele
O(R) M13 14 jeff
TRIP G5 14 margalang
CRAMP 8F 11 worsie
GROW D9 8 Andy1990
POW D10 8 tonikay

On 12th draw, EMYDES I7 25 --- EMYDE a freshwater terrapin [n] --- EMYS a freshwater terrapin [n]
Other tops: WAULKS 12D 25
Other moves: AVOS 8A 24, GOATS A9 21, RATEL G8 21, SOREL G8 21, ARGOTS G4 20
EMYDES I7 25 Andy1990, tonikay, margalang
SAGO G6 19 rn.roselle
ROTAS J5 19 yab
OVA 8A 18 michele, ZEHAVARON, dannyboy
GROATS J2 15 PIThompson
STAG G5 12 jeff
STAR K9 10 worsie

On 13th draw, CRADLER G2 67 --- CRADLER one that cradles [n]
Other moves: CRADLER J1 66, AVEL 8A 24, AVER 8A 24, CALDERA K5 20, CARDER J2 19
AVER 8A 24 Andy1990, ZEHAVARON, worsie, yab, tonikay
CRADLER G2 17 PIThompson
DA G8 16 rn.roselle
CARED G4 15 margalang
DE C9 14 dannyboy
CARED J3 13 jeff
CLEAR J3 11 michele

On 14th draw, CASQUE 2G 37 --- CASQUE a helmet [n]
Other moves: AQUAE 4D 30, AQUAS 4D 30, QUADS 5D 30, QUOAD 5C 30, QUODS 5D 30
SQUAD 5C 30 margalang, yab, jeff
QUADS 5D 30 worsie, rn.roselle
QUODS 5D 30 PIThompson
AVES 8A 24 tonikay
AVOS 8A 24 michele
QIS 9A 13 manfred

On 15th draw, TIMER 3I 36 --- TIMER one that times [n]
Other moves: MERI 1L 34, MIRE 1L 34, MIRI 1L 34, MIRO 1L 34, MITE 1L 34
TIMER 3I 36 PIThompson, yab
MORE 1L 34 rn.roselle, jeff
MITE 1L 34 margalang
OVERT 8A 27 ZEHAVARON, michele
MO 1H 26 tonikay
TIMIDER 5C 20 worsie
MEET L1 18 kp10
TIMED 5C 16 Andy1990
TIER 13B 15 manfred

On 16th draw, FOOT 1L 43 --- FOOT the terminal part of the leg on which the body stands and moves [n] --- FOOT to walk [v]
Other tops: FATE 1L 43, FEAT 1L 43, FETA 1L 43, FIAT 1L 43
Other moves: FE 1H 33, OVATE 8A 27, FAE C9 25, FIE C9 25, FOE C9 25
FOOT 1L 43 jeff, yab
FATE 1L 43 PIThompson, margalang, rn.roselle
FEAT 1L 43 michele
OVATE 8A 27 ZEHAVARON, manfred
FEET L1 22 kp10, worsie, Andy1990
FA H1 15 tonikay

On 17th draw, AVION 8A 27 --- AVION an aeroplane [n]
Other tops: AHINT A11 27
Other moves: CHAI J5 25, CHI J6 25, HANT A12 24, HAO H4 24, HINT A12 24
AVION 8A 27 yab
CHI J6 25 PIThompson
HANT A12 24 tonikay
CHAD 5D 20 Andy1990, kp10, manfred, jeff
CHINO M6 19 michele
HA H1 15 rn.roselle, margalang

On 18th draw, THIONINE E2 72 --- THIONINE a violet dye [n]
Other moves: HE 1H 33, HENT A12 24, HINT A12 24, HOI H4 24, HIE 7C 23
HE 1H 33 rn.roselle, yab, narisa
HENT A12 24 tonikay
HINT A12 24 michele, PIThompson
TEN 4L 22 jeff
HIDE 5E 16 margalang
THINE E5 16 worsie
HA H1 15 kp10
TONED 5C 12 Andy1990

On 19th draw, ILLICIT C3 29 --- ILLICIT unlawful, forbidden [adj]
Other moves: BITCH 3A 24, BITT A12 20, LILAC 4D 20, BLITE 7C 19, BI 2N 18
BITCH 3A 24 ZEHAVARON, PIThompson, yab, worsie
BITT A12 20 tonikay
FEEB L1 18 rn.roselle
BI D4 18 jeff
BAC K10 15 Andy1990
FEET L1 14 margalang, kp10, narisa
BA H1 12 michele
TI 13B 4 manfred

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