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Game of July 4, 2011 at 20:13, 8 players
1. 548 pts jeff
2. 441 pts michele
3. 423 pts naomiari

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beghist   H7    32    32   besigh
 2. adelmst  13B    87   119   malteds
 3. ?bilnsw  11B    76   195   bawlings
 4. eehiloo  14E    32   227   oho
 5. ainnopx  10E    52   279   ax
 6. aeefnoq  15A    39   318   neafe
 7. aenorwz  15G   117   435   warzone
 8. ?eijntu   I2    71   506   jauntie
 9. ceiopry   5E    48   554   oriency
10. efilrtv   4K    32   586   fiver
11. agilpru   4A    24   610   graip
12. adeoprt   O1   149   759   prorated
13. aekosty  N10    66   825   kayoes
14. aaelort  D10    24   849   twal
15. deimnuv   B2    32   881   unrimed
16. denrtuv   A7    36   917   derv
17. acllntu  12J    20   937   culty
18. giloqtu   3D    30   967   quit
19. agilnoo   M1    26   993   loaving

Remaining tile: o

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6478 Filejeff        2 23:21  -445  548     1.6478 jeff        2 23:21  -445  548 
  2.5708 Filemichele     1 25:19  -552  441            Group: novice
  3.5330 Filenaomiari    1 20:46  -570  423     1.5708 michele     1 25:19  -552  441 
  4.5400 Filenarisa      0 15:02  -610  383     2.5330 naomiari    1 20:46  -570  423 
  5.4155 Filepickrose    0  9:10  -831  162     3.5400 narisa      0 15:02  -610  383 
  6.  -  Filekatz1       0  8:38  -846  147            Group: not rated
  7.4003 Filegmills0     0  8:26  -901   92     1.4155 pickrose    0  9:10  -831  162 
  8.  -  Filefelipher    0  1:04  -988    5     2.  -  katz1       0  8:38  -846  147 
                                             3.4003 gmills0     0  8:26  -901   92 
                                             4.  -  felipher    0  1:04  -988    5 

On 1st draw, BESIGH H7 32 --- BESIGH to sigh over [v]
Other moves: BESIGH H4 30, BIGHTS H4 30, BESIGH H8 28, BIGHT H4 28, BESIGH H3 26
BESIGH H7 32 jeff
THIS H8 14 michele
SH*T H5 14 naomiari
BEST H6 12 narisa

On 2nd draw, MALTEDS 13B 87 --- MALTED a sweet beverage [n]
Other moves: MISDEALT 10G 67, MEDALIST 10C 65, MEDALETS 8C 62, MEDALETS 8G 62, LAMEDS 13C 35
STALED 13H 29 jeff
SMALT 13H 23 narisa
DAMS 13E 23 naomiari
HAMED 12H 22 michele

On 3rd draw, B(A)WLINGS 11B 76 --- BAWLING a state of crying [n]
Other tops: B(O)WLINGS 11B 76
Other moves: B(O)WLINES 8B 66, B(O)WLINES F7 66, BINGL(E)S 11E 36, W(H)IMS B10 34, BLIM(P)S B10 30
W(E)B 14A 24 jeff
WINGS 11E 18 narisa
SWILL D9 16 naomiari
WEBS F12 15 michele

On 4th draw, OHO 14E 32 --- OHO used to express surprise or exultation [interj]
Other moves: OOH 14D 31, HELIO 14A 30, HE 14F 29, HI 14F 29, HO 14F 29
HO 14F 29 naomiari
HOI 10F 29 jeff
OHO I7 21 michele
HE 14A 18 narisa
HOLE 12H 9 katz1

On 5th draw, AX 10E 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AXION 15A 42, PAX 15G 42, PIX 15G 42, POX 15G 42, PAX 14A 41
AX 10E 52 michele
PIX 15G 42 naomiari
PAX 15G 42 jeff
PIX 14A 41 narisa
OX 15G 31 katz1

On 6th draw, NEAFE 15A 39 --- NEAFE the fist [n]
Other moves: FANE 15G 28, FANO 15G 28, FEEN 15G 28, FOEN 15G 28, FONE 15G 28
FANE 15G 28 jeff
FEN 15G 25 katz1
FAN 14A 22 narisa, michele
FEE 14A 22 naomiari

On 7th draw, WARZONE 15G 117 --- WARZONE a region of armed conflict [n]
Other moves: WARZONE G3 85, WARZONE I1 76, WANZE 15G 58, WAREZ 15G 58, NAZE 15G 43
NAZE 15G 43 michele
RAZE 15G 43 jeff
ZA 12A 28 katz1
ZA 10A 19 naomiari
RAZE I4 19 narisa

On 8th draw, J(A)UNTIE I2 71 --- JAUNTIE a naval master-at-arms [n]
Other moves: J(A)UNTIE I1 70, J(A)UNTEE M9 42, J(A)UNTIE M9 42, JUTE(S) N11 41, JET(S) N12 39
JET(S) N12 39 jeff, katz1
JIN(S) 14K 33 michele
J(A)NE M12 20 narisa
J(O)IN L12 20 naomiari

On 9th draw, ORIENCY 5E 48 --- ORIENCY a quality of the orient [n]
Other moves: YIPE 14K 29, CYPRINE 5D 28, PIOYE 14K 28, YORP 14K 27, YORP J1 27
PRY 14M 20 narisa
PO J1 17 naomiari
JOY 2I 15 katz1, jeff, michele

On 10th draw, FIVER 4K 32 --- FIVER a five dollar bill, a five pound note [n]
Other moves: JILTER 2I 30, FERTILE M9 28, FIVE 4K 28, FILER 4K 26, FILET 4A 26
FIVER 4K 32 jeff
FILER 4K 26 naomiari
FELT 4K 22 michele
FIE 14M 17 narisa
JIVE 2I 16 pickrose

On 11th draw, GRAIP 4A 24 --- GRAIP a fork [n]
Other tops: LARRUP O1 24, PAGRI 4A 24, PAGRI O1 24, PUGIL 4A 24
Other moves: PIRAGU(A) 3C 22, PRIAL 4A 22, ARGULI O3 21, PLUG 4D 21, RUPIA O4 21
PAIR O1 18 pickrose, naomiari, narisa
PA J1 17 jeff
PEAL N3 8 michele

On 12th draw, PRORATED O1 149 --- PRORATE to divide proportionately [v]
Other tops: PARROTED O1 149, TEARDROP O1 149
GROPED A4 30 naomiari, jeff
DRAPER O3 27 narisa
TROPED O3 27 pickrose
REPORT O4 24 michele

On 13th draw, KAYOES N10 66 --- KAYO to knock out [v]
Other moves: TOKAYS N10 50, KOTWAL D8 46, ATOKES N10 44, KAYOS N11 44, KYATS N11 44
TYKES N11 44 jeff
KAY J1 27 naomiari
STAGY A1 27 narisa
GOATY A4 27 michele
STAGE A1 18 pickrose

On 14th draw, TWAL D10 24 --- TWAL twelve (Scots) [n]
Other tops: ALERT O10 24, GLOATER A4 24, LEGATOR A2 24
Other moves: ALATE 3C 23, ALTAR 3B 23, LARVATE M1 22, LEVATOR M2 22, AAL 14A 21
GLOATER A4 24 naomiari
GRATE A4 18 jeff
GREAT A4 18 narisa
GLARE A4 18 pickrose
LARGE A1 18 gmills0
ARE O10 18 michele

On 15th draw, UNRIMED B2 32 --- RIME to compose verse with corresponding terminal sounds [adj] --- UNRIMED not rimed [adj]
Other moves: GIVED A4 30, MINGED A1 30, MUNGED A1 30, MAUVEIN C3 28, MAUVINE C3 28
MINGED A1 30 narisa
GIVED A4 30 jeff
VIDEO 13J 18 michele
JIVED 2I 18 naomiari
DENY 12K 16 pickrose
MINED 8K 9 gmills0

On 16th draw, DERV A7 36 --- DERV fuel for a diesel engine road vehicle [n]
Other moves: DEV A7 33, URENT A6 30, REV A7 29, DENT A7 27, DERN A7 27
DEV A7 33 michele, jeff
DENT A7 27 naomiari
VERY 12K 20 pickrose, gmills0

On 17th draw, CULTY 12J 20 --- CULTY intended to appeal to a small group of fashionable people [adj]
Other tops: ACYL 12L 20, CANTY 12J 20, CULLY 12J 20, TALCY 12J 20
Other moves: ANTE M12 19, CAN J1 19, CAT J1 19, CANY 12K 18, CLAY 12K 18
CAT J1 19 jeff
CAN J1 19 michele
CAY 12L 16 narisa
JAUNT 2I 14 gmills0
COT 13M 10 pickrose
LACK 10K 10 naomiari
CUT 2A 5 felipher

On 18th draw, QUIT 3D 30 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: QUIP 1L 25, QUOP 1L 25, QUID 8L 24, QUILL L8 24, QUOD 8L 24
QUIP 1L 25 narisa, jeff, naomiari
QUIT G3 23 gmills0
QI 6D 16 michele
QI L3 11 pickrose

On 19th draw, LOAVING M1 26 --- LOAVE to form a head as in a cabbage [v]
Other moves: LAVING M2 24, LOVING M2 24, AGOG A1 23, GOOG A1 22, ION 14A 21
NOG J1 19 michele
LAG J1 19 jeff
GO J1 16 naomiari
OLE N2 12 narisa
VAIN M4 8 pickrose, gmills0

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