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Game of July 4, 2011 at 20:59, 10 players
1. 588 pts musdrive
2. 468 pts mylover81
3. 253 pts magictwig

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ailmsty   H3    82    82   myalist
 2. aeegirx   G6    39   121   axe
 3. aeefins  10C    30   151   neafes
 4. cdinoru   8A    42   193   doucines
 5. ?alnrry   5H    70   263   arrantly
 6. bcimort   O1    51   314   comby
 7. egnoors   A8    86   400   drongoes
 8. ?ahiott   L1    72   472   thionate
 9. benptuv  11C    29   501   unbe
10. eenstwz   8J    51   552   tweeze
11. adijosu   1F    45   597   judoist
12. adhilpt  12D    38   635   dahl
13. aaeilrt   2B    29   664   lariat
14. eegoprv   1A    30   694   repo
15. egiirtu   3F    23   717   remit
16. egiinuv   K8    26   743   wiving
17. efgipuv  13I    26   769   fugie
18. adegpvw   N2    44   813   weald
19. egkopqv   4D    31   844   kop

Remaining tiles: egqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7074 Filemusdrive    5 17:26  -256  588     1.7074 musdrive    5 17:26  -256  588 
  2.6971 Filemylover81   1 21:33  -376  468            Group: intermediate
  3.4475 Filemagictwig   0 12:20  -591  253     1.6971 mylover81   1 21:33  -376  468 
  4.6266 Filedannyboy    1  5:56  -596  248     2.6266 dannyboy    1  5:56  -596  248 
  5.4161 Filepickrose    0  8:41  -664  180     3.6577 SuperH      0  2:24  -789   55 
  6.5314 Fileslebbarc    1  6:37  -683  161            Group: novice
  7.5788 Filenderera     0  6:13  -742  102     1.5314 slebbarc    1  6:37  -683  161 
  8.4013 Filegmills0     0  7:15  -754   90     2.5788 nderera     0  6:13  -742  102 
  9.6577 FileSuperH      0  2:24  -789   55            Group: not rated
 10.4290 FileDbuggle     0  2:55  -792   52     1.4475 magictwig   0 12:20  -591  253 
                                             2.4161 pickrose    0  8:41  -664  180 
                                             3.4013 gmills0     0  7:15  -754   90 
                                             4.4290 Dbuggle     0  2:55  -792   52 

On 1st draw, MYALIST H3 82 --- MYALIST one who practises myalism [n]
Other moves: MYALIST H4 80, MYALIST H2 76, MYALIST H6 76, MYALIST H7 76, MYALIST H8 76
MISLAY H7 30 musdrive
MALTY H8 28 slebbarc
MALIST H4 22 gmills0

On 2nd draw, AXE G6 39 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AX G6 36, EX G6 36, XI G7 36, EXILER 6E 31, RELAX 6F 30
AXE G6 39 musdrive, mylover81, slebbarc
AXLE 6F 13 gmills0

On 3rd draw, NEAFES 10C 30 --- NEAFE the fist [n]
Other moves: NIFES 10D 29, SAFE 10H 28, FAS 10F 27, FES 10F 27, SIF 10H 27
NIFES 10D 29 mylover81
SAFE 10H 28 musdrive
STAIN 9G 19 slebbarc
AXIS 7F 12 gmills0

On 4th draw, DOUCINES 8A 42 --- DOUCINE a cornice moulding [n]
Other moves: CRUNODES 8A 36, NOURICES 8A 33, ROUNCIES 8A 33, DOURINES 8A 30, COURD 11A 26
CORD 11B 24 musdrive, mylover81
FOUND F10 13 gmills0
COIN C7 10 slebbarc

On 5th draw, ARRAN(T)LY 5H 70 --- ARRANT notorious [adv] --- ARRANTLY in an arrant manner [adv]
Other moves: LA(M)INARY E5 40, RYAL 11D 33, N(E)ARLY 11A 32, R(E)ARLY 11A 32, (G)NARLY 11A 32
YAR 11E 29 musdrive
ARY 11D 26 mylover81
RAL(L)Y 6F 17 slebbarc
CLEAN(E)R D8 16 gmills0

On 6th draw, COMBY O1 51 --- COMBY wavy [adj]
Other moves: MYOTIC O4 48, CORBY O1 45, CROMB 11A 36, COMB 11B 34, CROMB F2 34
COMBY O1 51 musdrive
MYOTIC O4 48 slebbarc
BORTY O1 33 mylover81
BROMIC J4 14 gmills0

On 7th draw, DRONGOES A8 86 --- DRONGO a tropical bird [n]
Other moves: OREGANOS K1 59, REGINAS E5 32, GOOLS N2 30, MONOGERM 3H 28, SOOLE N2 26
GOOLS N2 30 musdrive

On 8th draw, THIONAT(E) L1 72 --- THIONATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: HA(B)ITAT E5 36, THALI N2 35, THALI(S) N2 35, THOLI N2 35, ATI(S)HOO B2 34
THAT 11D 33 musdrive, mylover81
TAXI 7E 15 magictwig

On 9th draw, UNBE 11C 29 --- UNBE to cease to have being -- UNBE is the only accepted form of this verb; it cannot be conjugated [v]
Other moves: B(E)VUE 8K 27, BEN 11E 25, BET 11E 25, PUB F4 24, NEB F4 22
BEN 11E 25 mylover81
PUB F4 24 musdrive
EVENT D10 16 magictwig

On 10th draw, TW(E)EZE 8J 51 --- TWEEZE to pluck with a tweezer [v]
Other moves: NE(E)ZES 8J 42, SN(E)EZE 8J 42, N(E)EZE 8K 39, TZETSE 9H 37, SNEEZY 4C 36
SN(E)EZE 8J 42 magictwig
WIZ 3K 30 musdrive
SWEET 1H 24 pickrose
ZO 2N 22 mylover81

On 11th draw, JUDOIST 1F 45 --- JUDOIST one skilled in judo [n]
Other moves: ADJUST 1G 42, JA N2 40, JO N2 40, JOIST 1H 36, JOUST 1H 36
JO N2 40 mylover81, dannyboy, musdrive
JOUST 1H 36 magictwig
JUST 1I 11 pickrose

On 12th draw, DAHL 12D 38 --- DAHL an Indian dish of lentils and spices [n]
Other moves: DAH 12D 36, THALI N2 35, HAD 9M 34, DHAL N2 33, HAT 9M 32
DAH 12D 36 musdrive
HAD 9M 34 dannyboy, mylover81
WHAP K8 24 pickrose
JAP F1 14 magictwig

On 13th draw, LARIAT 2B 29 --- LARIAT to catch with a long rope with a running noose [v]
Other moves: LATRIA 2A 27, REALIA 2A 27, RELATA 2A 27, ATRIA 2B 25, RAITA 2B 25
TIARA 2B 25 musdrive
LAT 9M 20 dannyboy
TAR 9M 20 mylover81
WRITE K8 16 pickrose
LEAR O7 4 magictwig

On 14th draw, REPO 1A 30 --- REPO something repossessed [n]
Other moves: PROVER D1 28, PREVE D1 26, PROVE D1 26, EVERY 4D 22, GEM 3F 22
REPO 1A 30 musdrive, dannyboy
PROVE D1 26 magictwig
REP 1A 21 mylover81
WOVE K8 20 pickrose
ZEP N8 20 nderera

On 15th draw, REMIT 3F 23 --- REMIT to send money in payment [v]
Other moves: GEM 3F 22, GUM 3F 22, RUME 3F 22, RET 3C 21, REM 3F 20
RET 3C 21 mylover81, dannyboy
ZIG N8 17 nderera, magictwig, musdrive
WRITE K8 16 pickrose

On 16th draw, WIVING K8 26 --- WIVE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: PAVING C1 24, PAVEN C1 20, PAVIN C1 20, VINIC D4 20, WIVE K8 20
WIVING K8 26 musdrive
PAVING C1 24 dannyboy, magictwig
WINGE K8 18 pickrose
NE 3C 17 nderera, mylover81

On 17th draw, FUGIE 13I 26 --- FUGIE a runaway [n]
Other tops: PUGGIE 13I 26
Other moves: EF M2 25, GIP 4D 25, GUP 4D 25, IF M2 25, PE 3C 25
PE 3C 25 dannyboy
EF M2 25 mylover81
FI(T) M3 22 musdrive
ZIP N8 20 Dbuggle
FE L11 19 nderera
PAVE C1 18 pickrose
PAGE C1 14 magictwig

On 18th draw, WEALD N2 44 --- WEALD a woodland [n]
Other moves: GNAWED 12J 38, GAWP 4C 33, WEAL N2 32, WAP 14H 29, WAP 4D 29
WEALD N2 44 musdrive
WE 3C 29 dannyboy, SuperH, mylover81, magictwig, nderera
PAVED C1 22 pickrose
PAGED C1 18 Dbuggle

On 19th draw, KOP 4D 31 --- KOP a hill [n]
Other tops: KEP 4D 31
Other moves: KEP 14H 30, POUKE J11 27, POUK J11 26, ZEK N8 26, PE 3C 25
KEP 14H 30 musdrive, mylover81
ZEK N8 26 SuperH
PE 3C 25 dannyboy
SPOKE 15A 16 magictwig
PAGE C1 14 Dbuggle
QI E7 11 pickrose

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