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Game of July 5, 2011 at 06:01, 4 players
1. 420 pts ksong
2. 356 pts johnny55
3. 201 pts lyndyloo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cefgnru   H4    22    22   grufe
 2. ?adiort   8A    77    99   ordinate
 3. abdeglr   E5    94   193   brangled
 4. adinops   B3    65   258   poniards
 5. ?aeiisu   C3    30   288   abused
 6. cemnoor   5G    74   362   cromorne
 7. behllot   K4    76   438   bolthole
 8. acelstv   O1    46   484   caves
 9. aenqryz   8K    54   538   hazer
10. aeintuw   M8    32   570   zeatin
11. aefmovw   D1    40   610   wove
12. adeikmr   G8    67   677   tidemark
13. efijlty  H13    49   726   ley
14. aefinpt   1D    33   759   waift
15. ejnnouw  12A    48   807   jowed
16. hinoqux   2J    70   877   quinoa
17. hiinpst  14E    90   967   phrenitis
18. gintuxy  A12    63  1030   jynx

Remaining tiles: gitu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6222 Fileksong       1 15:28  -610  420     1.6222 ksong       1 15:28  -610  420 
  2.4796 Filejohnny55    1 17:15  -674  356            Group: not rated
  3.4838 Filelyndyloo    1  7:19  -829  201     1.4796 johnny55    1 17:15  -674  356 
  4.  -  Fileanna20      0  0:50 -1019   11     2.4838 lyndyloo    1  7:19  -829  201 
                                             3.  -  anna20      0  0:50 -1019   11 

On 1st draw, GRUFE H4 22 --- GRUFE the face [n]
Other moves: GRUFE H8 20, CURF H5 18, CURF H6 18, CURF H7 18, CURF H8 18
RUNG H8 10 johnny55

On 2nd draw, ORDI(N)ATE 8A 77 --- ORDINATE a particular geometric coordinate [n] --- ORDINATE to ordain [v]
Other tops: ER(G)ATOID 8H 77
Other moves: A(S)TROID 9G 70, (G)ORDITA G6 69, AR(C)TOID I7 68, A(S)TROID I7 68, GORDITA(S) 4H 68
GOIT(E)R 4H 12 johnny55

On 3rd draw, BRA(N)GLED E5 94 --- BRANGLE to wrangle [v]
Other moves: GRADABLE F6 68, GRADABLE F4 66, BLA(N)DER E5 36, BRA(N)GLE E5 36, EGAD I5 28
DALE I8 16 johnny55

On 4th draw, PONIARDS B3 65 --- PONIARD a small dagger [n] --- PONIARD to stab with this small dagger [v]
Other moves: ISOPODAN A4 62, ISOPODAN A6 62, PADIS I6 30, POIND D11 30, PADI I6 29
SPAIN 9H 20 johnny55
SPIN 9H 19 lyndyloo

On 5th draw, A(B)USED C3 30 --- ABUSE to use wrongly or improperly [v]
Other tops: A(M)USED C3 30, DI(N)GIES 9B 30
Other moves: A(B)USE A1 24, A(D)IEUS C1 24, A(M)USE A1 24, (C)AUSE A1 24, (H)AUSE A1 24
SI(T)E I8 13 johnny55
SPI(N)E 3A 12 lyndyloo

On 6th draw, CROMORNE 5G 74 --- CROMORNE an early woodwind instrument [n]
Other moves: ONCOME A10 41, COME D1 33, CREM D2 33, COMEDO 12A 28, CERO D1 27
MONO D1 27 ksong
CROONER 5G 18 johnny55
RO(B)E 4A 8 lyndyloo

On 7th draw, BOLTHOLE K4 76 --- BOLTHOLE a hole into which a bolt slides [n]
Other moves: BROTHEL L4 32, HELO D1 31, HOLE D1 31, HOTE D1 31, GLOBE 4H 30
HOLED 12A 26 lyndyloo
BORE L3 12 johnny55

On 8th draw, CAVES O1 46 --- CAVE to hollow out [v]
Other tops: SCLAVE O5 46
Other moves: CHEVAL 8J 45, ALECS O1 43, TALCS O1 43, VESTAL O3 43, AVELS O1 40
CAVES O1 46 lyndyloo
VALES O1 40 johnny55
HAVES 8K 36 ksong

On 9th draw, HAZER 8K 54 --- HAZER one that hazes [n]
Other moves: HYENA 8K 45, RAZER L1 38, HAYER 8K 36, HENRY 8K 36, ZANY J9 35
HAZER 8K 54 johnny55, ksong
ZANY M3 32 lyndyloo

On 10th draw, ZEATIN M8 32 --- ZEATIN a chemical compound found in maize [n]
Other tops: WATER L1 32
Other moves: WANE D1 31, WATE D1 31, WENA D1 31, WETA D1 31, WINE D1 31
WANED 12A 26 lyndyloo
WANT D11 25 ksong
WAIDE 12B 18 johnny55

On 11th draw, WOVE D1 40 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v]
Other tops: FAVE D1 40, FEMORA L1 40, WAVE D1 40, WOMERA L1 40
Other moves: FAVER L1 38, FAVOR L1 38, VOWER L1 38, WAFER L1 38, WAVER L1 38
WOF N10 37 ksong
WAVED 12A 32 lyndyloo, johnny55

On 12th draw, TIDEMARK G8 67 --- TIDEMARK a mark showing the highest or lowest points of a tide [n]
Other moves: MAWKIER 1B 48, WARKED 1D 42, KAIM L12 40, MAIK L12 40, MARK L12 40
WREAK 1D 36 ksong
WAKER 1D 36 johnny55

On 13th draw, LEY H13 49 --- LEY a meadow [n]
Other moves: YLIKE 15D 48, WIFELY 1D 45, FIKY 15E 42, FYKE 15E 42, WIFEY 1D 42
KILTY 15G 36 johnny55
FEY N12 25 ksong

On 14th draw, WAIFT 1D 33 --- WAIFT cast up goods [n]
Other tops: FETWA 1A 33, FIE I13 33
Other moves: FINER L1 32, LEAF 6K 32, FAINE L11 30, FAINT L11 30, FAINE D11 29
FIN 12L 12 johnny55
WAFT 1D 10 ksong

On 15th draw, JOWED 12A 48 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: J*W J9 33, WEN N10 31, WON N10 31, ENOW D12 28, JEON J9 28
WON N10 31 ksong
JUNKY 15D 27 johnny55

On 16th draw, QUINOA 2J 70 --- QUINOA a weedy plant [n]
Other moves: JINX A12 54, OX 6M 52, QUIN L12 52, XI N10 52, HOX 13B 50
JINX A12 54 ksong
ROUX O8 11 anna20

On 17th draw, PHRENITIS 14E 90 --- PHRENITIS [n]
Other moves: INSHIP 12I 36, PISH L12 36, PITH L12 36, PISH 14K 34, HIPS 14J 33
HIT N10 31 ksong

On 18th draw, JYNX A12 63 --- JYNX the wryneck, a bird related to the woodpecker [n]
Other moves: JINX A12 54, XI N10 52, NIXY 12L 36, XI 1L 36, XU 1L 36
JINX A12 54 ksong

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