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Game of July 5, 2011 at 06:45, 6 players
1. 389 pts woofy1
2. 301 pts lyndyloo
3. 107 pts ksong

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adegnrt   H4    72    72   dragnet
 2. aiimnos   8C    61   133   insomnia
 3. ?eegipt   E5    90   223   prestige
 4. aeilors   4H    70   293   darioles
 5. aelprst   O1   140   433   persalts
 6. acdoors   2H    76   509   doorcase
 7. aefinru   1D    45   554   faine
 8. ?ertuvz  D12    50   604   trez
 9. adeiuww   5G    28   632   wried
10. gioqtuw  15A    66   698   quiz
11. ?ehuuxy  14B    43   741   oxeye
12. abektuy  15F    35   776   tyke
13. abcginw   K8    37   813   cawing
14. aehlnru   6J    33   846   heal
15. bdehijm   2A    38   884   jibed
16. lmnootv   3C    38   922   omov
17. ahnotuv  13I    28   950   hognut
18. abnoruv  N10    28   978   burton

Remaining tiles: afluv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6660 Filewoofy1      3 17:07  -589  389     1.6660 woofy1      3 17:07  -589  389 
  2.4846 Filelyndyloo    0 16:28  -677  301     2.6225 ksong       0  7:31  -871  107 
  3.6225 Fileksong       0  7:31  -871  107            Group: novice
  4.  -  Filetrina       0  2:29  -959   19     1.5760 Faeythe     0  1:31  -962   16 
  5.5760 FileFaeythe     0  1:31  -962   16            Group: not rated
  6.  -  Fileanna20      0  1:44  -962   16     1.4846 lyndyloo    0 16:28  -677  301 
                                             2.  -  trina       0  2:29  -959   19 
                                             3.  -  anna20      0  1:44  -962   16 

On 1st draw, DRAGNET H4 72 --- DRAGNET a net for trawling [n]
Other tops: GRANTED H4 72, GRANTED H6 72
Other moves: DRAGNET H2 70, DRAGNET H3 70, DRAGNET H6 70, DRAGNET H7 70, DRAGNET H8 70
GRANTED H4 22 ksong, woofy1
RAGED H8 18 lyndyloo

On 2nd draw, INSOMNIA 8C 61 --- INSOMNIA chronic inability to sleep [n]
Other tops: INSOMNIA 8G 61
Other moves: AMORINI 5E 36, AMNIOS 11C 26, ANIMIS 11C 26, SAIMIN 11H 26, SIMIAN 11H 26
MAINS 11D 24 lyndyloo
MANS 11E 22 ksong
TAM 10H 11 woofy1

On 3rd draw, P(R)ESTIGE E5 90 --- PRESTIGE charm, magic or glamour in the eyes of other people [n]
Other tops: PETERI(N)G 5D 90
Other moves: PETE(R)ING D2 70, PRE(S)TIGE 5G 70, P(H)ENGITE D5 70, STEEPI(N)G E8 70, (S)TEEPING D2 70
PEG(S) 11E 21 lyndyloo
(S)TEEPING D2 20 ksong
PIE 7C 19 woofy1
GRIPE 5G 16 anna20

On 4th draw, DARIOLES 4H 70 --- DARIOLE a type of pastry filled with cream, custard, or jelly [n]
Other moves: OLEARIAS J2 62, OLEARIAS J5 62, RESAIL 13C 25, ROSEAL 13C 25, AESIR 13C 23
SAILOR K8 23 woofy1
ROLES 13A 21 lyndyloo
DRAGNETS H4 10 ksong

On 5th draw, PERSALTS O1 140 --- PERSALT a chemical salt [n]
Other tops: PLASTERS O1 140
Other moves: PERSALT 13B 81, PLAITERS K1 81, PLASTER 13B 81, PSALTERS O3 80, STAPLERS O4 80
STAPLERS O4 30 woofy1
SPEAR K8 25 lyndyloo
PEE 7C 17 ksong

On 6th draw, DOORCASE 2H 76 --- DOORCASE the frame of a door [n]
Other moves: CARDS K8 29, CODAS K8 29, CORDS K8 29, SCROD K7 29, COARSE 2J 28
DOORS 13A 23 lyndyloo
SCOLD M1 16 Faeythe
DOE N2 16 woofy1
CODER 12B 16 ksong

On 7th draw, FAINE 1D 45 --- FAINE to feign [v]
Other tops: FERIA 1D 45, FRENA 1D 45
Other moves: FAINE 1G 39, FURANE 1C 39, INFARE 1C 39, FURANE F10 37, AFIRE 1D 36
FINE 1E 30 woofy1
REFINE 12D 20 lyndyloo

On 8th draw, TREZ D12 50 --- TREZ threepence [n]
Other moves: R(I)TZ D12 48, TR(E)Z D12 48, TU(Z)Z D12 48, T(R)EZ D12 48, ZE(S)TER 12A 48
ZE(S)T 13C 34 woofy1
ZIT C7 23 lyndyloo

On 9th draw, WRIED 5G 28 --- WRY to contort [v]
Other moves: TWEED 9E 27, WAR 3M 27, DEAW 2B 26, WAID 2C 26, WAWLED M1 26
WAE 2B 17 woofy1
WEED 14C 12 lyndyloo

On 10th draw, QUIZ 15A 66 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: TOQUE 7A 47, QUOIT 10B 36, QUI(R)T 6B 35, QUIET 14A 28, OW 3L 27
QUIZ 15A 66 woofy1
QUOIT 10B 36 lyndyloo

On 11th draw, (O)XEYE 14B 43 --- OXEYE a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: HEXY(L) 2A 43
Other moves: HEX 6J 39, HEX 7A 38, HE(L)IX 10B 38, YEX 7A 38, H(E)X 6J 37
(S)EXY 2A 34 woofy1

On 12th draw, TYKE 15F 35 --- TYKE a small child [n]
Other tops: TAKY 15F 35
Other moves: BEAK 6J 31, BYKE 2A 31, BAULKY M1 30, TAKY 2A 30, ABYE 15F 29
TAKY 15F 35 woofy1
TEAK 15F 26 lyndyloo

On 13th draw, CAWING K8 37 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v] --- CAWING the act of cawing [n]
Other moves: CABIN K8 31, BAWLING M1 30, ACING K7 29, CABLING M1 28, CANG K8 27
AWING 14I 19 woofy1
TAWING 10H 18 lyndyloo

On 14th draw, HEAL 6J 33 --- HEAL to make sound or whole [v]
Other tops: HEAR 6J 33, HERL 6J 33, HERN 6J 33
Other moves: HEN 6J 32, HER 6J 32, AAH 6H 31, HE 6J 31, HUGER 13I 26
HEAR 6J 33 woofy1
HUGER 13I 26 lyndyloo

On 15th draw, JIBED 2A 38 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: JIBE 2A 31, MEDIAE 9G 30, MEHNDI 12H 30, HADJI 9J 29, MEDIA 9G 29

On 16th draw, OMOV 3C 38 --- OMOV a voting system of one man, one vote [n]
Other moves: TOMO 3B 34, TOMENTA 9E 29, NOM 3B 28, OOM 3B 28, T*M 3B 28
VOTE I12 8 lyndyloo

On 17th draw, HOGNUT 13I 28 --- HOGNUT a hickory nut [n]
Other moves: WHAMO G5 27, HOGAN 13I 26, UGH 7G 26, HAEN 7C 24, HAET 7C 24
VOE I13 10 trina

On 18th draw, BURTON N10 28 --- BURTON a hoisting tackle [n]
Other tops: BARTON N10 28
Other moves: AB 14I 26, BANTU N10 26, OB 14I 26, ABOON J10 24, RUBATO N9 20
BIN C7 9 trina

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